Comments 1,007

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Reportedly Run Better On Xbox Series S Than PS5


@uptownsoul Different genre, different artistic style and vision. It is supposed to give the player a trippy experience. Also this is an initially crowd-funded multiplatform title and not a AAA next-gen exclusive. As this is creation/brain child of the Tim Schafer I’m expecting a far better story, direction and narrative gameplay than whatever R&C (with it’s same boring formula for story) can ever do.

Re: Former Xbox Developer Housemarque Officially Joins PlayStation Studios


“Former Xbox Developer Housemarquee”

Marquee who? I don’t think anyone will reasonable enough to put those two words in same sentence. I feel that the next acquisition by MS will be several times more larger and meaningful, Satya Nadella has stated “nobody has our financial might”.
Also waiting for few concerned trolls at Twitter and ResetEra calling this indie acquisition (smaller than inXile for example) somehow bigger than Bethesda. 😂

Re: Microsoft 'Encourages' Steam and Epic Games To Join Windows 11's New App Store


@Broosh @101Force The relationship between Microsoft and Valve is so good to the point Gabe Newell has openly admitted his preference of Xbox. Their games are almost always topping the Steam charts.
Regarding Epic, Microsoft is one of their biggest customers. Microsoft has invested a lot on Unreal Engine all these years both directly and indirectly.

Re: Video: Ubisoft Delves Further Into Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora


@The_New_Butler Yeah just how games like Demon’s Souls was supposed to be possible on next-gen only and now coming to PS4. It takes a lot of time to build true next-gen engines as opposed to the obvious marketing BS. It will be interesting to see now how this game runs on most PCs out there.

Re: Starfield's E3 Trailer Was Created Entirely In-Game, According To Dev


@Master-Chef 🦄s don’t realise that they are actually giving complements to Bethesda by calling it as good as CGI because it can be easily proved otherwise from the sheer existence of texture popins and frame drops. Pre-rendered CGI can never have those issues only real-time rendered alpha in-game graphics can have.

Re: Portal Designer Kim Swift Joins Xbox Game Studios Publishing


@somnambulance “The Series consoles struggle from a lack of exclusive content”

The series consoles will never have any exclusive content. Microsoft is following the strategy of - play what you like, with whom you like and on the devices where you like. So they are doing away with this console exclusive obsessed sheep mentality which is why I’ve used the word “Xbox ecosystem”. But anyways Forza Horizon 5 gameplay demo easily looked more photorealistic and next gen than any games seen so far from other platforms and seeing the new Halo Infinite vidoc, it’s a long time for the Halo community since everyone was this much excited again for the franchise. These two billion dollar franchises will be selling like hotcakes this year.