There's been plenty of discussion in recent weeks about whether Microsoft intends to make Bethesda's future games exclusive to the Xbox platform following its acquisition of ZeniMax Media, and speaking in a recent interview with GamesIndustry.biz, Bethesda director Todd Howard shed a little more light on the situation.
We say "little", because ultimately Howard revealed the company "hasn't gone through all of that, to be honest", reiterating that the details of the deal between Microsoft and ZeniMax are still being finalised for now.
"We do view it, and always have by ourselves, on a case-by-case basis. We'll do that as part of Microsoft as well. They've been pretty open on other platforms and not just within Xbox. This is an outside perspective, but if you go back ten years at Microsoft, you wouldn't expect them to have a full Office suite on an iPhone either.
Despite not being able to detail any specific plans, Howard later pointed out that Bethesda has worked on exclusive deals with Xbox or Microsoft for every Elder Scrolls game to date, and in different ways every time.
"I can't really project where things will be except to say we've done those sort of exercises ourselves as an independent. If you look at every Elder Scrolls game, there has been some exclusivity on Xbox or with Microsoft. We've partnered with every game. Morrowind was basically a console exclusive, Oblivion was a long timed exclusive, Skyrim's DLC was exclusive for a long period of time.
We'll decide what makes the best sense for our audience when the time comes, and I can't really project today what that looks like."
Intriguingly, GamesIndustry.biz highlighted to Howard that it would be "hard to imagine" The Elder Scrolls VI being an Xbox exclusive, to which he reportedly smiled and simply agreed, offering no further comments.
Xbox boss Phil Spencer has been asked multiple times about this topic over the past few weeks, most recently telling GameReactor that until the deal with ZeniMax has closed in early 2021, it's not his job (and he's not legally able) "to sit down and go through their portfolio and dictate what happens."
Have Todd Howard's comments changed your opinion on this? Give us your thoughts down below.
[source gamesindustry.biz, via gamereactor.eu]
Comments 53
Todd Howard has no choice in the matter any more.
Gamepass alone will be a huge deciding factor. I’m more interested in Starfield which is a new IP, also ES6 is still far away.
This is because all the PS fans are scared now that they won't get the next Elder Scrolls game.
I think it would make sense to have exclusivity to a degree, but there's no reason why they couldn't cherry pick a few ports over after a period of time to other consoles, like what they've done with the Switch. So, for example, a HD port of Fallout 3 / New Veags across the board, but maybe save the big titles for Xbox and PC. We will see!
The amount of consoles sold over the next 12 months will determine the exclusivity of these games going forward.
If Sony has more consoles in the wild, Phil will leverage the player base and allow the sale of those games at $70 on PS5.
If Xbox has more consoles or a substantial enough amount/subscribers to GP, they will possible consider exclusivity.
It makes no sense to make games like Fallout & Elder Scrolls etc exclusive when you look at the amount of money that would be getting left on the table. It would be completely stupid to do so.
Xbox own Bethesda now. Use them to showcase and attract to your console. “Sure, you can pay $70 and play Elder Scrolls on PS5 or, you can pay $15 for a month of GP Ultimate on Xbox and get Elder Scrolls and 100’s of other games too“. Simply to big an opportunity to pass on.
But hey, Phil knows best right?
@Jacko11 They should be exclusive. Regardless of how many ps5 are sold.
They know they can hit 80m consoles sold. If 50m sub to gamepass, it will be because of that. That is like having two xbox live or ps plus incomes.
I see this playing out one of 2 ways, either outright console exclusivity (which I think is much more likely) or a year+ of exclusivity then coming to PS5. As much as PS fans of their games are clamoring for them to be day and date, I just dont see it happening.
@Jacko11 I disagree. I think if they want Game Pass to be Netflix style huge, they HAVE to have exclusives people want to play. Halo an Gears is great, and will drive many Xbox fans to get GAme Pass, but won’t even move the needle on a PlayStation fan. Give a PS fan the option to buy the game on their own console, they’ll just buy it there. That’s how ALL exclusives work. Of course you could release them everywhere and make more money, but by holding them, you drive people to your ecosystem. I always buy both consoles so I can play any games I want. If I could get ALL the games on PS5, I’d just get a PS5 so I didn’t need to buy 2 consoles. I’d save $500. I couldn’t get GAme pass on console anymore, but I would have an extra $500 for video games that I specifically wanted.
