Comments 1,007

Re: Xbox Series X Competition Challenges You To 'Crack The Code'



97 83 66 122 90 87 aSBzZW
120 115 73 71 49 112 xsIG1p
98 71 108 48 90 87 bGl0ZW
78 111 76 67 66 115 NoLCBs
100 88 104 49 99 110 dXh1cn
107 103 98 109 86 48 kgbmV0
73 71 100 108 89 88 IGdlYX
73 115 73 71 70 117 IsIGFu
90 67 66 122 98 88 ZCBzbX
86 110 90 50 120 108 VnZ2xl
90 67 66 110 98 50 ZCBnb2
57 107 99 121 52 9kcy4

If you can unlock the zip file let me know!

Re: Site News: We Have An Xbox Series X


@hallower1980 Forza Horizon 4 next-gen update at launch is confirmed to have exactly what you are looking for. Also do checkout Gears 5 update, they have implemented lot of RDNA2 next-gen features, one of the only few titles right now with noticeable power draw.

Higher resolution textures
Improved anisotropic filtering
Higher-resolution volume fog
Higher quality depth of field
Extremely far draw distances with high level of object detail
Shadow resolution and shadow distance
High-quality screen-space reflections
Post processing improvements like bloom, lens flare, light shafts, ect.
That said, The Coalition is also working on some new Xbox Series X features, including Screen Space Global Illumination, higher particle counts, and yes, the ability to play MP at up to 120fps.
Contact Shadows
This allows extremely realistic shadowing as each pixel on screen traces back to the light source to eliminate any shadow biasing artifacts or fill in missing shadows.
Screen Space Global Illumination
Integrated from UE4 4.24 this feature allows us to achieve full realtime GI at 4K/60fps.
SSGI's AO pass replaces the more traditional SSAO giving a much more naturalistic broad real-time AO.
Higher particle counts
Our particle counts are 50% higher than PC Ultra spec.
Real-Time Cinematics in 4K 60fps
Xbox One X cinematics were 4K 30fps
120fps Multiplayer support

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again, Now Releases In December


@Revengercm When you falsely accuse someone at being “one of those” when they point out facts, you look like “one of these” by yourself.


Also FYI the crunch is ofcourse for completing the game to hit “gold status” but as this is CDPR we are talking about they will obviously have higher standards for the final retail version.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again, Now Releases In December


@Revengercm Since titles like Destruction All Stars, Kenya, Deathloop etc already got delayed, I have zero interest in buying a console to just play cross generational 70$ paywalled upgrades/DLCs and remakes, with paywalled UI features and joke of a subscription service (poor exclusive support), next 4 years of cross generational support etc etc...