If you're a proud owner of the premium Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, we've got some good news - Microsoft has extended the standard warranty on the controller from 90 days to one year.
In an explanation on the official Xbox website, the company highlighted that "a small percentage" of owners had reported mechanical issues with the controller, hence the decision to increase the warranty.
"We’ve received claims that a small percentage of our customers are experiencing mechanical issues when using their Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2. To ensure your satisfaction, we’re extending the warranty coverage period on Elite Series 2 controllers from 90 days to 1 year from the date of purchase.
This extension applies retroactively for Elite Series 2 controllers sold to date. If you incurred repair costs to service your Elite Series 2 controller, you’ll be issued a refund by Microsoft before October 31, 2020."
In related news, you might remember that back in May, someone filed a lawsuit over drifting issues on Xbox controllers, claiming that the joystick component contains a design flaw that Microsoft has failed to disclose.
The Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 was reportedly one of the controllers that was added to that lawsuit in an amendment earlier this month, along with the original Elite Series design (thanks VGC).
Happy about this? Have you experienced issues with your Elite Series 2? Let us know below.
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[source support.xbox.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 19
Must be a US thing? Here in Ireland the warranty on it is 1 year, My original Elite (series 1) got stick drift after 2 years and was out of warranty and Microsoft said there were no options to help, not even a paid option.
However, big kudos to the rep on the phone because he advised me that "if you or anyone you know bought an Xbox One that is still in warranty, we can cover it with that". This was 2-3 weeks before I bough my launch day Project Scorpio Xbox One X. So I called back the day after I bought that and they sent me a full replacement (brand new box and all accessories) within 2 weeks. Then my Scorpio died a month later and I got a full refund on that lol
Edit: I went on to buy another Elite (series 1) because swapping the same one between Xbox One and PC was tiresome. My Xbox pad (which is the one Microsoft replaced) has since got practically no use and has no issues, but the one I keep for my PC gets heavy use for certain games and the grips have come off within the last few months.
All across the EU it's a one year warranty on all electronics.
I've had about 9 of these things and all of them have face button issues. Absolutely disgusting for a £160 controller.
I feel bad for people who shelled out for a controller that’s almost the same cost as the console only to have issues. I did debate on getting one but opted to pre order the new controller that comes with the Series X, glad I did because it’s now been shipped and should be here tomorrow
This is good of them to do but they should be a higher standard to begin with.
I would never pay this much for a controller even if it was guaranteed to have no problems.
It was always out of my price range, and I have quite fancied one for a while, but my word Power A controller with 2 programmable buttons on the back is all I ever use.
Looking forward to using the XSX controller, but without the gigantic step up that Sony has made with the new ps5 controller, I'll probably still use the Power A
For a premium product 1 year should be the bare MINIMUM.
This is why I won't buy an Elite. FAR too many stories of issues. Microsoft are selling a great product but with average build quality for top dollar.
I think this is a good starting point. To be fair I have never owned an Elite controller as my amount of time gaming doesn't justify the cost. I have never had an issue with a standard controller and the 3rd party controllers are especially good. Power A are ones i would strongly recommend to use for a more "elite type experience" at a reasonable price. I have only ever had stick drift with my DS4 but i replaced it with a Nacon 3rd party controller and it was extremely good. Nacon will also be launching as Series S/X standard 3rd party controller and an elite version too which i would recommend looking out for.
That's awsome news..
They really need to sort out their Elite controllers. I thought 2 would fix it, but apparently not....
They had a lot of reports of problems with V1. I had one with stick drift. My current one is fine and I have another in reserve, thankfully I can use them with XSeX still. Tempted by a V2, but not after the reports. Why don't they just properly design these things? I love the elites, they feel and handle so much better than stock controller. But they really need to make them to work....at least as reliably as the $60 jobbies?
@Menchi depends on when that was, and it may be different in the US, but early on it was 1 year despite the bumper bridge issues and the rubber peeling off and they kept telling everyone they can't fix it. Then at some point they just started accepting them out of warranty after it was clear there was a large scale issue.
I waited and waited for V2 before buying my V1s.....kinda glad I got my late era V1s now.
I love my series 2 controller! When I got it I also bought the Microsoft 3 year extended warranty for £15. Was def worth it and a bit of steal.
I had to send it off to get replaced / fixed as up on the left thumbstick stopped working. They said it could take up to 3 weeks to get it back but was back in under 2 weeks. Very happy with the service.
I'm sorry but I hated having to use the normal controller for that week or so. 😂
Looking forward to the series 3 and would be amazing if they added it to the new design lab.
@NEStalgia All electronics warranty is at least 1 year here by law. I bought mine late 2015/early 2016 and it was unusable by the end of 2017. It was 2-3 weeks before the Xbox One X launch, so november?
As for the one with the grip issue, bought in early 2018, started peeling and falling off during lockdown, March/April 2020.
Edit: Stick drift is mainly an issue across tje board because most makers (Nintendo, Microsoft etc) use the same graphite pad base design.
@Menchi Yeah I think the OG Elite was a 90 day warranty here, then they just kind of quietly made it "lifetime" after the issues manifested, but they turned a lot of people away and told them to just buy a new one before it got to that point.
The 3 issues they've had mostly were the rubber grips falling off (mine actually haven't done that yet, but that seems almost like a guaranteed failure type of problem), the plastic bridge connecting the bumpers cracking (the biggest universal problem other than the grips), and the stick drift, which, while all controllers have it, some (like Joycon and Elite) have more problems than others. Joycon is due to the tiny contact. Elite I've heard the additional weight of the metal shafts wears it down faster, though that doesn't actually make sense to me. But it does seem to be an issue more than for the stock controllers so there must be something to it, somehow.
360 controllers, though, I burned through as many of those as Joycon....
@NEStalgia Joycon, the worst joypads I've used in over 30 years of gaming.....
@Menchi Ergonomically they suck, but I can appreciate a trade-off for the form factor and the essential nature of it. Still better than trying to use Vita's rear end as a bumper.
But those sticks......I have a pile of ones I've had to rip out and replace. Though, at least they're modular and replaceable rather than $#@$@ soldered onto the board.
Stick drift on the Elite is a pain because it is soldered, even the Joycons are socketed with a ribbon cable. If your Elite dies you're SOL. I solder, and analog sticks are easy to solder, but if you don't have soldering equipment or can't breathe in the fumes (a friend has asthma) an iFixit kit will not be enough.
Why do people spend so much money on this when it constantly breaks?
I keep seeing people have issues but I am blown away because both my Series 1 and series 2, both purchased at launch, and have been and still are being used daily.
The only issue I've had with either of them is the rubber cover for the left trigger lock on my Series 2 fell off. But if that's all that's going on I'm pretty good off from the looks of it.
@InterceptorAlpha the blue tooth does not work on very 2 I have replaced it multiple times and still does not work. It is the only reason I bought it. The version one which i own two of the river grips fell of one but they still work great.
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