This week, Microsoft revealed a rather slim Xbox Game Pass update containing just three additions to the library - which is understandable given that we're set to get more reveals during an Indie Showcase next week. However, despite slim pickings until that event goes ahead, one title in this latest batch contains one of the most impressive open worlds we've seen on Xbox Series X|S to date - and it's well worth a play.

With its 2020 entry in the franchise, Ubisoft took its DedSec crew to London in Watch Dogs Legion - and we still think this is one of the most dense, diverse and well-detailed open world games this generation. Not every one of Legion's series shakeups landed in the same way - but its rendition of the UK's capital is a seriously impressive feat.

One Of The Most Impressive Open Worlds Of This Generation Hits Xbox Game Pass Next Week1

What's most apparent straight away is that this isn't one of those pristine open world games with gorgeous vistas and sun-soaked lands - Legion's London is a grimy, lived-in location complete with near-endless graffiti, plenty of pothole-laden roads that could do with some serious council attention, and some rather shady characters hanging around on most street corners. You could say that Ubisoft Toronto understood the assignment, then.

There is beauty in this sort of used-and-abused world though. On loading the game up again for the first time in a good few years, we still had to stop every now and then and just soak it all in. There's such granular detail to what Ubisoft put together here that we can't help but admire it - and zipping around London's tight-knit streets and awkward one-way systems is a proper thrill, even four or five years later.

One Of The Most Impressive Open Worlds Of This Generation Hits Xbox Game Pass2 Next Week2

If you've ever visited England's capital in real life, you'll likely spot some familiar locations pretty quickly - it doesn't take much exploring in Legion to spot some of London's most iconic landmarks, in rather impressive detail. We've snapped a few of these for your viewing pleasure down below, but it's not just the tourist spots that Ubisoft covers with great attention here - plenty of hidden spots within the city have been given their time in the spotlight as well.

Having said all of this, Watch Dogs Legion isn't a game that sticks to modern day rules - there's plenty of nods to futuristic sci-fi in here - fitting for the series' overall theme. If you like a bit of fictional flavour to your open world games, Legion delivers on that, and it quite masterfully mixes those themes and mechanics with an authentic take on London that we've come to really appreciate over the years.

Anyway, this big old Ubisoft adventure heads to Xbox Game Pass next week on February 25th, and if you're craving a highly detailed open world to play around in - Watch Dogs Legion is still a great showcase for Xbox Series X|S.

Are you excited to try out Legion on Xbox Game Pass? Talk to us about this upcoming addition down below.