Comments 995

Re: Minecraft Celebrates 15th Anniversary With Free Gifts


500 MineCoin for Addons from GPU Perks too. You can't really get anything with that, let alone anything cool, and despite being Microsoft-approved like Creation Club stuff they disable Achievements, but if you like Kellogs/Pringles they're having another promotion where you get X amount of MineCoin for up to 3 purchases.

Re: Square Enix To Include Xbox As Part Of 'Aggressive' New Multiplatform Strategy


@theduckofdeath Oh for the most part I agree. Even if it was just things that made sense on a case by case basis like Octopath 2 & the FF Pixel Collection to keep their toes wet and have a minimal presence on Xbox they should've done it. But at this point the damage is more or less done, and the only one barely scathed is Sony.

Third-Party games paid for via Publishing I'd argue are fair game for Exclusivity though. Yeah it sucks something like Bayonetta is stuck on Nintendo Platforms only, but if Nintendo didn't pay for them, well it'd still be a one-off rotting with Sega. Honestly though I find it hard to fault Sony for the FF-exclusivity stuff, because SE is still stupid enough to accept it every time despite sales are worse each time, I can't blame Sony for doing it from a business perspective.

Re: Square Enix To Include Xbox As Part Of 'Aggressive' New Multiplatform Strategy


I'm glad it's happening, but 'Square Enix Down So Bad It's Giving Xbox a Chance' isn't exactly a W in the way people are painting it. Especially considering the fact Xbox has already missed a lot of SE games, and we're unlikely to see ports of all but the biggest ones due to the shift to only focus on those AAA games at SE.

But most of these same people have trashed on SE and said they didn't want their games on Xbox anyways, and another good percentage of them said Japanese and anime games like theirs suck, but sure, pretend like you want their games now.

Re: Starfield Is Getting A 60FPS Performance Mode On Xbox Series X


@eduscxbox Oh I'm sorry, it was the other loud mouthpiece Phil Spencer who said, in Todd Howard's stead, that 30 FPS was 'a creative choice'. Normally when something that's not true internally like that is said it would be corrected, but I guess they were too busy comparing landing on a video game moon with nothing on it was the same as physically landing on the Moon IRL.

Re: Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Made Profit Despite Huge Critical Success


Considering what nonsense has been going on behind the scenes in the industry, expect to be hearing a lot more stories like this in the days to come. I'd assume (and hope) they gotta pull in less ridiculous numbers to turn a profit than Spider-Man 2 has to, but it's also an inherently less popular IP so it might just as bad when scaled accordingly.

Re: Fallout 4's Next-Gen Update Is Coming To Xbox Series X|S Later This Month


Fallout 4's really fun gameplay-wise, it's just a garbage Fallout game. If they didn't water down every gameplay aspect Starfield would've been so amazing... but let's focus on the positives.

Wonder if they'll add in more Creation Club freebies in addition to these along with the current rotation they've been doing for a few years. Either way I'm excited to play again, and since I have all the Achievements I can mess around with the limited console mods.