@Arcticpandapopz Cloudberry Kingdom is fun, but it's a co-op experience. For 2 bucks and the small install size I'd say it's worth it. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a great, and has Split-Screen Co-Op, also delisted on Steam iirc. Mini Ninjas Adventures is fun but a Kinect game.
500 MineCoin for Addons from GPU Perks too. You can't really get anything with that, let alone anything cool, and despite being Microsoft-approved like Creation Club stuff they disable Achievements, but if you like Kellogs/Pringles they're having another promotion where you get X amount of MineCoin for up to 3 purchases.
It's nice they're giving the 360 store a last meal, but it doesn't undermine the fact that this was entirely Microsoft's choice to kill it. And they can work with these companies last minute to organize sales, but not to make more games Backwards or at the very least get the already BC ones relisted?
@theduckofdeath Oh for the most part I agree. Even if it was just things that made sense on a case by case basis like Octopath 2 & the FF Pixel Collection to keep their toes wet and have a minimal presence on Xbox they should've done it. But at this point the damage is more or less done, and the only one barely scathed is Sony.
Third-Party games paid for via Publishing I'd argue are fair game for Exclusivity though. Yeah it sucks something like Bayonetta is stuck on Nintendo Platforms only, but if Nintendo didn't pay for them, well it'd still be a one-off rotting with Sega. Honestly though I find it hard to fault Sony for the FF-exclusivity stuff, because SE is still stupid enough to accept it every time despite sales are worse each time, I can't blame Sony for doing it from a business perspective.
@Topov81 Yeah that was one of the last big 360 games, and obviously they didn't update the store years later when it was removed so, be prepared to see it in almost every image as it's still a prominent ad on the 360.
I'm glad it's happening, but 'Square Enix Down So Bad It's Giving Xbox a Chance' isn't exactly a W in the way people are painting it. Especially considering the fact Xbox has already missed a lot of SE games, and we're unlikely to see ports of all but the biggest ones due to the shift to only focus on those AAA games at SE.
But most of these same people have trashed on SE and said they didn't want their games on Xbox anyways, and another good percentage of them said Japanese and anime games like theirs suck, but sure, pretend like you want their games now.
@Techno92LFC Most of these are from the same 3 companies so, I doubt anyone at Xbox had a hand in this. Just a few being smart enough to potentially make a few extra sales while they can with nothing to lose.
If it was undercooked after being held like 6 months extra to launch with the show, that only concerns me with how well it worked when it was intended to release. Or how Starfield ran when it was intended to release.
Can't wait for in a few years GP becomes unsustainable when AAAs take too long, Third Parties ask for more to be a part of it, & with the closing of smaller studios, a lack of consistent original GP games to fill the gaps. And no one at Microsoft will take responsibility.
In other words, "We're gutting Bethesda to be like Activision and only focus on 3 things, so don't expect any good change from us buying Activision either."
Owning a Series X has been the biggest advertisement to just getting a gaming PC and not dealing with Microsoft & Sony's nonsense. Started working on my Steam Library in the time waiting for my money & help with parts.
I genuinely wonder if anyone falls for these scams. Just for the price of one of the two games, you could get at least 4 from the same selection on sale, if not more.
@DennisReynolds The sad thing it's that such a normal thing for Microsoft to do now. Have good thing, praise good thing, stop good thing shortly after praising it.
It's mind blowing and infuriating the smaller dev teams are the ones who suffer when the big ones fail. Why would you even wanna be a game developer in Current Year when someone could scoop you up and destroy everything you did and wanted to do?
I'm also quite mad at the Mighty DOOM devs getting canned. Microsoft wants a piece of the mobile market, they make a good mobile game, they get shut down. BGS is more or less just Fallout, TES, & DOOM now, which is totally not foreshadowing of them keeping Activision as the CoD company.
Feel like by the time Microsoft would make it appealing, the Steam Deck will have been made better. And anything Microsoft would make for it would also likely launch on said Steam Deck Day One.