On top of all of this, they would run the risk of alienating their biggest fans if they made it available to PS5. Xbox fans have endured many years of being mocked for having no exclusives. Buying a company and putting all the games on the PS5 is just going to subject your fans to more mockery for years to come.
@Hypnotoad107 I have to admit I’d be pretty pissed if MS put gamepass on PS5, since I’ve preordered an X for gamepass, that’s the selling point. Otherwise I could have saved £450 and got a PS5 with gamepass.
@Kefka2589 how does one sub for $15 to beat those 2 games in a month worth more than 5 games for $70?
Plus Microsoft needs to pay third party, although they do not have that many that make AAA atm.
MS doesn't have to sell ANY game on other platforms. They can cover the costs on developing games with Game Pass subscriptions - 15m at ~$15 is ~$225m a month - that's enough for 4-5games developed over a 3-5yr period every month - let alone Gold subscriptions and their cut of any sales on the system.
By making them 'exclusive' to Game Pass/PC/Xbox, they can increase Subscribers and sales on their platform - much more than any money they may get from selling on PS5 and of course, games sold on Sony's platform will also give money to Sony too. 30% for digital and a percentage of all physical copies too - and the cost of manufacturing and distributing physical copies for PS5 will be met by the Publisher (MS).
In other words, they will make a lot less per game sold on other platforms and the benefits and money of keeping it exclusive could significantly outweigh the money they get from selling it on other platforms. Not to say that they 'will' but it doesn't matter how many PS5's are in the market, they could see those as potential Game Pass subscribers to entice and still not as many gamers as the potential Game Pass can reach. If they do release on PS5, I bet it won't be a 'financial' decision...
@BAMozzy this yes.
I’m really sick of the “Money left on the table” argument. The reality is you have a company that paid Ninja millions of dollars to go to Mixer only to shut it mere months later. This is peanut money for them.
Now I have no idea what will and what won’t be multi plat but whatever they decided its based on Gamepass data and not Sony console sales.
But it make sense for sony to not release their games on PC? How much money do they loose? Is that not stupid? /s
@Kefka2589 You also said 2 games. Why would someone be subbed forever just for 2 games you can beat in a month?
Wait hold on. There isn't a anual deal for 60 dollars like Xbox live?
yes ofc. They are just lending us a digital copy. It will be cheaper for them.
@Murray I believe horizon zero dawn sold 1 million.
Which is fine, but I if it was day 1 for pc, they would have lost 100 percent gain from each sale and the possibility of a new console owner to sub to ps plus and buy more games on the ps store.
Maybe they were testing the waters, but why horizon.
Maybe because they want to give pc players a taste so they buy a ps5 for HFW
I am so tired of the media (who is mostly biased & love PlayStation) asking this same stupid question to anyone involved with Microsoft over & over.
Sony fans need to get it through their heads. Microsoft owns Bethesda. The games are probably not coming to PlayStation, except for ESO & Fallout 76. Stop whining about it & go enjoy all of those “great 1st party exclusives” they are always yammering on about.
If Sony would have done this, there wouldn’t even be any question whether those games would be exclusive or not. Microsoft needs to keep these games exclusive to draw people to the ecosystem.
Why should they let Sony get 30% of the $ from selling their games on PlayStation. Microsoft has enough $ to buy Sony without even blinking. The PS fanboy argument of “Microsoft needs to make their $ back” is asinine.
@Medic_Alert yeah I just think it makes no sense anyway unless MS want to move away from selling Xbox hardware.
@KelticDevil you have a point. If Sony had purchased Bethesda I have no doubts the gaming media wouldn’t even ask if something like Elder Scrolls would be on Xbox.
Xbox are open a little more to the question though since they do not lock their IP’s to one ecosystem anymore, but it is really annoying that the media keep asking.
