Microsoft Rewards has become an extremely popular part of Xbox over the past few years, allowing you to collect a significant amount of free credit every month for completing a variety of tasks on your console and beyond.
Once you get into the routine of doing these tasks daily, it doesn't take long to rack up those points - and that's despite Microsoft eliminating some of the methods in which you can earn points using the service throughout 2023.
If you need more help to earn Microsoft Rewards points, we've put together a guide about it at Pure Xbox:
We know that Xbox fans have used their Microsoft Rewards points to buy the latest AAA releases, purchase full-blown consoles such as the Xbox Series X and Series S, acquire gift cards for the likes of Ticketmaster, and much more.
So, the question is, how many Microsoft Rewards points do you have right now, and what have you been spending them on recently? Personally, I've saved up about £45's worth to use on Baldur's Gate 3 when it releases for Xbox, and before that I used them on tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers! How about you? Tell us down below.
Are we talking a few thousand, tens of thousands, 50,000+, or maybe even into six digits?!
How Many Microsoft Rewards Points Do You Have Right Now? (508 votes)
- I don't use Microsoft Rewards / I have no idea!
- 0k - 10k
- 11k - 30k
- 31k - 50k
- 51k - 100k
- 101k - 300k
- 301k+
Comments 56
I use them immediately when I reach 4k to get the Fortnite starter pack of the season but ever since the massive nerfs the gains have been extremely slow sadly.
I get it’s a “beggers can’t be choosers” situation but man the nerfs to the points system sucks.
EDIT: it’s still better than PlayStation’s system. That gets you like 100 points every month and you need 1250 to get a €5 card.
As a physical game collector Nintendo’s system feels the most rewarding. I’ve been almost exclusively relying on gold points from cartridge activation for eshop sales.
I just used them to buy a 6750xt so almost empty
I usually convert mine to Xbox credit to buy game/s in sales if something catches my eye. I last used some to buy enough credit to get the Starfield early access on Game Pass add-on. I still have nearly 200k left...
Ive saved up 83000 is that £83?
I've had a total of 320000 points and I started when the series X and s released.
Can't remember what I spent them on in the past other than cyberpunk and it's expansion.
9906 currently.
Normally use the points for MSPoint gift cards, or I guess now just currency gift cards.
185,689 at the time of this message. I usually use it to top up on Gamepass but I have over 2 years on that left from doing that so I'll just let the points tally for another year or so.
Over the weekend I used my Microsoft points to get cyberpunk 2077
At this moment I have 4,305 points
This time last year I had over 150.000 which I used towards getting an xbox series x
But my Microsoft points will always take priority to redeem game pass ultimate
I'm just hoping I have enough points by the 17 Dec to redeem a month's game pass
Then the month after I should automatically get one month for free for being an xbox ambassador
and then the month after I should have enough for 3 months game pass ultimate
That's of course if then haven't scrapped or lowered more points by then
I've got about 6.5k at the moment and I've mostly used it to top up my game pass ultimate, but these points nerfs have now made it tough going of late.
@darkswabber I agree with you on all points. I would point out though that purchases on PSN do net you coins as well, which always helps to save us some cash
Sitting on 145K at the moment. I use it mostly for GamePass and purchasing games.
212,239 at the moment , I don't know what I will use them on but most prob games later down the line nothing that I don't own that I want at the moment apart from RoboCop but waiting for a sale cause it's a once complete never touch again till dlc
Obligatory "not on my region" comment.
Have about 500 odd. I use mine to donate to Special Olympics. Work in disability services and every little helps
I have the auto re sub for gamepass. It's seems like I get about every other month free depending on how focused I am on earning points.
Like 10k atm, I haven't racked up that many to begin with since I started. Normally wait for a game to get a very deep sale and take another tenner off through rewards.
Debating on if I should start using it to rent movies though. I do watch a lot.
80K. Cover GamePass each month. Last purchase was Klonoa ob sale.
I’m around 120k I’ll be using it for GP, but as I still have 6 months left (I think) of my sub they will just build up a little more.
Must admit I’ve been much more lax with doing points these days. As it’s just not as valuable to my time.
19,000 or so. Debating whether I want to spend them on PC GamePass or just another Amazon gift card.
Recently used a bunch to get the Tales of Arise Beyond The Dawn dlc. Back at about 9,400 points as of now
Had around 350K+ at one point but been spending them this year on some incredible sales.
Previously the only points I’d spent on a game was Cyberpunk on launch day. That worked out well 😆 never again will I buy a game day one.
Today I have around 130k. Waiting for Robocop to be on sale and will spend some then.
Got around 47000
I cashed in £250 worth when I bought my series X
Otherwise it's just gone on ms store credit to buy digital games.
I kinda wanted the adaptive controller to play around with but it was never discounted otherwise I would have used my points to buy that
About $4K as I bought Divinity 1&2 with black friday
I have roughly 27,744,676,442,268,874,388,432,377,532,467,874 points. That's about 27 Novillion points. Sooo... I'm feeling generous, I think I'll buy one of...... everything..... for everyone.
I had just short of sixty thousand but I used most of them for limited consoles & PC sweepstakes 😂 but I'm now at 10 thousand so far.
recently used them to buy the starfield dlc and resident evil 8 on sale. already have enough for the $50 gift card towards star wars outlaws. or ac red.
