i didn't even know the game existed until long into the 360's life. think it had alot more to do with their reach than their release date. plus back then, why would i pick something so unknown over say... SSX, tony hawk games or all the ridiculously good games that kept coming out back to back then.
there is alot of reasons that game didn't perform an it definitely wasn't the release window.
@Kaloudz pretty close but was entirely unnecessary all the same. some people are a little too caught up in things that don't really matter too much for them.
as a consumer, they're never locked to a single platform anyway if they don't want to be. personally i don't really care for any of sony's exclusives anymore so my ps5 collects dust. all of my friends got rid of theirs pretty quick so i don't have friends to play it with either lol.
we've all mostly gone to xbox as the main platform and nintendo/pc when we feel like using those.
wish they'd have done with a different name or something. they really shouldn't be denouncing their platform so much an should've been saying how it supports the platform. make people think their library can be anywhere instead of "my phone is the equivalent of an xbox".
i will never understand why devs don't just deload assets not in use. if i'm on one side of a map and i can't even see it then deload it. we're on extremely fast storage mediums, stream and deload data as needed. why are devs still treating memory like its reading from a disc still.
tried halo with my cousin and fusion frenzy with family. everything about my time with the OG xbox was just fun in a nutshell. I prefered nintendo and sega back then and the dreamcast insta dying did sting so to see so much sega on my gamecube an xbox on top of what they both had made me feel like they was the places I preferred to be.
closing tango was seriously just the worst thing they could've ever done in recent memory. arkane was still going but tango had nothing but a good name all over it.
this really feels like nadella has his name written all over it.
@GamingFan4Lyf that doesn't defeat the purpose of VRR being on that screen though. if its got freesync and the tv supports a lower end range of freesync (like 23/24-60hz) then you'll still benefit from it.
hoping to see perfect dark and gears. its been so long since i saw...anything from them, that if i do see them, literally anything else to me would be a complete bonus. gonna just assume that last thing is CoD. guess the time has come to ramp up marketing.
@eduscxbox man. do i have news for you about every console community. you're mistaking it as one community when in reality, its the same people who float around every board looking for topics like this to talk in. If you don't wanna see it, just mute the ones who float around.
As for me, ill stick with Xbox/Nintendo moving forward. I vastly prefer how the xbox functions and im just not that interested in any of sony's first party stuff anymore. everything i did care about, sony let go of and are now indies with very successful kickstarters branching out to all platforms. i couldn't be more content on that front. So as someone who generally has all platforms, i have no reason to have a playstation. plus i play online alot an ps has this very weird extra latency that isn't on anything else. really breaks everything an infuriates me to no end. the games i did buy my ps5 have both been disappointing to me. im just not into SE's flagships anymore i guess but im always open to more star ocean lol.
if its not on xbox, its on my nintendo system or pc so ill probably skip playstation moving forward. very content with what i have an tbh, the xbox hasn't really disappointed me in how it performs. If the hardware works great, thats where i'll be. If the games are on multiple platforms, xbox is where i'll primarily get it. if it has a pc version, xbox is where ill primarily play it. if its not there, thats disappointing but im still covered.
I feel like people are just trying to grasp for a reason to hate anything. Like it makes them look cool for doing so. Which is beyond sad.
...please don't ever make RE "open world". The pathing and rooms they make has always been perfect for the series. They day they do it is the day i'll stop getting any new entries in the series.
That said, I really am a sucker for capcom and will likely cave real quick. Still need to see more pragmata and i'm looking forward to Kunitsu-Gami.
the gunplay definitely felt like the old style where insane recoil to balance a weapon didn't exist.
my only real complaint is the fact snipers still just one shot anywhere. i miss the old days where to do that you actually had to hit the head. just not a fan of people taking a long range weapon and treating it like a slug round shotgun.
only thing that would make me care, after experiencing pac man 99 is, being able to queue or play with friends but even then.... definitely a hard pass. i can't see anybody jumping on this or it lasting long.
yeah, its been pretty loaded for me, Xbox has been used daily. Unicorn Overlord sucked up a ton of my time and im kinda sad i 100%'d, i really didn't want it to end lol. gigantic rereleased so ill be on that from time to time as well as playing with my usual group of friends. i still need to finish P3R but im not really in any rush to finish 7Rebirth. Rebirth just kept pulling me out so my ps5 will stay off for awhile.
