Comments 401

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Game Awards 2023?


TGA is a bunch of gorillas with a certain vision about videogames trying to put it down the throat to everyone. Their awards reflect that with a very visible tendency, every year.

Geoff is a narcissistic fanboy with no authentic respect for creators and videogames as a diverse social experience.

Re: Starfield Fails To Make Shortlist For 'Game Of The Year' At The Game Awards 2023


Don't get me wrong: I think these are superb entries, but my own favorite is not there: HiFi RUSH. Every other title it's a clear 'reuse' of a previous game:
Alan Wake
Divinity: Original Sin
Marvel's Spider-Man
Resident Evil 4 (!)
New Super Mario Bros.
Breath of the Wild

Even Starfield, it's Skyrim/Fallout in space.

But HiFi RUSH, man, it's the TRUE 2023 OG: fresh, new IP, somewhat innovative, cool girls, smooth music, a cat AI!, it moved its own genre to a new standard.


Anyway, this show (TGA) is like those free newspapers full of ads. Bad quality, biased, and crafted for controversy.