@eduscxbox Oh I'm sorry, it was the other loud mouthpiece Phil Spencer who said, in Todd Howard's stead, that 30 FPS was 'a creative choice'. Normally when something that's not true internally like that is said it would be corrected, but I guess they were too busy comparing landing on a video game moon with nothing on it was the same as physically landing on the Moon IRL.
Considering what nonsense has been going on behind the scenes in the industry, expect to be hearing a lot more stories like this in the days to come. I'd assume (and hope) they gotta pull in less ridiculous numbers to turn a profit than Spider-Man 2 has to, but it's also an inherently less popular IP so it might just as bad when scaled accordingly.
Let's go, finally some different 360 games getting a sale. Picked up Deus Ex: Human Evolution, Tomb Raider Anniversary, & Tomb Raider Underworld. It'd be nice if the DLC went on sale too, but with Microsoft you gotta take what you can get.
Even if the DLC & big updates are Cyberpunk-sized I don't think I'll be revisiting it. The core idea of wanting the player to NG+ dozens of times defeats the point of things like outposts, ship building, collecting weapons with rare effects, etc. when almost everything resets.
It might be worth testing to see if leaving the game open for X amount of time triggers the Just For You Deal. I know there's a few games or games from Publishers I only opened or played for GP Quests and got stuff in the Deals section just from that.
As far as new games go? No. But I'd love to see 3 & New Vegas get Remasters, Xbox has them via BC but not PS or Switch (3 also doesn't have Steam Achievements). I know this is also in the super minority, but I'd like to see the team that does Shelter add the 2 sets of mobile content updates to the other platforms.
Until we actually see what they do, I have no expectations or desires, because the entire Series Gen so far that's only led to disappointment with Microsoft.
We have tipping culture in games. It's called the 3 dozen Day One DLCs & near-infinite microtransactions. You're telling me they want more on top of that, on top of the $70 price tag?
I feel like if you haven't played or grabbed these XBO/PS4 Gen titles they'll be adding by this point you probably don't care that much. Diablo 4 I could understand maybe selling some Subs, but not stuff like this. If they drip feed these like Nintendo does their NSO titles people just aren't gonna care.
Fallout 4's really fun gameplay-wise, it's just a garbage Fallout game. If they didn't water down every gameplay aspect Starfield would've been so amazing... but let's focus on the positives.
Wonder if they'll add in more Creation Club freebies in addition to these along with the current rotation they've been doing for a few years. Either way I'm excited to play again, and since I have all the Achievements I can mess around with the limited console mods.
Comments 995
Re: Xbox Begins Discounting Lots Of 360 Games Ahead Of July Store Closure
@Arcticpandapopz Cloudberry Kingdom is fun, but it's a co-op experience. For 2 bucks and the small install size I'd say it's worth it. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a great, and has Split-Screen Co-Op, also delisted on Steam iirc. Mini Ninjas Adventures is fun but a Kinect game.
Re: Minecraft Celebrates 15th Anniversary With Free Gifts
500 MineCoin for Addons from GPU Perks too. You can't really get anything with that, let alone anything cool, and despite being Microsoft-approved like Creation Club stuff they disable Achievements, but if you like Kellogs/Pringles they're having another promotion where you get X amount of MineCoin for up to 3 purchases.
Re: Microsoft Announces Dates For The Final Two Xbox 360 Store Sales
It's nice they're giving the 360 store a last meal, but it doesn't undermine the fact that this was entirely Microsoft's choice to kill it. And they can work with these companies last minute to organize sales, but not to make more games Backwards or at the very least get the already BC ones relisted?
Re: Square Enix To Include Xbox As Part Of 'Aggressive' New Multiplatform Strategy
@jesse_dylan I feel the need to point out all but 1 of those games listed are from Sega and Atlus, who is owned by Sega.
