Comments 705

Re: Sea Of Thieves On PS5 Has Slight Edge Over Xbox Series X, Notes Digital Foundry


The reason shadows look better on the PS5 is because the PS5 renders shadows on Unreal Engine better than xbox. There's nothing xbox can do to make shadows look better for UE on xbox to overtake ps5 in that regard, it is what it is. So it's not an optimization of the game to bring it "up to par" on xbox, there is simply nothing they can do with that engine with the hardware the way it is, because shadows and UE will simply always be that way with these consoles.

Re: Xbox Might Be Looking Into A Handheld Console As PlayStation Rumours Circulate


Well, considering "some" devs and gamers consider the series S holding games back what would you think this will do to the devs? Another SKU to develop for? Will they make handheld specific games? Is is cloud only? If its a hybrid console i cant see it being their only console as the performance would not increase from current gen and we see that the specs on the xbox/ps are more than what the Nintendo devices can handle. I just think the market will get saturated and the Rog Ally/Steam Deck and Switch would be enough.

Re: Square Enix Makes Surprise Appearance At Xbox Developer Direct 2024


@Kaloudz it's definitely not easy imo, but it depends how you build your jobs around each character. If you can have a good set-up it wont be as bad but if not you will have a much harder time, at least that's how i saw the first game. I still beat it twice, but have my reservations of putting 65 hours into a game these days. Hard to find the time.

Re: Square Enix Makes Surprise Appearance At Xbox Developer Direct 2024


@Kaloudz no they are not. Both games have the 8 characters which each one having their own stories, and the second one having 8 different characters.

Now, there is a super boss in the first one that is basically a side quest that is supposed to tie all 8 of those characters together and that same super boss returns in part 2 that also loosely ties the first game to the second i believe but the main characters are all independent and unique so no need to play 1 before 2 or anything.

These games are massive, however. To beat all 8 stories in the first one it took me like 65 hours, and it will be similar with part 2. Don't get me started on leveling for the super boss, I wasn't gonna put another 10 in getting prepared for that.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Developer Direct 2024 Proved That Microsoft's New Format Really Works


Dang right it's a home run. The amount of content and value that xbox is bringing is staggering. The constant showcases with amazing games, the diversity, the road map, and the crazy thing is there's much more! And that sweet sweet game pass. It'd be nice if a certain other company would give the gamers a roadmap and an actually first party showcase instead of crickets, but here we are.

Re: Square Enix Makes Surprise Appearance At Xbox Developer Direct 2024


@Kaloudz PlayStation got the 2nd one already, just not the first that's correct. This looks like straight Mana, and I'm all for it! Glad to see the SE/Xbox relationship flourishing now after those rocky times, but i suppose a new man in charge will do that. Of course, the usual trolls and negative people on here will downplay it, as they always do.

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


@EvenStephen7 They've actually added quite a few things since launch (NMS that is) that you'd hardly recognize the game now. It was as bare bones as bare bones can be in 2016. A lot of people enjoy it now since it's gotten, what, 7 years of updates? Now I'm curious where Starfield will be in a few years. After the DLC and mods come out I can't wait to jump back in.

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


@EvenStephen7 no man's sky and starfield arent really similar games. Starfield has a deep RPG system that's focus on questing and stats of your character where as No man's sky is more of an exploration, "chill" survival type of experience. No man's sky has come a long way since it's introduction in 2016 but the two games are vastly different experiences.

Re: Starfield Wins Steam's 'Most Innovative Gameplay' Award


Starfield is definitely an incredible experience. Not surprised it won most innovative. What other game can you have multiple guns with modding, visit multiple planets, have tons of side quest, a base building game on planets, extract minerals, build/steal ships, and have a new game plus where each one can feel different the last? No other game does all of that. Guess people who play games just play and enjoy. Well deserved, Bethesda!