Xbox's head of gaming services Ben Decker has been talking to GamesRadar in an interview about Xbox Game Pass, hinting as part of the discussion that Xbox has unannounced IP "that is gonna blow your mind."
Decker made the comment while talking about the many Xbox Game Studios (including Bethesda) that are working on content for Xbox Game Pass right now, highlighting Halo, Forza, Fallout, and that yet-to-be revealed IP:
"We have 23 studios across Xbox and Bethesda, working on Halo, Forza, Fallout, and new IP that we haven't even talked about yet that is gonna blow your mind.
We can deliver all of that into Game Pass on day one."
Decker didn't give away any further details, so it's all speculation for now. The rest of the interview focused more around the types of engagement that Xbox Game Pass has been seeing - coinciding with a recent official survey.
Hopefully our collective minds will be blown at Xbox's E3 conference this year!
So, what do you think Decker might be referring to? Any guesses at all? Let us know down in the comments.
[source gamesradar.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 36
Series exclusive we hope.
@Oval_Griffin Plus PC.
I hate this either come out and say it or shut up. They talk about games way before they should it's better to wait until you have something substantial to show. The did this with fable and after talking to a friend it's years away as in not even close so what was the point of showing it every one already knew that there was going to be a new game in the series
For me just some top end AAA exclusives from their studios will do and releasing soon.
A power house series x exclusive would be an added bonus.
Gonna be a bit snooty here Microsoft, stop talking and get releasing, 6 months and nothing really.
Where is our , Demon Souls, Miles Morales, sack boy adventure, Astro bots, Returnal and our Ratchet and Clank,
When you list it like I have, it makes you wonder what the hell Microsoft and their studios are doing or deals with second parties.
Where are our series x AAA exclusive games.
Your existing studios before the Bethesda buy out, should have ready at launch or in the first 6 months with a top end game or two.
I sit in the sensible zone with my series x and Microsoft, yes I have GPU, yes the series x console is a top notch bit of kit.
But deep down it’s new games like the PS5 is getting we want from you.
You can only string this along for so long, have even noticed on this site, some are gamers are getting slightly frustrated now.
I'll believe it when I see it
@Dezzy70 I have no issue with what is out so far we know starfield and halo will be out soonnin fact I am expecting starfield in November. My issue is the constant hype campaign. We get it gamepass is awesome and the speed of loading old games is great I take more chances now in games because I don't have to wait a minute and a half for fallout to load if I die.
@Dezzy70 Agreed. I can’t remember where I heard it, but I was listening to an Xbox podcast recently where they pointed out that Halo Infinite’s delay gets blamed a lot, but even if it came out on time we’d be done with the campaign now and still waiting around for more games. They argued that there was really no excuse to have such a barren slate of exclusives for the first year, and I have to agree.
I like my Series X and I’m hopeful for the future, but it almost feels like Microsoft was not as ready for next gen as Sony. It was a little quiet near the end of the One too; I assumed that this meant they were holding a lot back of games for Series X but I guess not. Thank God for Gamepass, but just what have these studios been doing all this time? I feel like MS gets off a little too easy in this regard.
I absolutely love my Xbox Series X, but man, did MS started the current gen unprepared regarding first party output.
Just an observation...
Hopefully they've learned that a prerendered trailer doesn't generate hype.
But instead I'm expecting the announcement to be exactly that. Then they're gonna wonder why people weren't excited.
Trailers do nothing. Give us game play or give us nothing. The whole "NEW GAME! ENJOY THIS VIDEO THAT WAS OUTSOURCED TO A CGI COMPANY. COMING 5 YEARS FROM NOW" is getting super old.
Man this guy is begging for leaks!
@VisitingComet1 Yeah, it feels like last year all over again regarding Xbox. Overhyping followed by disappointing actual reveals.
This kind of smoke/logo/promise marketing is getting fatigued. The same with that language: masterpiece, hyped, mindblown, most ambitious project, etc.
Just show the damn thing (running real gameplay) and let the people decide how they feel about it.
Thank you all, I’m an Xbox fan have GPU and series x and I thought my comments earlier on this thread, about lack of games would get the usual attack at me.
Perhaps after 6 months of a barren nothingness of in house studio exclusive series console games and seeing what the competition has done so far is finally getting us Xbox fans uptight.
Perhaps Phil and the gang should come read all these comments on here and the fact Series S consoles are already struggling to sell in the UK, sitting on shop shelf’s right now for all to buy and taking ages to sell, will make them release as good as game pass is and 120fps, auto hdr etc etc.
You sell consoles, you sell more subscriptions to game pass and more games and more controllers and more third party developers will want to be on your console.