@ZuneTattooGuy that really doesn't matter to me as a consumer. If they don't offer anything I want or if I do gets something and dislike it then i'm not gonna even look at it. Considering I used to buy their stuff means they lost sales because I now find their offerings generic as its all they do back to back now.
also....the guy above me, @kedireturns The dualsense battery is bad, it lasts like 5-6 hours. nobody thinks its good...an if it goes, the controller is unusable like every other controller with a built in battery that can't just casually be removed. The controller size is only comfortable for people with large hands. PS is the ONLY platform to ever use "symmetrical" sticks. Just them. They are the outlier. Very confused at the human being thing, what the heck sense does that make. Can you hold it or not? yes? no? lol. Haptic triggers are overrated. Can't say I like my trigger becoming a rock cause i got on a segway. The rumbles kinda annoying. Can't say i like the feeling of something like glass smacking my hand. it feels weird.
Oh. an the amount of games that you literally need a PS5 for, that you can't play on any other console or PC, is less than 10. Thats not really raising the bar by any stretch. Saying it "has all these games" is worthless to a consumer because they may only care about 1 or 2 or potentially even none of them.
All of it is preference anyway. No reason to try an act like something is factually superior, everything - yes EVERYTHING - has its ups an downs. The dualsense is "okay". its not groundbreaking.
@Phantasystar77 I mean. everything you just listed is something i've played and can live without. I bought a day 1 ps5 so i could play those and yet i feel like i could've saved $500.
SE games just aren't what they used to be. They're just doing the standard fair that I could literally do anywhere. Won't be buying a system for their games anymore, will just pick it up if its on what I currently have at the time.
Gaming really just....doesn't do creative things anymore. Its just the same open world everywhere I go with little thought to the things I AM doing. Its nice that devs like vanillaware aren't really afraid to test things out.
Definitely nice to have a large group of studios to keep an eye on but SE is being taken off that list after Rebirth.
Anyway, seeing that it just makes it odd to think. You all like and want xbox games but you're not willing to try the xbox to get said games...? Why does weird thinking like this only apply to xbox.
I love OG 7 dearly, grew up with it. I liked remake alot. i'm still playing through rebirth but nothing about this is screaming "exclusive made this better!". it has alot of graphical issues...especially the LoD, thats really busted atm. The game itself feels like chunks of open world, nothing i haven't done before. Alot. Totally not really tired and exhausted gameplay with that one. way. WAY. too much filler.
but seriously, there has been nothing that screams that statement they said.
I came away impressed. Quite a few things in there interested me and was pleasantly surprised to see P3R expansion pass and the 14 starter edition (be careful with the starter edition, it'll upgrade you to paid which means subscription fee.)
was definitely something for everyone in there. i know some kids in my family was bouncing about that chucky roblox thing...
@TwoDents iuno. all of my friends an myself have a PS5, pretty much all the systems and a gaming pc, but none of us are talking about stellar blade. we're just not all that interested tbh. Sure it looks neat but i'd probably just rather play devil may cry. The only times I see anyone talking about stellar blade is, shocker, places like this. Its very few. Hopefully it does well but word of mouth really isn't happening with the game.
yeah its disappointing. idk if im gonna get breaker now since my friends have all basically moved to xbox, use switch for specific things, and got rid of their playstations.
@mousieone @Fiendish-Beaver Well thats the thing. microsoft just sees the console as the cheapest option into its ecosystem now. not the only one, but the cheapest one. It doesn't particularly matter to them at this point an its all extremely too neck deep to change course now. This is what they've decided to do, all we can see is what happens. I've talked to alot of people, ones that don't care about mainstream media or the doom an gloom. They don't care. The response was "if theres an xbox to buy, then i'll buy it."
