Comments 370

Re: Former Chief Xbox Officer: Phil Spencer Has Put The Business In A Very Good Place


The fact that the phrase "In Phil We Trust" is something we say shows just how far this great man has bought the Xbox brand.
I know that I'm generalizing, but without trust, there isn't really any foundation in a relationship (of any description, at any level)
So those 4 simple words, for me, go much further than just some throw-away meme.
Full credit to the bosses, who likely saw the need of a change (in the past), and put their trust in this guy.
I hope that he is with the Green Team for a long time to come, as losing him would honestly hit the reset button on the MS stakes.
Presumably he's also quite a nice person, lol

Re: Reaction: Xbox Just Had Its Best E3 Showcase In Years, And Game Pass Was The Star


It's such a fantastic product, BUT I must admit I usually just get a little anxious when I see a game appear, because I've no clear idea when it's going to leave
That's why I usually don't start playing the game in case I don't get finishing it (despite e.g. discount)
Because I have a PlayStation 5 as well as the XSX, I'm only really going to be using PS5 for exclusives, the Xbox is definitely my place for anything that's released on both consoles.
But I have put off getting game pass for the minute until I've cleared a little of the backlog I have

Re: Obsidian Humorously Reveals The Outer Worlds 2, Coming To Xbox Game Pass


You know, I logged on here especially, so late at night, just a comment and say that I think that was one of the best trailers I've ever seen.
There's no doubt the game is going to be as great, let's face it, greater than the first one (which I did love)
But to frame it in such a hilarious way shows a real understanding, tapping into the industry, the gullibility, the predictability of marketing, just getting it right on so many levels, including the way that brands are criticized and ridiculed in the first game.

Re: Talking Point: What Have You Bought With Your Microsoft Rewards Points?


I didn't know this points thing existed for quite a few years.
So at the end of the last year to discover that I had maybe 6500, from memory, I just quite chuffed.
I play every single point that I had over the course of 45 minutes and some one-armed bandit game (with emphasis on the word BANDIT) to try and claim an XSX !
Do I really need to tell anyone here that the endeavour failed?

Re: Microsoft 'Excited' By AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution Tech For Xbox Series X|S


Fun what I understand, MS held off on production of next gen to make sure they got the 'full' AMD implementation of RNDA2
And Sony went ahead when the full hardware was not quite in place
So it this part of the full RNDA2 ?
I know above someone said it's software, but maybe that software is using certain instructions that use the hardware (a bit like nvidia's CUDU cores that only the newer cards at the time had) ?
Just wondering if the is an MS exclusive?

Re: Sorry Folks, BioWare Is Officially Ending Development On Anthem


I liked the premise, the controls, graphics, the single player aspect, but quickly went down hill into transactions (buying and selling, never did micro-transactions!) then grind, then sponge monsters and 45 minutes on those boss battles
Balance was totally wrong to begin with, a patch or 2 made things better (equipment screens)
Glad to see the back of it
It was a digital gift, if I'd have had the disc, it would have been traded a few months in to catch a good-ish price on the hype
Wondering what will happen if I boot it in a year?!