If you've been looking forward to Ubisoft's Beyond Good & Evil - 20th Anniversary Edition, we're pleased to say it's now available on the Xbox Store! You can grab the game right now at the low price of £17.99 / $19.99.
Alongside the release, we've also seen a handful of reviews going live - including from our sister site Push Square. Our Xbox access was only granted a few hours ago, so we'll need a bit longer before publishing the Pure Xbox review.
So, let's take a look at what the first reviews are saying about Beyond Good & Evil - 20th Anniversary Edition:
Gaming Trend (9/10)
"Beyond Good & Evil is an absolute classic, and the 20th Anniversary Edition makes it easier than ever to appreciate why. The characters are endearing, the visuals are mostly amazing, the music is incredible, and the gameplay is a ton of fun on top of all that. If this is your first time stepping into Jade’s sneakers or your 20th, now has never been a better time to explore the beauty of Hillys."
Push Square (8/10)
"A bona fide classic remastered with love and care. This edition brings smooth visuals, a beautifully recreated musical score, and well-presented supplemental materials. It certainly shows its age, but like all great art, Beyond Good & Evil weathers the test of time with grace."