@Kefka2589 I am not keeping gamepass if I already beat the 2 games dude.
Not paying more months just because I like Phil.
Um... what?
Literally, Microsoft would be putting out 2 games that are worth it per year. I could either own the 2 games for the whole gen and next gen through bc instead of paying 120.
Or I could pay 10 bucks with each individual release.
Either MS losses money with me, or I just buy the 2 games. Makes no sense to me. Remember that I will not wait for third party games to go to gamepass, which not all will be there.
@Kefka2589 is there an annual Xbox live deal still?
Wouldnt that be anti-consumer? Not to have it?
Cause ps plus and ps now would be cheaper then. Annualy
Help me out.
Why would game pass be worth it for me?
I buy all third party games I want day 1
Hahahaha do not get mad.
It´s like you are realising gamepass doesn´t make sense for most spenders because they buy the third party games day 1 and Microsoft will get 2 good games per year, and you should buy them both, instead of renting them for just a year. For the same price.
I thought gamepass had a 60 dollar for a year option.
Imagine if it increases. Would be cheaper to buy the 2 games, or 3, being optimistic if MS can pull it off.
Have a nice day.
You know I am right.
It’s because most of the media are a bunch of PlayStation fanboys & don’t want these games to be exclusive to Xbox’s ecosystem. That’s why the question keeps getting asked over & over & over......
Microsoft has to let the sale fully go through before they can fully talk about stuff like this. But you don’t pay $7.5 billion to help out Sony.
The funny thing is, this purchase of Bethesda probably wasn’t even aimed as a shot at Sony. It was probably meant to keep Bethesda from getting into Google, Amazon, Tencent, or Apple’s hands.
@Medic_Alert Old Bethesda? Absolutely PS6/XSYZ. But Microsoft infused Bethesda? I don't know. Bethesda has had slow development for a variety of reasons, some of that has been developing too many games at once for their size. But with a cash infusion and access to other teams in the conglomerate to share work with, they may be able to accelerate.
Maybe not (looke at 343) but lessons will be learned from 343....
@KelticDevil And you are not a fanboy?
If the majority of the press and gamers prefer playstation, then they prefer it.
Move on.
I hit the ignore button on that troll (Revengercm) you are arguing with the other day &, thankfully, I don’t see his idiotic posts anymore obviously.
And I noticed that he trolls here so much that when I click on an article & it says like “30 comments” (for example), it only shows like half of them when I go to read because he posts here that much. 😂
He’s a sad little man who doesn’t have enough games on his PlayStation to keep him busy, apparently. 😆
@Fenbops Hardware is a money loser. Its NOT where the money is made at all but having you in their ecosystem, paying subscriptions, buying software offsets that. MS has many others making hardware that they can get you into their ecosystem - PC's and now Android devices - soon iOS.
Like MS don't 'need' you to buy their 'Surface' series of PC/tablets, they don't need you to buy Consoles either. They make consoles because that is a fixed format that many gamers of all ages prefer, from casual to hardcore gamers and it makes sense to offer the hardware as an option for people wanting that type of 'fixed' hardware spec for a 'consistent' and relatively trouble free gaming experience - just plug and play with the games already optimised for your hardware - not spend half an hour or more tweaking settings to get the balance between visual quality and desired frame rate for your spec. Not that there is anything wrong with PC gaming, but not everyone wants that...
There is talk of MS releasing an Xbox 'streaming' stick for TV's - if Console sales were the 'end' goal for MS, they wouldn't even entertain that idea. They wouldn't care about Xcloud streaming, the wouldn't care about bringing their first party games to their PC customers - telling them that if they want to play these games, then you 'must' buy the console.
The Series S/X are perhaps 'less' customised in terms of how they are built than the PS5 - more aligned with the PC. In part, to making and porting games to both PC and Xbox much easier, running the same Direct X12 Ultimate API with the same feature set to make it much like a low/high spec PC - albeit more 'closed' than a PC. The 'intention' isn't so much to outsell Sony in terms of Consoles, its to get a much larger install base and offer a massive 'choice' of platforms - not all of which will they make themselves. Gamers don't just game on Console! They are catering to ALL gamers whether you prefer a Console format, PC and/or game on Android/iOS. Xcloud is literally servers built up from the circuit board and APU of Xbox consoles - so you are playing on Xbox and streaming to devices, PC is basically a variable spec Xbox or Xbox is basically a fixed spec Xbox that's a closed system. Its still ALL Xbox as that is the ENTIRE Microsoft gaming division...
