Earlier this week we talked about Xbox's first-party lineup for 2023 - asking you for your overall grade of Xbox's output over the last 12 months. At the time of writing a 'Grade B' has been the most popular pick, which is a respectable rating, but now we want to know which release in particular you all liked best.
Starfield is obviously the big one here — it won our reader-voted Game of the Year award recently — but there've been some other major releases this year from Xbox. If we take third-party games out of the running, can anything else from Team Green close the gap on Starfield?
Hi-Fi RUSH claimed third spot against stiff competition in our GOTY awards, so if anything from Xbox has a chance of reeling in Starfield's popularity it's likely Tango's beat-bopping banger. Is Hi-Fi Xbox's best game of 2023? It's certainly a good shout!
Anyway, vote in the poll down below and tell us your favourite Xbox first-party release of 2023 - we want to know your top picks! We're going to include another Tango Gameworks release here in the form of Ghostwire: Tokyo as it came to Xbox platforms this year, and you know what, let's be cheeky and include Modern Warfare 3 in this list as well. It launched after Xbox wrapped up its ActiBlizz deal after all!
Discuss the reasons behind your top title in the comments!
Which Is Your Favourite Xbox First-Party Release Of 2023? (531 votes)
- Hi-Fi RUSH
- Ghostwire: Tokyo
- Minecraft Legends0.2%
- Redfall
- Starfield
- Forza Motorsport
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Comments 30
Going to have to give it to Hi-Fi Rush. A phenomenal game that released near perfection!
STAHFIELD for sure. That's crazy how many first party releases they had this year and there might be more in 2024!
1.) Hi-Fi Rush
2.) Ghostwire (played it on ps5 but still)
3.) forza motorsport 8
4.) starfield
Enjoyed all but some much more than the others.
The 3 games I haven’t touched are games I’ve heard from friends and family that I’m not missing out on anything as all 3 are bad.
EDIT: also really weird to count CoD MW3 as only like 1 week of its 1+ year development was under MS.
At that point also count Diablo IV and Crash Team Rumble.
EDIT2: I guess the same could be argued for Ghostwire but atleast that game was like 50% done under MS.
That is a tough one. Hi-Fi Rush, Ghostwire, Minecraft Legends and MW3 aren't really games I would be likely to play given my preferences so I can't really speak to those games.
Starfield, Forza and Redfall were all disappointing in different ways.
I guess Starfield would have to be me favorite since I played it for over 250 hours.
HiFi Rush by a country mile. Also, probably the only game I'll remember from that list.
FM was a good game too that unfortunately exists in the same universe as GT7. Everything else, quite mediocre.
Starfield by a very wide margin. My favorite game from any publisher this year.
I’ve gone Starfield as it got me for 60 hours somehow and I didn’t even realise until my year in review came though, so even with its many flaws in my opinion, it must of done me some good game play wise.
Hi-Fi Rush 100%. An absolutely capital “F” Fun game that deserves all the credit it’s getting.
Ghostwire is ok and so is Minecraft Legends. Starfield and Forza were disappointments. And Redfall honestly should have been cancelled. Is it a joke including MW3 on there? If Xbox is savvy, they can blame old Bobby on how that one turned out for the campaign (which I mean, it really isn’t Xbox’s fault for that) and hopefully “save” the franchise with the next installment. If that’s on there, you might as well argue Diablo 4 is an Xbox Game Studios game. Diablo 4’s the better pick. Would be second place in the list if was here, despite the controversy.
I'll start by saying I live Starfield and HiFi. Though I'm going with Ghostwire Tokyo as to me the game is just so unique.
For me it's...
1. Starfield
2. Forza Motorsport
3. Hi-Fi Rush
Had a great time with all three of these games. Starfield was the big surprise for me because I've never really liked any Bethesda RPGs.
Though overall I was kind of disappointed with it I'd pick Forza as the best of the bunch.
I had to pick Redfall lol but it is the one I had the most fun with.
While I didn’t enjoy playing Hi-Fi Rush because I’m terrible at rhythm based games I loved the world they created. The game felt fresh Abe is a new IP which I hope we see more of.
I didn't really play any of them, but I did play around an hour or 2 of ghostwire Tokyo and I did enjoy it. So I'd say it's the best out of the list.
Hi-Fi Rush all day long. I can't believe it has nearly been a year since it launched. I'm hoping for a sequel announcement very soon.
Really enjoying Starfield over 100 hours in. I still have loads to do and I am not even on NG+ yet!
I'm actually very happy to see Redfall get some love in that poll.
Not a perfect game. Not a $70 game. But it really is a fun game.
Hi-Fi Rush by a mile. Underpromised and overdelivered, the opposite of Starfield. Felt like waking up and playing a Saturday morning cartoon, pure joy! And I’m not even a rhythm action fan. Hope we get to see a lot more of Chai, 808 and Co.
@Kaloudz ain’t that the truth! Did a double take seeing COD.
Starfield for me! It's really getting its hooks into me now 35 hours in!!! My evenings are flying by playing this game, some parts of it are a bit mehh but some bits made me smile. What's not to like about somebody trying to kill me a space pirate for a bounty, then me blowing their engines boarding them and floating about their ship with little gravity killing them all with my shotgun and then keeping their ship!!! Or another moment I had a bounty on my head bounty hunters come to kill me and I've not fixed my ship from the last encounter before I thought I'm screwed here then get rescued by 2 other ships just to be told they are bounty defenders and they are just keeping me alive till my bounty is high... Amused me anyway!
1. Hi-Fi Rush
2. Forza MotorSport
3. Age of Empires 4 (if Ghost Wire is included for its XBOX debut then I'm including this lol)
Still gotta play Ghostwire and I need to beat MineCraft Legends to give a proper rating.
Team Hi Fi. However, I had a great time with starfield as well.
1) Starfield
2) Hi-Fi Rush
3) Redfall
Starfield, followed by Minecraft Legends.
I didn't enjoy Hifi Rush, it felt like 100% Gen Z bait. Got through the first boss and called it quits. I think it gets overrated due to it being shadow dropped and having zero hype.
Yeah Starfield, but dozens of hours later it’s still 75/100. Just went through a long stealth segment and it just wasn’t well designed.
Hi-Fi Rush def! Polished and a nice surprise!
Starfield & FM are good games but with lots of flaws (and ofc will get beter over time). MS needs to get the polishing aspect on point when launching new games though!
Forza, because it's the only one I played that I liked 🤷
@Jenkinss Naw, Hi-Fi Rush deserved the praise. And I'm not even Gen Z. LOL
I will admit that I hated on it instinctively, during the reveal, in real-time. There was a tease of a surprise, but as soon as the words "rhythm game" were uttered, I turned sour on it. Next were gameplay clips, and the hero didn't look like a hero at all. He looked rather plain.
As the show went on, I settled down and decided to download HFR anyway. After playing a bit, it started to grow on me, and I soon changed my tune.
Forza out of those. Love Starfield and still working through it. But I think that's the problem. Whenever I think about diving back in to Starfield it kinda feels like work. Couldn't gel with Hi-Fi rush. Looks great, sounds great just not my kinda thing.
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