So the issue clearly hasn't changed. its still a matter of trying to get people into the xbox ecosystem. One they can't seem to figure out. Its not even about "release good games" anymore, its about breaking people's view and mindset that xbox isn't a good place to be in. THEN comes the issue of making people see "release good games" when you an I both know they do have good games.
but its all irrelevant to me. I have everything - Xbox and Nintendo being my preferred places - but my only choice as a consumer is whats in front of me. whats available to buy and where i can buy it. everything else doesn't matter because it takes way more than just me to magically make any other difference. Even if i bought 10 copies of a game an shared them out, that wouldn't mean squat in numbers but it would mean i'm out nearly a grand.
ima just do me an my thing an be happy because all this worrying is moot to any of us.
@Fiendish-Beaver as a consumer, none of that even matters to you. it Xbox's IP, Xbox can do whatever they want with their IP.
As a consumer, you can literally have any platform.
What matters to you, as a consumer, is that you want something - you pay for it where you want to play it - you play it - an then you move on with your life.
What other people choose to do has next to no impact on what you do unless its your inner circle, if you have one - Which is what most people will always base THEIR own actions off of.
Do what you want to do, not worry about what anyone else flips out about.
probably likely. my walmart, I only ever really see 1st party, capcom, bandai namco, or super hero (batman/spiderman etc) get restocked for Xbox AND Playstation. Its kinda depressing, because of this everyone is just being conditioned to order from online.
Switch on the other hand...their shelves are so full they have old stock with price tags sitting under the shelves.
@Rmg0731 man i know you like to crap on xbox or microsoft whenever you can at every waking moment but those people that are leaving have been in the business since i was in kindergarden.
People get old, let people rest without trying to spin it as the world's craziest negative. Its like people aren't allowed to just live a life when it comes to the internet...
wasn't interested at all in the open world segments of gears 5. all it ended up being was my friend being bored while i just drive us to the next spot to shoot things.
@Cashews ...ditto. i have all the classic controllers. nes, snes, n64, and gen/master. doesn't feel right otherwise considering i grew up on these things.
@Cashews and i'm guilty of being on a expansion pack family plan lol. we split the cost and i play them weekly. but most people are still unhappy with their offerings because of how slow they even release them over there.
still. its all a matter of out of pocket costs for the few things we want in any of them. we're paying for the whole thing rather than the one or two things we want out of it.
kinda funny when nintendo has the best pricing for just wanting to play online with no other fluff really.
that price hike is steep...i haven't had PS+ for years and watching it just increase like that only solidifies me not wanting to ever go back to it. i play online more than i do offline because i only get so much free time a day and i tend to just do a quick something here an there till my days off so anything not F2P on my ps5 just never gets used anymore.
feeling like its about time to fully move away from playstation for me.
@Foxx_64740 Best to never take anyone like that seriously as they just want to clout chase in any way possible - even if none of it makes sense in any way.
@DennisReynolds Nice. Just keep in mind you're not invincible most people tend to not pay attention to when they're taking damage in this series when newcomers.
@BAMozzy No need to be a debbie downer just yet, we haven't even seen the game in action on all hardware. I know fromsoft doesn't have the biggest trackrecord with framerate but we know it'll be fun. The (probably not maintained) 60fps is honestly the biggest plus current gen is gonna have over last gen.
....and honestly, I can't remember the last time a AAA console release ever had a stable resolution output with 60 or at all.
Comments 220
Re: BioWare Co-Founder Recalls 'Moronic' Xbox Advice That Potentially Ruined A Franchise
i didn't even know the game existed until long into the 360's life. think it had alot more to do with their reach than their release date. plus back then, why would i pick something so unknown over say... SSX, tony hawk games or all the ridiculously good games that kept coming out back to back then.
there is alot of reasons that game didn't perform an it definitely wasn't the release window.
Re: Former PlayStation Exec Says Xbox's New Strategy Is 'Natural' For Microsoft
@Kaloudz pretty close but was entirely unnecessary all the same. some people are a little too caught up in things that don't really matter too much for them.
as a consumer, they're never locked to a single platform anyway if they don't want to be. personally i don't really care for any of sony's exclusives anymore so my ps5 collects dust. all of my friends got rid of theirs pretty quick so i don't have friends to play it with either lol.
we've all mostly gone to xbox as the main platform and nintendo/pc when we feel like using those.