@Revengercm you say gamepass doesn’t make sense for most spenders but it has 15 million subscribers and growing so I think
you’re wrong. Hardly anybody I’ve seen questions the value of gamepass, it offers amazing value.
@BAMozzy I agree. I don’t know what MS plans are for the future and they may very well move away from hardware, but right now while they’re still pushing it it makes little sense to me to say put gamepass on PlayStation.
The initial argument was that he thought one sub equals 5 70 dollars games sold.
He also thought that I would subscribe for 12 months if I just needed 2 months or maybe 1 to play 2 Xbox exclusives that can be easily beaten in a month.
Look I am tired. I am buying an Xbox but I already not liking the community's mentality. I can already tell when I start making valid points, nobody here can take it.
I get it tho. You all been the pushing bag for 7 years and are tired.
@Fenbops Been seeing this site for a month, and nobody seems to say nothing negative about xbox. Neither pushsquare about ps.
Nintendo life is probably the same.
I get pushed to side by both. You have to pick a side apparently.
Nobody, but absolutely nobody, told made I made one great point. Everyone here is close minded and does not want to say something negative. Like they are getting pay to promote xbox or something. Same thing on pushsquare.
Reddit, twitter, youtube, wherever I go, people have their minds made up and all gamers are stubborn. I give myself breaks and enter other communities but it is the same. Talking about video games is stupid within this community.
I should just stick to playing them.
@Revengercm what are you on about pushing bag for 7 years?
This community here is sound, never had any problems with anyone even when we disagree. Just chill pal, don’t take so much to heart from an internet web page.
It seems making valid points gets you ignored here.
What I mean by pushing bag is that PS fans have been savages for 7 years. They are still going because of the launch window for Xbox being weak. I include myself. Been making fun of Xbox this whole gen, right until now, when they got Bethesda. Saw that Xbox ain't playing no more.
but still. People here seem complacent. Doesn't anyone want xbox to produce goty level quality games?
Not saying make an outcry, but idk.
I really don't know
Agreed! This community is great.
In fact, the only problems we usually have come from people like the one you are arguing with that come here to start $&?! because they have nothing better to do in their lives. Lol. 😂
@Fenbops Maybe the disagreements you have are not ps vs xbox related so you do no get silenced.
But I am signing off soon from this site. Been talking about video games this whole gen, learn a ton, maybe too much, but gamers are just too stubborn nowadays. Maybe because of the trolls that they feel negative criticism is equal to trolling today.
@Revengercm you are clearly in the minority, if you buy an xbox you are most likely getting game pass and sticking with it
@StylesT Don't like renting. See you in 2024 when I'll get something out of buying an xbox.
Stop replying.
I unsubscribed and I am getting emails
@Revengercm Well if you had a real life, and didn't come onto a website you had no interest in to vent your insecurities about a plastic box you aren't getting... You wouldn't be getting them.
@StylesT Great assumption based on one day of wasting time.
Use some logic
@Revengercm I think it says alot that you would dedicate a whole day to come into a website for a product you have zero interest in just to try and cause drama
Nah you are right sounds like you have quite the life facepalm
A normal person wouldn't even contemplate doing what you have done.
@StylesT whole day? Dude I am in graduate school. Hardest university in my country. What the hell do you know about me?
This is getting personal and there shouldn't be another comment related to that.
@Fenbops I still think it makes sense for MS to make a console. It still caters to all those that like to game on a 'console' type format with the ease of plug and play. Its still locked to Microsoft and so it makes sense to keep it.
