Comments 163

Re: Xbox Throws Major Shade At Claims Of 'Game Pass Burnout'


@Titntin Well, there are many first party titles on gamepass (we had Halo and Forza and some others this year), especially for those who are new to Xbox (and I thing MS generally designed GP to attract newcomers). However, I agree that the next year will be the true year for GP first party titles.

Re: Xbox Throws Major Shade At Claims Of 'Game Pass Burnout'


IMO, having access to MS first party games day one (which will include Bethesda and Activision) ALONE justifies the gamepass asking price. All else, including EA Play and third party AAA and indies (some day one indies) are bonuses. What do you expect from a 15$ monthly subscription? To give you all there is?

Re: 46% Of US PlayStation Owners Interested In Xbox Game Pass Due To Activision Deal, Says Poll


@Spaceman-Spiff Nintendoers are generally casual when it comes to COD and other similar AAA titles. Therefore, GP is an ideal deal for them. Instead of paying 70$+ for games that they are only casually interested, they are willing to pay a lower subscription fee in order to experience/play those titles (i.e., rent them, GP is more or less a digital renting service). Since I am generally a niche and retro gamer, I have the similar stance towards AAA titles such as COD (also MS first party titles). While I am willing to casually play them, I am not willing to pay 70$ or buy any DLCs. GamePass is very Ideal for those who are casual regarding AAA blockbusters.

Re: Xbox Players Are Getting Stuck At The Tutorial In Crusader Kings 3


It is a magnificent game. But it is too much for me. During the years, these games has become massively complicated and expansive. I remember playing Medieval Total War more than a decade ago, and it was way more accessible and simple than this one. Great game, but not for me. I prefer to stay in the era when games were shorter and more simple.

Re: Sony Boss Tells PlayStation Owners To 'Expect More Acquisitions'


The only japanese company worth the money, as far as western market concerned, is Capcom. RE and SF are game changers. Squareenix is also important, but Sony is already its semi-exclusive platform (especially in the case of its japanese titles) and thus there is no need to waste billions on it, except if Sony decides to go after Nintendo and snatch the Japan market.

Re: Microsoft And Sony 'Have Never Been Competitors', Says Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford


They are competitors. But MS knows that they cannot beat Sony in its own ground (traditional hardware business and first party exclusives), so, they want to change the ground. Turning games into a service and changing the customers habits. The way Netflix an Spotify did with movies and music. If customers get used to pla AAA games day 1 on a sub service, the gradualy avoid payin 70$ for a game. In the long run Sony will lose.

Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite Xbox Console To Date?


Series X!! X360 was good, but complications such as RROD ruined it for me. To me Series X is the near perfect console. This comes from a guy who started playing video games since NES. All in all, SNES, Mega Drive, PS2, and Series X are the best consoles ever made. In my opinion Series X is the first MS true entry into the consoles Hall of Fame, first MS perfect console.

Re: Poll: How Are You Finding Halo Infinite's Campaign So Far?


It is good. But Generally the open world thing does not add anything of value to the overall gameplay (it is totally superfluous). It is just a service to a market that wants everything open world (or sandbox). It is still a great game, polished, great gameplay, run really well, and best Halo since Reach.

Re: Xbox Reveals New 512GB & 2TB Seagate Expansion Cards For Xbox Series X|S


I seriously do not need that amount of space. For me, the internal 1TB of Series X is more than enough. I always have around 300GB of free space. If I ever need one of these, the 512GB one (with a price drop, 99$) would be an attractive option for me. The prices of these SSD storages remind me of the absurd prices of Sony's PS Vita memory sticks.