Re: Square Enix To Include Xbox As Part Of 'Aggressive' New Multiplatform Strategy
@theduckofdeath Oh for the most part I agree. Even if it was just things that made sense on a case by case basis like Octopath 2 & the FF Pixel Collection to keep their toes wet and have a minimal presence on Xbox they should've done it. But at this point the damage is more or less done, and the only one barely scathed is Sony.
Third-Party games paid for via Publishing I'd argue are fair game for Exclusivity though. Yeah it sucks something like Bayonetta is stuck on Nintendo Platforms only, but if Nintendo didn't pay for them, well it'd still be a one-off rotting with Sega. Honestly though I find it hard to fault Sony for the FF-exclusivity stuff, because SE is still stupid enough to accept it every time despite sales are worse each time, I can't blame Sony for doing it from a business perspective.
Re: Xbox Begins Discounting Lots Of 360 Games Ahead Of July Store Closure
@Topov81 Yeah that was one of the last big 360 games, and obviously they didn't update the store years later when it was removed so, be prepared to see it in almost every image as it's still a prominent ad on the 360.
Re: Square Enix To Include Xbox As Part Of 'Aggressive' New Multiplatform Strategy
I'm glad it's happening, but 'Square Enix Down So Bad It's Giving Xbox a Chance' isn't exactly a W in the way people are painting it. Especially considering the fact Xbox has already missed a lot of SE games, and we're unlikely to see ports of all but the biggest ones due to the shift to only focus on those AAA games at SE.
But most of these same people have trashed on SE and said they didn't want their games on Xbox anyways, and another good percentage of them said Japanese and anime games like theirs suck, but sure, pretend like you want their games now.
Re: Xbox Begins Discounting Lots Of 360 Games Ahead Of July Store Closure
@Techno92LFC Most of these are from the same 3 companies so, I doubt anyone at Xbox had a hand in this. Just a few being smart enough to potentially make a few extra sales while they can with nothing to lose.
Re: Bethesda Trademark Hints At New DOOM Announcement For Xbox Games Showcase
I already miss Mighty DOOM.
Re: Xbox Mobile Store Launches This July With Its Own 'First Party Portfolio'
I totally have faith in this after one of the 4 recent studios closed produced a good mobile game that's gonna end soon.
Re: 'Animal Well' Is Exploding In Popularity, But Where's The Xbox Version?
"This game is only on PS5, PC, and Switch for now." "Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down!?"
Re: Fallout 4 Will Be Getting A New Update Next Week On Xbox
If it was undercooked after being held like 6 months extra to launch with the show, that only concerns me with how well it worked when it was intended to release. Or how Starfield ran when it was intended to release.
Re: Recent Studio Closures Tied To 'Long Term' Health Of The Business, Claims Xbox President
Can't wait for in a few years GP becomes unsustainable when AAAs take too long, Third Parties ask for more to be a part of it, & with the closing of smaller studios, a lack of consistent original GP games to fill the gaps. And no one at Microsoft will take responsibility.
Re: Xbox Appears To Be Getting Ready For Crash Bandicoot On Game Pass
@BAMozzy Was Sony buying the license why? It was so long ago I thought it was because/when Disney bought Marvel, and everything was mostly delisted.
Re: Xbox Apparently Still Needs Smaller Games For 'Prestige And Awards'
They want the talented smaller devs to stick their heads out so they can remove them, can't have people outshining Fallout, TES, & CoD!
Re: Former Blizzard President Gives Support To Phil Spencer Amidst Xbox Negativity
@PROPS Just consume product, and get excited for next product!
Re: Xbox Exec Provides Reasoning Behind Bethesda Studio Closures
In other words, "We're gutting Bethesda to be like Activision and only focus on 3 things, so don't expect any good change from us buying Activision either."
Re: Reaction: Xbox's Push Towards 'Microsoft Gaming' Looks More Drastic Than We First Thought
Owning a Series X has been the biggest advertisement to just getting a gaming PC and not dealing with Microsoft & Sony's nonsense. Started working on my Steam Library in the time waiting for my money & help with parts.