Re: Microsoft Is Now Advertising Pretty Much Every Gaming Device As An Xbox
wish they'd have done with a different name or something. they really shouldn't be denouncing their platform so much an should've been saying how it supports the platform. make people think their library can be anywhere instead of "my phone is the equivalent of an xbox".
Thats actually a terrible way to do this.
Re: Croc's Upcoming Remaster Is Getting A Physical Version, But Not On Xbox
well i was planning to get it physical but don't want it for my ps5 or switch. digital it is i guess.
Re: PS1 Cult Classic 'Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles' Is Officially Getting An Xbox Version
i own this on my dreamcast. its been...a very long time since i've played this but i still remember how stupidly hard it is.
Re: Roundup: All The Xbox Reveals From September 2024's State Of Play Event
oh that lunar collection will be mine
Re: Square Enix's Visions Of Mana Gets August Release Date For Xbox Series X|S
Been waiting on this one. Trailer looked pretty good.
Re: Xbox Series S Under Fire As Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Tech Specs Revealed
i will never understand why devs don't just deload assets not in use. if i'm on one side of a map and i can't even see it then deload it. we're on extremely fast storage mediums, stream and deload data as needed. why are devs still treating memory like its reading from a disc still.
Re: Aaero2 Brings Its Badass Sequel Exclusively To Xbox This September
looks interesting, i'll keep my eye on it.
Re: Square Enix Announces New Dragon Quest Remake For Xbox Series X|S
well i'll add it to the list then.
Re: Talking Point: What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?
tried halo with my cousin and fusion frenzy with family.
everything about my time with the OG xbox was just fun in a nutshell. I prefered nintendo and sega back then and the dreamcast insta dying did sting so to see so much sega on my gamecube an xbox on top of what they both had made me feel like they was the places I preferred to be.
Re: Xbox Begins Discounting Lots Of 360 Games Ahead Of July Store Closure
@iplaygamesnstuff preservation can only last as long as licensing deals so....
take a wild guess whats globally expiring.
if licenses can be renewed then thats the ones still available on modern xbox systems.
Re: Xbox Apparently Still Needs Smaller Games For 'Prestige And Awards'
The chain of command is very obviously not talking to each other all that well.
Re: Xbox Reportedly Considering Game Pass Price Hike To Accommodate Call Of Duty
as good as i think game pass is, i'm not money incarnate. its a good way to make me unsub for a good while at the least.
Re: Xbox Fans React Angrily To Closure Of Bethesda's Tango Gameworks
closing tango was seriously just the worst thing they could've ever done in recent memory. arkane was still going but tango had nothing but a good name all over it.
this really feels like nadella has his name written all over it.
Re: Xbox Is Shutting Four Studios, Including Arkane Austin And Tango Gameworks
first sony's nonsense an now microsoft does more nonsense.
can this industry do anything smart for once without utterly destroying itself??
Re: Starfield Is Getting A 60FPS Performance Mode On Xbox Series X
@GamingFan4Lyf that doesn't defeat the purpose of VRR being on that screen though. if its got freesync and the tv supports a lower end range of freesync (like 23/24-60hz) then you'll still benefit from it.
Re: Xbox Games Showcase 2024 Confirmed For June, First Details Revealed
hoping to see perfect dark and gears. its been so long since i saw...anything from them, that if i do see them, literally anything else to me would be a complete bonus.
gonna just assume that last thing is CoD. guess the time has come to ramp up marketing.
Re: Talking Point: How Often Do You Pick 'Quality' Over 'Performance' Modes On Xbox Series X|S?
i tend to go for the highest framerate. if it caps at 60, i use 60. if it has 120fps, i use 120.
Re: Microsoft CEO Comments On Xbox's New PlayStation Store Success
@eduscxbox man. do i have news for you about every console community.
you're mistaking it as one community when in reality, its the same people who float around every board looking for topics like this to talk in. If you don't wanna see it, just mute the ones who float around.
