Elon Musk Is Getting Involved With Xbox & PlayStation's Twitter Troubles

Back in April, Microsoft announced that it was disabling the ability to share Xbox GameDVR images and clips to Twitter from consoles and Windows PCs, which was presumed at the time to be a result of Twitter's new API pricing structure.

Now, Sony has essentially done the same thing, announcing that PlayStation's Twitter integration on PS4 and PS5 will end as of November 13th, 2023. This has attracted a lot of attention, including that of Elon Musk.

Musk, who officially owns Twitter these days (or "X" as its now known), promised to look into the situation in response to a concerned user who pointed out that "both Xbox and Playstation integration is gone."

Ultimately, we're still not holding out too much hope here - at least from an Xbox perspective - but it's worth noting that you can still use the Xbox app for Android and iOS to share your clips to the platform if you really want to.

And who knows? Perhaps this decision from Sony will spark changes that will make it more viable to bring Twitter integration back to the forefront for Xbox and PlayStation in the future. It'd certainly be a welcome move if so!

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.