Comments 370

Re: Ubisoft Confirms Performance Details For Its Upcoming Xbox Series X Games


Impressive. Can't help but wonder what the ps5 comparison is? Same but with dynamic 4k? Would don't admit to that?
Are all these 60fps stats actually dynamic 4k, but XsX will sustain it better than the ps5? Much better?
Or, from reading about a buyout on 9th, is that why we haven't got an equivalent story on ps5 sites ( like we normally would in multi platform themes) ?
And if Unisoft are being bought out, would you still but WDL in disc, or wait till games pass?

Re: Halo Fans Voice Their Concern Over Halo Infinite's 'Armor Coatings'


I don't understand why don't we just have 2 different areas of coating for the armour, weapons vehicle etc instead of just 1?
And if that means changing a 7 layer shader into 2 lots of 3 layers, then surely that's not breaking the resource bank? Obviously I do not know what I'm talking about, when I'm talking about layers or shaders, but there is some logic there!

Re: Gears 5's Input Latency Has Been Heavily Reduced On Xbox Series X


I'd been saying that this is a big area of next gen, but more so Xbox, that MS and Devs will find difficult to put across when more gamers want or expect there to make the big boost in graphics (and sound) that we would have had in the early generations.(they will be disappointed, until raytracing properly kicks in)
It's a worthy headline but most people will just look at the graphs and say Eh? What?
It's an early that I'm looking forward to for one, even though I'm far from a professional gamer

Re: Xbox Series X Described As 'Highly Efficient' In Power Analysis


The reveal of Xbox one X a few years back convinced to me that MS were serious about (internal) design.
At the start of the year (?) the way they got journalists (inc DF) to actually put together the components showed they were really getting serious, and importantly, getting it right first time for this next gen.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Oct 17th)


At the minute I'm on level 15 of 15 in Luigi's mansion 3 on the switch.
However seeing the image of good old Blinx, I have 1) amnesia as to whether I actually finished the game or not (I suspect maybe) and 2) a real hankering to play this classic once again. I had completely forgotten about this, despite all the hype of how I could never have been recreated on the opposing console, because of its use of capturing your position on the hard drive, to be used for the term travel sections. Wow, really brought back some memories.
The Xbox series X cannot come fast enough

Re: The Xbox Series X UI Might Not Render At 4K, But Does It Matter?


Thanks all for the feedback re 4k assets, system ram and whatever. Guess it was a good choice for speed and resources.
The PS5UI looked good, I remember a patent for the video help system popping up a few years ago, thought it's the kind of thing I would use, but having to have PSN to support it is a big no nay never.

Re: Xbox Boss Hints At Exclusivity Potential For Bethesda Games


It's funny how I read all the article, and all the valid comments above, and the only thing that really captured me was the single word STARFIELD.
The rest was just... other stuff.

Dragging my mind back to the topic, a few exclusives would be nice - if it's good enough for Sony then it's good enough for MS.
I'm pretty much getting the PS5 for r&c, so will others do the same for Elder 6? Well, yes, they will

Re: Here's The Full List Of Xbox Series X|S Launch Day Titles


@BlueOcean pretty much the only reason I'm getting a PS5 is to play Ratchet and Clank !
I just can't see myself owning that many games on the system even over 5 years.
Nearly everything will be game pass ultimate for me , plus whatever Xbox exclusives and then games released for both consoles will get purchased for the Xbox.
I've it all worked out

Re: The Xbox Series X UI Might Not Render At 4K, But Does It Matter?


If it makes it run fast and smooth then no harm I suppose, but how come Gears 5, with all that AI, maybe ray tracing (you get the idea), is at 60fps, and this is just a glorified menu?!
If it miraculously restricted quick resume to 6 instead of 7 games (no idea what the upper limit is!) then it might be more acceptable,
It does begger belief though

Re: Roundup: Xbox Series X Final Preview Impressions


Nice to hear all these positive comments. What will be interesting - in a couple of years when all the novelty of fast loading and quick resume has worn off (their handiness won't wear off I know!)
Then when the new releases, built for next gen, come out in 18 months time we will be able to see what difference teraflops and faster SSD etc make to head to head comparisons.
Until then I'm sure no matter what console you get, we'll all have a great fun

Re: Pick One: Which Xbox Series Launch Game Are You Most Excited For?


ACV is well out in front! I voted for it, but it's surprising because it didn't seem to be be bells and whistles (eg ray tracing)
I know graphics aren't everything!
Tetris interests me, but it won't be several hours gameplay, but something to return to every so often.
My other biggy was to be watch dogs, but how is it going to push it with no main character (not that I know of!)
Whatever way, I hope you all enjoy your next xbox come release date peace to you all

Re: Xbox Elite Series 2 Controller Warranty Extended To One Year


It was always out of my price range, and I have quite fancied one for a while, but my word Power A controller with 2 programmable buttons on the back is all I ever use.
Looking forward to using the XSX controller, but without the gigantic step up that Sony has made with the new ps5 controller, I'll probably still use the Power A

Re: Fallout 4 Runs At Double The Frame Rate On Xbox Series X|S


I'll give it a replay eventually, in pretty sure it's a game I got free, (maybe a bundle?). Too many other titles to play.
Mind you, articles like this will make me want to revisit it (eg getting a few hours outside!) to see fps and hdr.
I wonder if I'll notice the difference - couldn't see it on the video!

Re: Borderlands 3 Joins The Day One Launch Lineup For Xbox Series X|S


Not long finished Borderlands 1 on backwards compatibility. I was only a few hours into Borderlands 2 handsome collection, before I traded in, but was very impressed at the graphics improvement.
So it will be interesting to see how big a jump this is!
On saying that, I will finish 2 then prequel, before I actually start on 3, so might take a little while

Re: Doctor Who: The Edge Of Reality Brings Two Famous Faces To Xbox


The VR experience was hard going. Once you've learnt in to examine something ( I wanted to have a good nosey at the TARDIS console!) The whole scene would push away from your face. Very disconcerting in VR
I would think that with the changes they're making it will end up being a better game, but do think they should have fixed VR first

Re: Xbox Series X Aims To Make Cabling More Accessible Than Ever Before


Very thoughtful, might not use it often, but might come in handy one day.
I expect it to be extremely handy most of the time to some people and that's what matters.
The thing that struck me was my inability to every get a usb cable the correct way up first time!
Seriously hope that simple dots and dashes for ports could be taken as an industry standard for all consoles in future, IF other companies swallowed their pride because they didn't think of it first.