God damn, better stop with the hyperbole.
There are no games today or any in the foreseeable future that i would consider mindblowing (best from me will be "that's pretty cool!" that's it) unless that Xbox's unannounced IP is WORLD'S FIRST FULL DIVE VR GAME.
That's the literal "mind-blowing" right there.
I can understand people wanting more from Xbox studios (though I understand why there isn't more.) But I still don't get the heaped on praise for Sony's offerings really. Aside from R&C, it's a pretty blank slate in both camps. I have both consoles. Both of them will still be awaiting greatness through 2022 if the shortages persist as Sony predicts. Most of the "great" PS5 games are games in the queue that are sequels to PS4 games, and would have come out on PS4 anyway. XB was lacking X1 games so naturally they didn't have sequels in the pipeline are are starting from more of a blank slate. But R&C is the only really "next gen" game on the horizon (pun not intended) from either company.
I agree about the lack of first party system sellers but we do have to remember the pandemic has caused some major delays, both in game development and system availability. Microsoft are playing catch up with 1st party games and are definitely out of kilter. In an ideal world their studio acquisitions would have had a nicely spread out slate of releases but it’s a fairly blank canvas for a while. Hopefully they’ll start bringing the games later in the year and from then onwards it will be smoother sailing.
I get your point slightly. But at least Sony are pushing something out.
Sack boy, miles morales, ok on PS4 as well but it’s something.
Demon Souls, good remake but something.
Astro bots, Returnal, Ratchet and Clank PS5 exclusive, something.
And all good and new to play.
Add all the above together and you have a fair bit of something, which is better than really zero.
Sorry and Sony’s excuse for bringing at least something and some games is?
I’m a Xbox guy, but poor studio miss management is what Microsoft have.
They had enough time, studios and money without the Bethesda buy out to give us what Sony have already.
Actually they gave us Hive busters which I really enjoyed.
They should made it double in length about 10 hours long and marketed it like Sony did Miles morales.
Hive busters actually showed some early promise of the series x capabilities.
Good game for me.
Let's be honest, if gamepass wasn't a thing. Xbox would be dead and buried. Microsoft has 23 studios, yet the only next gen exclusive we've seen is The Medium and that wasn't even first party nor good. Now compare this to: Demon Souls, Spiderman Miles Morales, Sackboy, Returnal, Ratchet & Clank and Astro Boy. I just don't get why Microsoft fails to develop games let alone good games. I can guarantee it now even Halo will be mediocre at best because the franchise died after 343 butchered it in Halo 4. If you took the Halo brand out of Halo Infinite, no one would even look at that game, it looks so Average from what theyve shown. Microsoft needs to step on its output of games and can someone please explain why they fail to lock third party games as Exclusives. I read an article which talked about how Sony has tons of third party Exclusives this generation including final fantasy, forspoken, kena, deathloop, ghostwire Tokyo, why can't Microsoft do the same
@Dezzy70 Sony may have "something" but mostly what they have is year 8 of PS4 continuing plus R&C. Xbox has year 8 of X1...which is...still more nothing But both of them don't look to start "next gen" until holiday at the earliest, and probably sometime in 2022 if we're honest.
Though as @SegataSanshiro mentioned, I think most people, us included, all tend to forget most of the studio purchases were of studios bought right before releasing their games, all of which were already slated as multiplats released. Studios like Obsidian just had a major release with Outer Worlds, much newer than Insomniac, Santa Monica, Guerilla, etc had, it's just that the game was multiplat rather than exclusive so we tend to not notice. Heck, Bethesda's 2 newest releases are PS5 exclusives.... So it looks more like "nothing is releasing" but in reality it's "they just released a bunch of stuff, and it's not xbox exclusive." Strange situation, but one I'm sure they're comfortable with and knew going in where it stood.
They both have a pretty full schedule for "9th gen", but neither really looks like it'll get off the launch pad in the next year.
All the studios Microsoft bought haven't announced/released new games yet? It's almost as if AAA game development is an incredibly difficult and lengthy process that's been exacerbated by the entire planet being an utter sh*t-show for the past year and a half.
Patience is the key people, We will see alot of Xbox plans at E3 in a month..
@NEStalgia The only ps5 gen-next for me is RnC. Other time-ex... oh so happy that sony always buys time ex) i mean i don't care) buy the way bet no ghostwire or deathloop xbox will have if sony bought Bethesda) we will see all in E3 that's for sure)
My fingers are crossed and hoping they will show AAA studio titles for release this fall and into 2022. If they don’t then faith will start to dwindle with us faithful.
