Sega previously announced it would be releasing a remake of the original Jet Set Radio game, and now it seems some new footage and screenshots may have leaked online.

As highlighted by Insider Gaming, four new screenshots showing off what appears to be an "early in-development version" of the game have appeared on social media. This includes a look at the game map and art style as well as some of the gameplay. Of course, this is all subject to change, with this build apparently dating back to 2021.

It's also worth mentioning how this is apparently not related to the free-to-play live service game SEGA is working on.

It looks like some video footage of the development build has also been shared online. In it, you can see the character 'Beat' rolling around, some of the other characters, and a look at the game's map.

Jet Set Radio is one of the series SEGA plans to revitalise as part of a new initiative to bring back its classics. Other series getting the same or similar treatment include titles like Crazy Taxi and Streets of Rage. Jet Set Radio was previously released on the Xbox 360 back in 2012, and before this in 2002, the original Xbox scored the exclusive title Jet Set Radio Future.

What do you make of this footage? Let us know in the comments.