Comments 995

Re: Starfield Dev Calls Out 'Unreasonable' Criticism From Some People On Social Media


I don't need to be a game developer to tell you got lazy with Starfield. Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Skyrim - these games reused assets to make different dungeons and locations, but Starfield flat out copy-pasted the same half-dozen dungeons layouts and locations hundreds of times. Same thing with the planet geography features, a half dozen of them copy-pasted hundreds of times. That's neither interesting or realistic. There's still a good game in there, but it would need a game changing update & massive expansion like Liberty City to reach that point. And I'm doubtful Bethesda can deliver something like that anymore.

Re: Microsoft Rep Issues Statement In Response To MS Rewards Concerns


"We aim to grow in ways that continue to provide value to our members." Well obviously not considering you only go about finding ways to reduce the value if not flat out remove it. Microsoft's word is trash anyways, "we have no plans to close the 360 store in the foreseeable future", and then the foreseeable future ended a month later.

Re: Xbox Users Appear To Have Spotted More 'Nerfs' For Microsoft Rewards


There's been a crazy amount of cuts just this month alone, and it's a lot of points gone overall with increased amount of effort needed... think this is where I stop bothering and downgrade to Core. But even that I'll have to consider, since I don't think I play online enough to justify that, and I own all the games I care about in its lineup.

Re: Xbox Teases 'News You Don't Want To Miss' At The Game Awards 2023


It could very well be new Killer Instinct characters/content given the new Anniversary Edition & random balance patch that came out of nowhere. Would seem kinda pointless to make all these changes without adding more than 'holiday cosmetics'. Lot of people saying BG3 release date, but I'm hoping for them to drop the Series Enhanced update for Fallout 4.

Re: Bethesda Has Started Responding To Negative User Reviews Of Starfield


'Empty by design' is a good way to describe the whole experience TBH... everything is just so hollow and boring. But when it comes to that design concept, it only works when you have a few densely packed areas. But in Starfield, there's just nothing, even on the planets you'd expect to have heavy human habitation. If there were a few planets with massive habitation, a few with scattered settlements, & a bunch with absolutely nothing, that'd be fine. Instead, there's 4 'cities' barely bigger than a stadium, and a half dozen or less named settlements and space stations. Somehow that's all humanity's done, and we're supposed to believe they fought two massive, bloody wars unlike anything seen on Earth? Really?

Re: Reaction: Should We Really Be Surprised By 'Declining' Xbox Console Sales?


Xbox had 3 major things going for them this Gen: Game Pass, Backwards Compatibility, & the Rewards System. They ended the BC Program, and they reduce or flat out axe a way to earn Rewards Points every month. All they have now is Game Pass - they're not really getting/keeping as many AAAs or popular Indies on board as you'd hope, and we're only just now seeing some exclusives from all those acquisitions. One was Hi-Fi Rush, which was really good but a small project, and the other was Starfield, which is an arguably worse Fallout 4. Forget them getting Activision-Blizzard - aside from a bunch of old games coming to GP, we're not seeing anything come from that until the next consoles. But by then so much could change for better or worse, so it doesn't matter in the now. And the now is when they need to be getting people back on Xbox. After Sony crushed them last Gen, most people just stuck with the PS since their library carried over. Microsoft needs to be increasing the number of things going for them, and every day is just more bad news. It's beyond frustrating.

Re: South Park: Snow Day! Gets Its First Gameplay Trailer, Out On Xbox In 2024


"Experience cooperative gameplay for the first time ever in a South Park game with up to three friends or ally bots - unleashing powerful, coordinated attacks on your foes."

This is factually wrong. I'm sure at least 2 of the N64 games had Splitscreen, but Tenorman's Revenge & Let's Go Tower Defense Play on 360 had co-op long before this. Tragic that Microsoft never made them backwards compatible or did ports, as they're gonna be lost forever for most once the digital stores close next year.