As for me, ill stick with Xbox/Nintendo moving forward. I vastly prefer how the xbox functions and im just not that interested in any of sony's first party stuff anymore. everything i did care about, sony let go of and are now indies with very successful kickstarters branching out to all platforms. i couldn't be more content on that front. So as someone who generally has all platforms, i have no reason to have a playstation. plus i play online alot an ps has this very weird extra latency that isn't on anything else. really breaks everything an infuriates me to no end.
the games i did buy my ps5 have both been disappointing to me. im just not into SE's flagships anymore i guess but im always open to more star ocean lol.
if its not on xbox, its on my nintendo system or pc so ill probably skip playstation moving forward. very content with what i have an tbh, the xbox hasn't really disappointed me in how it performs. If the hardware works great, thats where i'll be. If the games are on multiple platforms, xbox is where i'll primarily get it. if it has a pc version, xbox is where ill primarily play it. if its not there, thats disappointing but im still covered.
I feel like people are just trying to grasp for a reason to hate anything. Like it makes them look cool for doing so. Which is beyond sad.
Re: Rumour: Resident Evil 9 May Have Been 'Internally Delayed' At Capcom
...please don't ever make RE "open world". The pathing and rooms they make has always been perfect for the series. They day they do it is the day i'll stop getting any new entries in the series.
That said, I really am a sucker for capcom and will likely cave real quick. Still need to see more pragmata and i'm looking forward to Kunitsu-Gami.
Re: Hands On: XDefiant - Ubisoft's Server Test Has Us Hooked For The Full Release
the gunplay definitely felt like the old style where insane recoil to balance a weapon didn't exist.
my only real complaint is the fact snipers still just one shot anywhere. i miss the old days where to do that you actually had to hit the head. just not a fan of people taking a long range weapon and treating it like a slug round shotgun.
Re: Xbox's Towerborne Beta Is Opening Up To More Players Ahead Of 2024 Launch
no reason not to check it out really.
Re: PAC-MAN Returns To Xbox In A New 64-Player Battle Royale This May
only thing that would make me care, after experiencing pac man 99 is, being able to queue or play with friends but even then.... definitely a hard pass. i can't see anybody jumping on this or it lasting long.
Re: If Q1 Is Anything To Go By, 2024 Should Be Another Fantastic Year On Xbox
yeah, its been pretty loaded for me, Xbox has been used daily. Unicorn Overlord sucked up a ton of my time and im kinda sad i 100%'d, i really didn't want it to end lol. gigantic rereleased so ill be on that from time to time as well as playing with my usual group of friends. i still need to finish P3R but im not really in any rush to finish 7Rebirth. Rebirth just kept pulling me out so my ps5 will stay off for awhile.
2024 has started off nicely for sure though.
Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5
@ZuneTattooGuy probably. it'll be as hit an miss with them as it has been with everyone else lol
Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5
Re: Two JRPG Classics Finally Coming To Xbox In New HD Collection
@CutchuSlow grandia 2. was a sega dreamcast game. grandia 1 was sega saturn.
welp. guess i'll be getting these yet again. i have a soft spot for grandia games.
Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5
@ZuneTattooGuy that really doesn't matter to me as a consumer. If they don't offer anything I want or if I do gets something and dislike it then i'm not gonna even look at it. Considering I used to buy their stuff means they lost sales because I now find their offerings generic as its all they do back to back now.
also....the guy above me, @kedireturns
The dualsense battery is bad, it lasts like 5-6 hours. nobody thinks its good...an if it goes, the controller is unusable like every other controller with a built in battery that can't just casually be removed.
The controller size is only comfortable for people with large hands.
PS is the ONLY platform to ever use "symmetrical" sticks. Just them. They are the outlier. Very confused at the human being thing, what the heck sense does that make. Can you hold it or not? yes? no? lol.
Haptic triggers are overrated. Can't say I like my trigger becoming a rock cause i got on a segway.
The rumbles kinda annoying. Can't say i like the feeling of something like glass smacking my hand. it feels weird.
Oh. an the amount of games that you literally need a PS5 for, that you can't play on any other console or PC, is less than 10. Thats not really raising the bar by any stretch. Saying it "has all these games" is worthless to a consumer because they may only care about 1 or 2 or potentially even none of them.
All of it is preference anyway. No reason to try an act like something is factually superior, everything - yes EVERYTHING - has its ups an downs. The dualsense is "okay". its not groundbreaking.
Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Becomes 'Best-Selling' Pre-Order On PlayStation 5
@Phantasystar77 I mean. everything you just listed is something i've played and can live without. I bought a day 1 ps5 so i could play those and yet i feel like i could've saved $500.
SE games just aren't what they used to be. They're just doing the standard fair that I could literally do anywhere. Won't be buying a system for their games anymore, will just pick it up if its on what I currently have at the time.
Gaming really just....doesn't do creative things anymore. Its just the same open world everywhere I go with little thought to the things I AM doing. Its nice that devs like vanillaware aren't really afraid to test things out.
Definitely nice to have a large group of studios to keep an eye on but SE is being taken off that list after Rebirth.
Anyway, seeing that it just makes it odd to think. You all like and want xbox games but you're not willing to try the xbox to get said games...? Why does weird thinking like this only apply to xbox.
Re: Unicorn Overlord Launches On Xbox Series X|S To Fantastic Reviews
@Zochmenos same
Re: Unicorn Overlord Launches On Xbox Series X|S To Fantastic Reviews
random question but how come pure xbox didn't review the game?
either way, waiting for my physical to arrive. seems like everyone got hit with a delay for some reason.
Re: Hardcore Action-RPG 'The First Berserker: Khazan' Is Heading To Xbox Series X|S
I'm for it, i'll probably day 1.
Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Producer Defends Lack Of Xbox Series X|S Release
I love OG 7 dearly, grew up with it. I liked remake alot. i'm still playing through rebirth but nothing about this is screaming "exclusive made this better!". it has alot of graphical issues...especially the LoD, thats really busted atm. The game itself feels like chunks of open world, nothing i haven't done before. Alot. Totally not really tired and exhausted gameplay with that one. way. WAY. too much filler.
but seriously, there has been nothing that screams that statement they said.
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade March's Xbox Partner Preview Showcase?
I came away impressed. Quite a few things in there interested me and was pleasantly surprised to see P3R expansion pass and the 14 starter edition (be careful with the starter edition, it'll upgrade you to paid which means subscription fee.)
was definitely something for everyone in there. i know some kids in my family was bouncing about that chucky roblox thing...
Re: Digital Foundry Tests Xbox & PlayStation Cloud Gaming, And The Results Are Mixed
this is something we've known for a very long time though. that xbox cloud was using series s versions of games.
Re: PSA: You'll Need A Microsoft Account To Play Sea Of Thieves On PS5, Unsurprisingly
@TwoDents iuno. all of my friends an myself have a PS5, pretty much all the systems and a gaming pc, but none of us are talking about stellar blade. we're just not all that interested tbh. Sure it looks neat but i'd probably just rather play devil may cry. The only times I see anyone talking about stellar blade is, shocker, places like this. Its very few.
Hopefully it does well but word of mouth really isn't happening with the game.
Re: Xbox Fans Share Their Disappointment As Two New Games Skip The Platform
Gundam Breaker, not evolution xD
yeah its disappointing. idk if im gonna get breaker now since my friends have all basically moved to xbox, use switch for specific things, and got rid of their playstations.
kinda disappointing.
Re: Hi-Fi RUSH Is Making Its Way To PlayStation 5 Next Month
@mousieone @Fiendish-Beaver Well thats the thing. microsoft just sees the console as the cheapest option into its ecosystem now. not the only one, but the cheapest one. It doesn't particularly matter to them at this point an its all extremely too neck deep to change course now. This is what they've decided to do, all we can see is what happens.
I've talked to alot of people, ones that don't care about mainstream media or the doom an gloom.
They don't care. The response was "if theres an xbox to buy, then i'll buy it."
So the issue clearly hasn't changed. its still a matter of trying to get people into the xbox ecosystem. One they can't seem to figure out.
Its not even about "release good games" anymore, its about breaking people's view and mindset that xbox isn't a good place to be in. THEN comes the issue of making people see "release good games" when you an I both know they do have good games.
but its all irrelevant to me. I have everything - Xbox and Nintendo being my preferred places - but my only choice as a consumer is whats in front of me. whats available to buy and where i can buy it. everything else doesn't matter because it takes way more than just me to magically make any other difference. Even if i bought 10 copies of a game an shared them out, that wouldn't mean squat in numbers but it would mean i'm out nearly a grand.
ima just do me an my thing an be happy because all this worrying is moot to any of us.