Re: Xbox Is Hosting Another 'Buy One, Get Two Free' Sale This Week
I genuinely wonder if anyone falls for these scams. Just for the price of one of the two games, you could get at least 4 from the same selection on sale, if not more.
Re: Xbox Fans React Angrily To Closure Of Bethesda's Tango Gameworks
@DennisReynolds The sad thing it's that such a normal thing for Microsoft to do now. Have good thing, praise good thing, stop good thing shortly after praising it.
Re: Xbox Fans React Angrily To Closure Of Bethesda's Tango Gameworks
It's mind blowing and infuriating the smaller dev teams are the ones who suffer when the big ones fail. Why would you even wanna be a game developer in Current Year when someone could scoop you up and destroy everything you did and wanted to do?
Re: Xbox Fans React Angrily To Closure Of Bethesda's Tango Gameworks
I'm also quite mad at the Mighty DOOM devs getting canned. Microsoft wants a piece of the mobile market, they make a good mobile game, they get shut down. BGS is more or less just Fallout, TES, & DOOM now, which is totally not foreshadowing of them keeping Activision as the CoD company.
Re: Xbox Is Shutting Four Studios, Including Arkane Austin And Tango Gameworks
Doesn't matter if the name is different - when your only tactic is to buy things like Saber Interactive, you're gonna do the same thing.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Mind If The Next Xbox Was A Portable Console?
Feel like by the time Microsoft would make it appealing, the Steam Deck will have been made better. And anything Microsoft would make for it would also likely launch on said Steam Deck Day One.
Re: Starfield Is Getting A 60FPS Performance Mode On Xbox Series X
@eduscxbox Oh I'm sorry, it was the other loud mouthpiece Phil Spencer who said, in Todd Howard's stead, that 30 FPS was 'a creative choice'. Normally when something that's not true internally like that is said it would be corrected, but I guess they were too busy comparing landing on a video game moon with nothing on it was the same as physically landing on the Moon IRL.
Re: All New Xbox Games Coming Out In May 2024
Gonna have to coordinate nights of MultiVersus just to get the Achievement to play 500 times in a Party. Last one I need and boy is it gonna suck.
Re: Starfield Is Getting A 60FPS Performance Mode On Xbox Series X
But I thought the game was created ground up to only work at 30FPS? Surely Bethesda and Todd Howard of all people wouldn't just lie to out faces!
Re: Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Made Profit Despite Huge Critical Success
Considering what nonsense has been going on behind the scenes in the industry, expect to be hearing a lot more stories like this in the days to come. I'd assume (and hope) they gotta pull in less ridiculous numbers to turn a profit than Spider-Man 2 has to, but it's also an inherently less popular IP so it might just as bad when scaled accordingly.
Re: Xbox's Latest Batch Of 200+ Discounts Includes Star Wars And 'Award Winning' Games
Let's go, finally some different 360 games getting a sale. Picked up Deus Ex: Human Evolution, Tomb Raider Anniversary, & Tomb Raider Underworld. It'd be nice if the DLC went on sale too, but with Microsoft you gotta take what you can get.
Re: Starfield's Shattered Space Expansion DLC Launches On Xbox This Fall
Even if the DLC & big updates are Cyberpunk-sized I don't think I'll be revisiting it. The core idea of wanting the player to NG+ dozens of times defeats the point of things like outposts, ship building, collecting weapons with rare effects, etc. when almost everything resets.
Re: Rumour: Xbox Currently 'Formulating Plans' To Fast-Track Next Fallout Game
So Fallout 3 Remastered from the leaks?
Re: Xbox Game 'Tech Glitch' Gets 100% Discount, Now Entirely Free To Claim
Personally despise Puzzle Games because I'm stupid, but won't turn down a free Multiplayer or Local play game.
Re: Xbox Game Pass's Texas Chain Saw Massacre Gets Free DLC Promotion
It might be worth testing to see if leaving the game open for X amount of time triggers the Just For You Deal. I know there's a few games or games from Publishers I only opened or played for GP Quests and got stuff in the Deals section just from that.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Like To See Xbox Focus On A New Fallout Game?
