

I feel like I've been here before

Comments 90

Re: Xbox Exec Appearing At 'Future Of Gaming Handhelds' Panel Next Month


@antonioacm never going to happen.

Windows is just so present in every day life that most people will just stick with that they won't want the hassle of another OS - particularly one that might not support all their other apps and devices.

This is a discussion that only happens in the hard-core pc crowd despite how many people will say they hate windows - me included.

Re: Xbox & PlayStation Face 'Significant Risk' With Their Next Consoles, Predicts Research Firm


God that's a dumb analysis.

There probably isn't room for 3 traditional consoles at this stage with Sony and MS seemingly in a zero sum game between them. One loses the other gains.

But Nintendo sit in a slightly different niche and many gamers will choose Switch 2 as a second machine negating the place Nintendo holds in this discussion. Further, many Nintendo customers don't naturally fall into the bracket for customers of the other 2 and will buy nothing instead.

But the bigger issue with this analysis is that MS are actively trying not to compete with Sony on those terms moving emphasis to cloud, mobile and play anywhere strategies, while Sony continue to maintain and exceed previous hardware sales.

All of which makes this analysis seem a bit of a nonsense.

Re: YouTuber Breaks Down Xbox's 'Almost Perfect' New Ad Campaign


The chase for the casual gamer has been a thing forever. I have seen every company try and be cool, accessible, edgy and now be 'on everything'

Unfortunately it is only ever short lived and they always return to their core base.

The only thing I can think is that when the next generation of gamers come through they will be more used to the whole streaming of games and the tech will be better by then too.

Re: Battlefield 1 Gets Reduced By 100% On Xbox, And More Games Could Follow Very Soon


Nothing to complain about from a consumer point of view.

I guess it is being used as an enticement to get people on that subscription train.

Feels a bit desperate - a bit like Epic giving away stuff every week and tonnes of people just claim them and never buy a thing.

I got Return to Moria for nothing this week which I really wanted to try but had no intention of paying lots of money for.

***edit*** Just realised this appears to be an EA promotion and not an Xbox one.

Re: Xbox Reporter Says That Microsoft 'Won't Have Exclusives Going Forward'


My position hasn't changed regarding Xbox and what I believe their future is.

They are gambling hard on the idea that hardly anyone is going to pay the premium of dedicated hardware and outright buying games when the newest title can be rented along with a tonne of other 'content' for a fraction of its retail price.

The hope is surely that the majority will sub and stream games and where they want native they will play on PC.

The cross-over of streaming and mobile will strengthen the position of the PC store by giving a huge amount of flexibility to the player without them needing to buy a dedicated box for any of it and MS will be taking a slice of it all.

If the gamble works, huge for Xbox and MS, if not they cut the hardware division out anyway and go third party making a nice little services and software revenue stream while cutting costs.

I don't think Xbox as a physical, native console is going to be around for long haul.

Re: Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Is Now Available On Xbox Game Pass (December 9)


Very early days on this game but my first impressions are definitely mixed.

The atmosphere is pretty bang on and playing through the intro is ace.

But some of the choices they have made are confusing to say the least. The stealth is bland and basic and the game world rules for getting a stealth kill are not obvious. I think you have to come out of a crouch to do it but why come out of stealth for a stealth kill?

Dropping your temporary weapons all the time is annoying too.

And it is lots of niggly things like this that are already bugging me.

I don't need handholding but neither do I think the game explains itself well enough.

I hope it gets better....

Re: Here Are The Cheapest Ways To Get Indiana Jones 'Early Access' On Xbox Series X|S & PC


@OldGamer999 I think a lot of what we have seen so far has been pretty safe and not really building on their previous work.

Like Starfield had all the Skyrim jank but took a step back in terms of environment and exploration.

Oddly enough though their best work seems to have come with projects that are much more risky and have little to no pedigree - Psychonauts 2, Pentiment and Hi-fi Rush.

All three of which are perfect gamepass games because they would likely have limited sales whatever happens but are also very good.

Re: Ex-PlayStation Boss Questions Why Sony Would Put PS5 Games On Xbox


@Coletrain I was trying to get something similar with the PS5 and the portal but it just isn't as good.

The Switch gave me a glimpse of what could be but that ends up with my collection being too fragmented and I often double dip for holidays etc.

I traded in some stuff for a Steam deck Oled and with some games have cross-saves I've had a glimpse of an almost seamless gaming future and I want that...

Re: Xbox Fans Plead With Microsoft: 'Don't Forget About Us Physical Gamers'


@Titntin feels like we have a very similar philosophy.

I found out a long time ago that I prefer space in my home to the short window of enjoyment I get out of having a thing in my house.

I still slip from time to time and nobody is perfect but we can only try and do our bit and put pressure on our governments and the businesses that have the real power to make them fix it.

Re: Xbox Fans Plead With Microsoft: 'Don't Forget About Us Physical Gamers'


@Titntin I am hugely environmentally conscious and a massive lover of all things marine and so the plastic thing is a huge deal to me.

I just cannot justify it anymore and have made every effort to reduce my impact - even when it isn't a directly positive effect on me.

It has been hard letting go of the physical games, it will be harder when we finally realise we are losing the planet.

Re: Xbox Fans Plead With Microsoft: 'Don't Forget About Us Physical Gamers'


@themightyant i agree with you entirely and it is not always straight forward as disc bad, digital good when it comes to environmental concerns.

But in terms of server farms there are elements that can make it much more eco-friendly. For instance basing them in areas with larger proportions of renewables put into the grid.

And they scale better than physical in this regard. I.e. you don't need anywhere near the extra emissions because 1 new user turns up, while making and shipping a disc etc increases the impact substantially.

The flip side of that is that if you buy physical and sell them on, or buy second hand you can half your damage in one go.

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