Comments 163

Re: Report Takes Aim At Xbox Series X's 'Energy Wasting' Instant-On Mode


For me, as for those with slow internet connection, the only justification of Instant-on is downloading huge game files/updates. Other than that, there is no point in putting the consoles on Instant-on. Honestly, I personally don't care about these heavily advertised "quick resume" or instant-on features. I can wait more than 10 seconds for my console to boot up.

Re: Pick One: Which Of These Dead Space Games Is Your Favourite?


This is a dumb question. The first one without any qualifications. It is the best survival horror game after the first RE. I always say that Dead Space is the only survival horror game that knew hoe to improve and modernize the RE formula. Something that Capcom is still struggling to do. Although, both 2 and 3 are also good games.

Re: Feature: 30 Xbox Series X Games To Look Forward To In 2021


Good games. But seriously I think Series X needs more JRPGs (or more Japanese games in general). This should be their first priority. This generation, many people (including myself), jump ship from PS to Xbox. Therefore, they should know their demography is different from previous generation. If MS fail to accommodate more Japanese stuff, many people (again, including myself), end up buying PS again.