I can't see someone subscribing to Game Pass for a month or two just to play a couple of games and hope to blast through all that content in that month - especially not games like Elder Scrolls VI for example. There are over a Hundred games available and new games added every month. If you subscribe for Elder Scrolls, you may discover many more games that you actually enjoy - even if you weren't sure they were worth spending money on to purchase. There is likely to be other games on the horizon too. Subscribe for Starfield or whatever game you can't get on PS5 and end up staying for Elder Scrolls VI, Fable, Avowed, Hellblade II, Forza Motorsport/Horizon, State of Decay 3, Everwild, The Medium, Scorn and whatever other games come to Game Pass and are currently available...
Take out Game Pass ultimate, and you get EA Play too - maybe not the 'latest' EA games but adds to the library of options and may have some 'older' games you didn't buy.
There are a number of Indie games too that you may not want to pay $15+ for a 8-10hr experience so can play a lot of these. You may subscribe for 1 or 2 games and hope to beat them in a month or two, but then you discover a large choice of other games that interest you, with new games coming in the future you want to play so stay...
They probably do have final say on where games end up, but the sale hasn’t “technically” gone through yet. So Phil can’t say stuff like he would for a normal Xbox 1st party developer.
You’ll like it. It makes scrolling through the comments to ones you actually want to read faster. 👍🏻
I don't really like the way things are going with (timed) exclusivity of games. If you enjoy games from both sides you're kinda screwed.
The fact that people are STILL in denial tells us MS definitively made a very good investment.
@LiterallyDoNotCare they don’t know for certain they will sell that many. Why is even more not better? 6 billion is a lot to pay off. They better start capitalising if they want to make a return
@Kefka2589 I just fell like Fallout is no longer a system seller not even close Maybe Elder Scrolls but that won’t come out till 2023 at least, it may not even make this generation (if there is a next-gen that is). So at that point how many more consoles will be sold to gain a purchase, at least of a Xbox Series X unless it drops in price.
I just think it makes more sense to get GP on all platforms but PlayStation (or maybe PS5 too) and get $70 off Sony either day 1 or further down the line with timed exclusivity.
@Hypnotoad107 I just think Bethesda games will take too long to become exclusive once the decision is made. And will it be likely for a PS player to jump to Xbox if they likely already have GP on another platform. And then would they rather the $15 and/or $70 as well. Exclusives aren’t a big selling point for Xbox anymore unfortunately as has become clear. It will be too late imo if games only become exclusive in 2023 and beyond. Just make them timed or available over any platform. Plus consoles won’t be $500 by the time games become exclusive.
@Murray But Sony games don’t necessarily sell on PC, Horizon kinda shown that with mediocre sales. Plus most PC gamers already own either an Xbox or PS4. That’s where the around 50 million and 113 million consoles sold respectively come from. So no, not stupid at all really.
It's going to be exclusive to Xbox baby..
@Kefka2589 see, I can see the argument for Elder Scrolls, but Fallout has not shown its best hand in the last two entries and i’m not quite sure they are system sellers anymore.
You being ready to drop your wallet on Series X for Avowed says to me you’re different than a normal consumer, you’re a die hard fan of either Bethesda or Obsidian, which most probably aren’t, but props to you.
And although its speculative, an educated time frame says at least 2023. Which is still many moons away and i’m also not convinced more hands in the pie is a good thing when it comes to Xbox. Halo is currently showing that to be the case and has done for a number of years.
Though this generation could prove different, Xbox is starting fresh and Phil seems to know the direction for the brand over the next few years. But it really is anyones guess...
@Kefka2589 Thats a fair point then as someone who has played it personally, and to the degree of getting the platinum trophy.
As a WRPG fan it does make more sense what you’re saying in terms of the power Xbox could hold if they choose to make Bethesda games going forward exclusive. After all prior agreements as you’ve said.
I guess only time will tell. I personally had a OG, and currently have a friends Xbox One and have been playing for a good 6 months (since beginning of UK lockdowns) and i’ve had a blast with GP. Though PlayStation is still my main time sink and probably always will be. But the GP feel has certainly got my eye drawn to that Xbox Series S. One day soon i’ll have that and a PS5.
Time will tell as to which platform I will get to play Elder Scrolls and others on.
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