Comments 227

Re: Crazy Taxi Reboot Will Be A 'Triple-A' Title, Says SEGA Executive


what they mean by AAA is that it will be a live service game.
They have tested this model before with some Crazy Taxi mobile games. They were actually pretty fun.

To people who would turn their nose at the mention of "live service", how else can you make money out of a pure arcade game these days? Seriously think they're investing on the franchise for the first time in 20 years to release a 20$ minigame?

Re: PS5 Survey Lists Top 10 'Most Wanted' Xbox Franchises On PlayStation


@Kaloudz people are calm because we've accepted that Xbox will never go back to its original vision, no matter how hard Phil or whoever tries to.
At the end of the day, MS is interested in making more money, not on making the best gaming console experience with the best games.

Even if Xbox continues to exist in the future, this is the last Xbox console i've bought. Most people i know that have been playing Xbox for over 20 years have said the same thing.
Not even angry, just sad it's time to move on

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Gives His 'Optimistic' Thoughts On Xbox-To-PS5 Rumours


@Kaloudz personally i'm being a downer because (at a smaller scale) i've lived through this with Sega in the early 2000s.
Same sort of conflicting reports about first party games being available on competitors but not pulling the plug on the Dreamcast.
And then they pulled the plug on the Dreamcast. It's all very deja-vu to me personally.

In this case, i believe MS will continue to sell some Xbox console for game pass, but from a "core gamer" point of view: what's the point? Especially if i can get the games on other (better supported) platforms?

I'm not an "exclusives" guy, but without ANY exclusives the platform as a whole will just die. Xbox will become a 3rd party dev (a big one, maybe even the best one), but the console space will become a Sony v Nintendo thing

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Gives His 'Optimistic' Thoughts On Xbox-To-PS5 Rumours


it's not about the "ecosystem"
If i can get Xbox games on other consoles consistently, why would i play on Xbox at all? Doesn't make much sense to limit my choices.

The end-point is obviously Xbox as a 3rd party publisher.
Nothing wrong with that. But people who love Xbox aren't happy to see the console going away (or becoming a limited 3rd party games machine)

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


@Chuffer it's not satirical. It's people voting on the games they like, regardless of the category.
Many were already dogging on Starfield since the original announcement trailer. The "mixed" reception was always a given. But a LOT of people really enjoyed it and moved on, because they have a life and don't spend every second online coping because others enjoyed a game they didn't.

It shows complete lack of awareness to not understand that one of the year's most popular games is one of the most beloved, even if it isn't as good as other games that came out

Re: Soapbox: After The BG3 Saga, I'm Nervous About How Xbox Handles My Save Data


Save corruption/deletion issues have always been a thing.
Understandable that it's frustrating, especially if the systems in place to avoid it malfunction. But i feel it's just a part of gaming since the beginning. Sometimes you just lose that save file.

Recently lost all save files for all my Switch games. I didn't have the subscription, so they weren't on the cloud, and i lost it all changing to a new console. It is what it is

Re: Xbox Revenue Would Overtake PlayStation With ActiBlizz On Board, Says Data Firm


i find it hard to be excited with the prospects of MS increasing revenue. Couldn't care less.
i've played Xbox daily since the og came out, and never have i felt the company as dissociated from what their core audience wants than now.

Even after the Xbone presentation that almost killed Xbox, there was a corporate response by having a leadership change and going back on many of the plans.
Right now, as long as it makes them money, they'll follow. Games have been underwhelming, and acquisitions haven't had the effect we fans desired, at least so far.

So i hope with the increase of revenue comes a significant increase in game quality, not only at a technical level, but at understanding how gaming fits into culture and lifestyle overall.

Re: SEGA Exec Responds Once Again To Idea Of Potential Xbox Acquisition


@BAMozzy what are you on about, Sega owns several successful large IPs: Sonic, Persona, SMT, Yakuza, Bayonetta, Football Manager, Total War, Hatsune Miku, PSO2 etc

Not to mention the dormant high potential stuff like Virtua Fighter, Crazy Taxi or JSR and the buttload of classics

For a while Nintendo tried to rebuild its reputation as a serious gaming platform by having Bayonetta, a Sega IP, centerfold.

Sega is way bigger than what people think because their mind focuses instantly on Sonic

Re: Review: EA Sports FC 24 - A New Era Begins With An Impressive Result


@TABZ420 not sure if lazy development or not, but defense is indeed terrible this year. You have the same toolset as last year but it just doesn’t work anymore.
Sure the classic “hold A to contain, B to tackle” wasn’t the best system, but it’s been years and they still haven’t gotten it right.

And please fix the goalkeepers. Seems like an animation issue atm, but it has happened with trials before and they eventually patch it out