As far as new games go? No. But I'd love to see 3 & New Vegas get Remasters, Xbox has them via BC but not PS or Switch (3 also doesn't have Steam Achievements). I know this is also in the super minority, but I'd like to see the team that does Shelter add the 2 sets of mobile content updates to the other platforms.
Re: Fallout: London Suffers Delay, Dev Wasn't Told About Fallout 4 Update
Why was this not expected, when the same exact thing happened to Skyrim when they added the Anniversary Edition stuff?
Re: Xbox's Latest BOGOF Sale Includes Some Best-Ever Deals On Rockstar Classics
@jesse_dylan There's still thousands of games not backwards compatible and digital-only. And a lot of good games too.
Re: Xbox's Latest BOGOF Sale Includes Some Best-Ever Deals On Rockstar Classics
@jesse_dylan Backwards compatible games you can buy on the Series/XBO stores aren't going away with the 360 store closing.
Re: Xbox's Latest BOGOF Sale Includes Some Best-Ever Deals On Rockstar Classics
The only backwards game from this I don't own is Red Dead, and I ain't buying it until it goes back to $9 on sale.
Re: Bethesda's Todd Howard Says 'Really Good Updates' Are Coming For Starfield
I don't think you can 'fix' Starfield without adding so much it borderline becomes a new game. The gameplay is just that watered down from Fallout 4.
Re: 'Braid, Anniversary Edition' Gets May 2024 Release Date For Xbox
@Auglicious It's called The Baconing, but is very much the third DeathSpank game. Still available on Steam though.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox's New 'Game Preservation' Team?
Until we actually see what they do, I have no expectations or desires, because the entire Series Gen so far that's only led to disappointment with Microsoft.
Re: Microsoft Rewards Fans Are Preparing For A New Era On Xbox This Week
By the end of 2024 Rewards Points will either be gone or scale with the Zimbabwe dollar.
Re: Former Xbox Exec Likes The Idea Of 'Tipping' Developers After Beating Their Games
We have tipping culture in games. It's called the 3 dozen Day One DLCs & near-infinite microtransactions. You're telling me they want more on top of that, on top of the $70 price tag?
Re: Talking Point: Almost A Year On, What Do You Think Of The Current Xbox Dashboard?
Answer depends on if we stay at the top or if we scroll down.
Re: Fallout 4's Next-Gen Update Is Coming To Xbox Series X|S Later This Month
@RetroMan71 No. It's actually terrible as a Fallout game. But outside of that the core gameplay loop is fun.
Re: Todd Howard On Elder Scrolls TV Show: There's Nothing In The Works But 'You Never Know'
No hurry to retcon anything in TES universe like New Vegas in Fallout to appease Todd's ego so I understand why.
Re: Xbox Game Pass Seems To Be Preparing For The Next Activision Blizzard Drop
I feel like if you haven't played or grabbed these XBO/PS4 Gen titles they'll be adding by this point you probably don't care that much. Diablo 4 I could understand maybe selling some Subs, but not stuff like this. If they drip feed these like Nintendo does their NSO titles people just aren't gonna care.
Re: Fallout 4's Next-Gen Update Is Coming To Xbox Series X|S Later This Month
Fallout 4's really fun gameplay-wise, it's just a garbage Fallout game. If they didn't water down every gameplay aspect Starfield would've been so amazing... but let's focus on the positives.
Wonder if they'll add in more Creation Club freebies in addition to these along with the current rotation they've been doing for a few years. Either way I'm excited to play again, and since I have all the Achievements I can mess around with the limited console mods.
Re: Star Wars Outlaws Sparks Criticism Over Games With $100+ 'Ultimate' Editions
Is this really news worthy at this point.
Re: Time Is Running Out For Hundreds Of Games On The Xbox 360 Store
Microsoft cares about games preservation BTW. You know, the people who actively delisted their own in-house games.