Comments 1,007

Re: NBA 2K21 Boasts Some Lightning Fast Loading Times On Xbox Series X


@Trmn8r Not a single game, not even optimised titles like Gears 5, FH4, AC Valhalla, Watchdog Legions etc are using Velocity Architecture. Since Microsoft’s next-gen development environment called Gamecore is not even ready yet (in beta), these games are still developed on the ERA with some RDNA2/Dx12U features like VRS Tier 2, Directx Raytracing. In order to use Velocity Architecture, developers need to design/write the games using the newer DirectStorage API from scratch which is only recently revealed and will also be leveraged by Nvidia’s 3000 series GPU. According to recent interview of Jason Ronald in Iron Lords Podcast, expect true next-gen titles to be hitting not earlier than second year. He said he knew lot of unannounced titles. Due to pandemic, lot of development work has been delayed (for ex Mo-Cap etc). Only games that were still under early development would likely suffer.

Re: Early PS5 Tests Suggest Xbox Series X Is Faster At Loading Old Games


@carlos82 That doesn’t really make sense. APIs like XVA are only there for writing the next-gen games using the decompression block, texture compression algorithms like BCPack and overall designing the levels more optimised for better random access I/O of SSDs (for ex without the need store redundant assets on nearby sectors of HDD). But the whole 12 channel thing is already there at hardware architecture level and the RAW speed of each modules were supposed to make a difference (atleast according to the past claims of fanboy journalists) or otherwise it’s just a diminishing return.

Re: Early PS5 Tests Suggest Xbox Series X Is Faster At Loading Old Games


I still remember how a 🦄 troll account in wccftech posts in every articles about how ps5 has better and efficient software when now that the cat is out of the bag, you can already see the diminishing return (in cost).

A lot of people are also claiming how these titles don’t have patches but the whole idea of backcompat is not about that to begin with. Microsoft also has DirectStorage API which is a part of Velocity Architecture in its upcoming Gamecore next-gen development platform. In all fairness, when the backcompat games do get patches, Series X will also run at locked 60fps with better resolution, 16x anisotropic filtering (another fps hog) and auto HDR.

Calling spade a spade, Microsoft has done an incredible amount of job with not just a very balanced hardware but also a more efficient and optimised backcompat software layer along with laying grounds for next gen Gamecore development platform, DirectX 12 Ultimate API and all the next-gen optimisation features that are part of Velocity Architecture.

Re: Roundup: Xbox Series X|S Review Impressions


Microsoft's vision of a more gradual evolution in gaming as opposed to the generational, revolutionary shift Sony is aiming for with PlayStation 5.

Hard to believe Eurogamer putting a review without seeing through the obvious marketing gimmick mindshare and false narrative.