Re: Hi-Fi RUSH Is Making Its Way To PlayStation 5 Next Month
@Fiendish-Beaver as a consumer, none of that even matters to you. it Xbox's IP, Xbox can do whatever they want with their IP.
As a consumer, you can literally have any platform.
What matters to you, as a consumer, is that you want something - you pay for it where you want to play it - you play it - an then you move on with your life.
What other people choose to do has next to no impact on what you do unless its your inner circle, if you have one - Which is what most people will always base THEIR own actions off of.
Do what you want to do, not worry about what anyone else flips out about.
Re: Limited Run CEO Claims Walmart May Be Dropping Physical Xbox Games Soon
probably likely. my walmart, I only ever really see 1st party, capcom, bandai namco, or super hero (batman/spiderman etc) get restocked for Xbox AND Playstation. Its kinda depressing, because of this everyone is just being conditioned to order from online.
Switch on the other hand...their shelves are so full they have old stock with price tags sitting under the shelves.
Re: 'Karma Is A B*tch'! Original Xbox Creator Talks Activision Takeover
@Rmg0731 man i know you like to crap on xbox or microsoft whenever you can at every waking moment but those people that are leaving have been in the business since i was in kindergarden.
People get old, let people rest without trying to spin it as the world's craziest negative. Its like people aren't allowed to just live a life when it comes to the internet...
Re: Pick One: What Was Your Favourite Xbox Game Pass Game In August?
Sea of stars, no question. Game has been an extreme joy to play through. doing all the end game stuff before finishing it.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Like A 'Fully Open World' Gears 6?
wasn't interested at all in the open world segments of gears 5. all it ended up being was my friend being bored while i just drive us to the next spot to shoot things.
Re: PlayStation Plus Joins Xbox Game Pass In Raising Subscription Prices
@Cashews ...ditto. i have all the classic controllers. nes, snes, n64, and gen/master. doesn't feel right otherwise considering i grew up on these things.
Re: PlayStation Plus Joins Xbox Game Pass In Raising Subscription Prices
@Cashews and i'm guilty of being on a expansion pack family plan lol. we split the cost and i play them weekly.
but most people are still unhappy with their offerings because of how slow they even release them over there.
still. its all a matter of out of pocket costs for the few things we want in any of them. we're paying for the whole thing rather than the one or two things we want out of it.
Re: PlayStation Plus Joins Xbox Game Pass In Raising Subscription Prices
kinda funny when nintendo has the best pricing for just wanting to play online with no other fluff really.
that price hike is steep...i haven't had PS+ for years and watching it just increase like that only solidifies me not wanting to ever go back to it. i play online more than i do offline because i only get so much free time a day and i tend to just do a quick something here an there till my days off so anything not F2P on my ps5 just never gets used anymore.
feeling like its about time to fully move away from playstation for me.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Confirmed For Xbox In 2023, Series S Version Ditching Local Co-Op
@Foxx_64740 Best to never take anyone like that seriously as they just want to clout chase in any way possible - even if none of it makes sense in any way.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Confirmed For Xbox In 2023, Series S Version Ditching Local Co-Op
This doesn't prevent online co op on the S where the vast majority will be doing their co op.
I have a friend that says the local co-op is extremely far from perfect as well. Its a mixed bag to be sure but not a deal breaker.
Re: Armored Core 6 Tech Specs Detailed, And It's Great News For Xbox Series S
@DennisReynolds Nice. Just keep in mind you're not invincible most people tend to not pay attention to when they're taking damage in this series when newcomers.
@BAMozzy No need to be a debbie downer just yet, we haven't even seen the game in action on all hardware. I know fromsoft doesn't have the biggest trackrecord with framerate but we know it'll be fun. The (probably not maintained) 60fps is honestly the biggest plus current gen is gonna have over last gen.
....and honestly, I can't remember the last time a AAA console release ever had a stable resolution output with 60 or at all.