Game pass which I have GPU and play Doom Eternal and trying Outriders now.
But those and older games aren’t going to keep me on game pass forever and also attract millions and millions of new subscribers.
At some point gamepass needs to start captivating the the other gamers not just the loyal and faithful with new AAA exclusives or third party AAA day one games else it will stay at certain amount sold only.
Are our minds going to be blown or are we just going to be mildly indifferent to another pretty tech showcase following a game formula already played out thousands of times?
Edit: I hate it went they do say this stuff like I don't think I saw a mind blowing game in around 10 years. But I get it. They are doing a interview they need to feed the hype beast. Just irks me
Exactly alot had obligations to work on stuff
I also think people forgot how games Xbox did release last year.
Bleeding edge
Gears tactics
Flight simulator
Wasteland 3
Grounded went into early access
Not including re-releases of
Bards tale (the original Xbox one)
Wasteland remastered
The old Tim Shaffer games like from Fandango
Most are not bangers or big games (the re-releases do take resources)
But I feel with this kind of drops to keep the game pass machine fed every month made the start of this year bare where they propped it up with outriders and such
But I keep seeing Xbox didn't release any games last year when I think they dropped more then they ever have
Sony has not release anything compelling. Xbox series has so many features going for it. Game pass is the best deal in gaming. Halo infinite will lead the charge followed by starfield. 2022 we will get hellblade 2, and so much more. We have so much to play now.
@NEStalgia Well since the release of Gears Tactics (the most recent 1st party Xbox release which itself is a game released for console 7 months after PC release, really games should release same day on Xbox and PC), Sony has released:
That's a lot more on the PS side. Fortunately it hasn't been completely barren during that time on the 1st party Xbox front as some existing games got DLC/updates like Gears 5 got Hivebusters DLC and a few operation updates, MCC got a few season updates, etc. but makes it very clear Microsoft were over-reliant on Halo Infinite.
@Grumblevolcano DLC, remake of ancient game, a game with such poor prospects they told nobody about it and then gave it away free, an obscenely overpriced, albeit pretty, arcade rogue shmup (not internally developed), and sack boy (not internally developed) and r&c.
I'm not knocking those games in general for what they are, buy they're far from "big next gen launch titles" short of r&c that I consider the first next gen game from either company.
Ms wasn't really over reliant on halo, they just had nothing else because most of what they had was multiplat. I get the optics of it but when you look closer, they're not in very different boats. I mean we're not talking Nintendo here where they release animal crossing: I can't believe it's not mobile! Edition, drop the mic, and walk away from making games for a year
@Grumblevolcano Most of my playstation friends buy and play a few games a year. They miss out on much of the content out there.
I have one friend on the system. Who will buy every major hyped game, at launch. Out of curiosity I compared mine and his trophy lists (he's the only one with a higher score than mine and I'm trying to beat him). He honestly buys a new game, like out riders, and dumps it the second another game appears, like Returnal. The vast majority of his games are like >20% completed. He has a few that's more, and only one platinum (Transformers: Dark of the moon).
At least with the first group of friends, I understand that they are only playing the games they enjoy. But I do not understand the mentality behind wasting money on all these games, and not playing them, at least a good amount, even if not platinumed.
I guess, what I'm saying is, this is why I don't like Sony's approach. And even though I don't sub to game pass, it makes more sense to me. Is having your customers buy up 7 new games in 6 months a better strategy for your business and your customer base, when there's basically an unlimited amount of content that's just as good and already accessible, and MS pushing a way to monetise that.
True, but I can speak from personal experience where that £70 price tag limits the games you buy on PS5.
I normally buy one game a month at £40-45, but at £70, that's one game every 2 months roughly with my budget.
I've literally only played Spiderman MM in terms of next gen games as Sack Boy is too expensive and Demon Souls and Returnal are niche genres that don't appeal to me.
The only upcoming PS5 exclusives I know I'll buy are R&C Rift Apart, FF7R Yuffie DLC and Horizon Forbidden West.
@Richnj I think a balance is the key, Game Pass shouldn't be an excuse for a lack of new content and it has been for most of its existence.
@blinx01 Well yeah, Sony has a different problem regarding game lineup. While Microsoft's problem is quantity of 1st party games (e.g. no games in the last 6 months), Sony's problem is the £70/$70 price point for the PS5 only games (e.g. Demon's Souls, Returnal, Ratchet & Clank). I'd guess Horizon gets a similar treatment to Spider-Man where there's a bundle containing both games but if you just want Forbidden West on PS5 it'll be the PS4 price.
I know of a certain guy in a wheelchair who said “minds are gonna blow”, and it didn’t end well.
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