I’ve currently got 11,850 points and will most likely be putting them towards SCUM when it finally releases.
I’ve recently spent £55 worth of points on both Teardown Deluxe Edition and Arma Reforger.
I still don't know how it all works. I only got like 5,000.
I think the max I had at one time was $35 worth of points. I usually use them on games when they go on sale or on DLC.
However I just cashed out my $35 to get the Stellar Shift controller and I traded in two of my old controllers at GameStop for $45. Love the new controller and now I have $45 credit for games next year.
199,605. I have never cashed them out. They are my second gamer score
I have a feeling by the time the next xbox comes out I'll just be able to pay for it in full with these points.
Probably about 2k, I am always spending them on Xbox gift cards, always seemed like by far the most useful thing for them, it's why I never really save them up much. Might as well just use it for discounts on games/DLC.
@NintendoByNature I have a discord group that helps you make the most of getting points if you want a invite let me know
I spend them on GPU most often. Otherwise, I did knock $25-$50 off of MK1, SF6, and Tekken 8.
@Martsmall ah thanks. I appreciate the offer. I'm an old man who never used discord though lol.
Currently about 9000 points. Never let go above either 6500 / 13000 (the respective amounts needed for $5 / $10 U.S. Amazon gift cards).
I basically do not hoard, as Microsoft at a whim can take them away - forever - with a few clicks or taps. Beware.
I used to do ALL Point Quests...Website, Mobile, XBOX, Rewards App, GamePass Quests...my maximum was about 100k at once...i always used them here and there...today i´m too lazy to do all the quests everyday...i only do the ones on the Rewards Website. Just used the last points for a month of GPU. Now i´m almost at 3k again.
I just spent my 340,000 points to buy a refurb Series X in the sale. I had to top up another £40 but I’m very happy. I worked hard to get those points but it was worth it. I feel that Microsoft are constantly reducing the amount you can earn now each month so that was another reason to spend them now. I wonder how long they will continue with it…
@Tangerine 83k is just over £70 in Microsoft vouchers. 5,850 is £5
Just over 80k right now. Plan to use for GPU but still have a year left. I was optimistically hoping for a sale at some point, but the way the rewards scheme is going, I think this is unlikely.
Currently only have 6823, but my lifetime total is 1,362,342
Spent that on £5 & £10 gift cards over the years - I did go through a phase of buying games from the Brazil marketplace which seemed to give you silly amounts when calculating the points due. Thats stopped now as you can only get points from one region a day and it's easier to do the daily stuff on a pc
Only have about 6000 don't even bother with them anymore waste of time.
Had 13,000 but could not redeem them, got in touch with MS and they said there was a problem with my account and could not redeem them for money.
So I donated them all to the British Heart Foundation as it let me do that.
I've now cancelled my ultimate account and will not buy another digital download from them.
I've got about £30 worth of rewards - but I'm about to cash them all in for black friday sales, so I'll be back to almost zero in no time! I tend to keep them for xbox credit (I've apparently redeemed 747,100 points so far!). But Since my backlog is getting out of hand, I think I might use them to auto-redeem gamepass
I've no idea at the moment, but as for what my points have been going towards. I have it setup so when I reach a certain threshold my points are then donated to Cancer research UK.
130k currently. I use them mostly to top up Game Pass Ultimate, which i've been doing for years, and already have maxed for another 3 years. Occasionally I use them to buy a game.
In total I think I've had around 3+ years of Game Pass Ultimate and 3 or 4 games on sale through the service or around £500.
Anyone else have the 20 search points in the Bing app saying 0/0 today? Wonder if this is the most recent item on the chopping block.
@NintendoByNature your welcome matey
@FatalBubbles the 12 points of edge searches has now gone , that's 12 more a day less if it is another nerf
55K currently. I most recently purchased Hori Split Pad Compacts for my Nintendo Switch using points to get Argos vouchers. I don’t usually go for the 3rd party vouchers though, I spend the majority of my points on Xbox vouchers for buying digital games to squeeze maximum value out of my points. I’m currently stockpiling points to have enough to preorder Shadow of the Erdtree as soon as it appears on the Xbox store.
I only got 90 today for searching - no Edge bonus today - was there yesterday
Also the jigsaw pieces for searching has been greyed out for the last week or two for me
Did notice that the ios Bing app gave 30 points for reading the news headlines
used my rewards points to buy
Series X
Series S
42 games
and currently saving them for a PS5
@Martsmall 150 on PC, 100 on mobile and 20 Edge is what it had been forever for me. That 20 is now gone, I assume that is similar to the 12 you had.
@FatalBubbles I'm in the UK it's 90/60 and the now gone 12
They wont let me use mines. Keep telling me something foolish like my name in my profile doesnt match the name on my credit card.
Had 140k, and redeemed them over time for couple controllers. Got Artic camo, OPI and had to save for Starfield. I'm back to 72k atm but I've fallen away from point grabbing a bit. I'll maybe cash these in for Baldurs gate
Just spent a load on 6 months of GPU.
I save enough for the £5 credit and buy weird indie titles I wouldn't normally try. Discovered a few gems in the process.
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