It's been revealed today that Microsoft and Team Xbox have considered purchasing the likes of SEGA and Bungie in the past, with the information surfacing courtesy of The Verge as part of this week's FTC hearing.
In fact, the outlet has even got email proof of this from November 2020, which shows Xbox boss Phil Spencer writing to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and CFO Amy Hood about his interest in acquiring SEGA:
"I am writing to request Strategy Approval to approach Sega Sammy regarding a potential acquisition of their Sega gaming studios."
"We believe that Sega has built a well-balanced portfolio of games across segments with global geographic appeal, and will help us accelerate Xbox Game Pass both on and off-console."
In addition to SEGA, a "Final Watchlist" from 2021 highlights an interest in the following companies:
- Thunderful (SteamWorld, The Gunk)
- Supergiant Games (Hades)
- Niantic (Pokémon Go)
- Playtrix (Fishdom, GardenScapes)
- Zynga (Farmville)
- Bungie (Destiny)
- IO Interactive (Hitman, James Bond)
- Scopely (Monopoly Go!)
Obviously none of these came to fruition, and Bungie actually ended up being acquired by Sony. It's unknown why they didn't happen, aside from Zynga which Microsoft ended up passing on in favour of acquiring Activision Blizzard. SEGA was apparently still listed as a "key target" in a merger review document from April 2021.
There was a lot of talk for a long time that Microsoft might have been interested in buying SEGA, so it's very interesting to learn it was actually true! It doesn't seem very likely anymore, but we'd certainly love to see it happen...
What are your thoughts about this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source theverge.com]
Comments 102
I think Sega would have been the better buy personally.
I wonder if Sega simply wasn’t interested. Sega’s a better developer than Activision, but I could see Sega turning them down to stay themselves. The Sony/Bungie merger had to have hurt a little bit.
I feel like Supergiant honestly could’ve been a good fit for the Xbox brand though. Bastion was one of those first solid Xbox Arcade titles, so I’ll always sort of tie them to Xbox in some capacity. IO could’ve been a good fit too. Those two devs are sort of a missed opportunity, feels like.
Jesus stop buying everything. Its killing the industry
Would of preferred Sega. Not quite as big of a mobile presence as king but they do have one. Less of a headache as well. Doubt Sony would have batted an eye. Plus a new condemned would be great.
I still think Sega will be part of Xbox in a couple of years.
PlayStation has 98% of the high end console market in Japan
Sega would be ideal as a partner. But I would hate to see it go exclusive.
After releasing one of the worst rated games on the console, I think MS dodged a bullet.
I couldn't care less about Bungie, but if acquisition meant Sega released new Shining Force, Phantasy Star, Golden Axe, and Shinobi games I'd be all for it. Come to think of it, Microsoft should take a page out of Sega's book and license some of their dormant/unused IPs for some dedicated indie studios to do something with (giving us fantastic results like Streets of Rage 4).
@Rmg0731 Agreed, Microsoft should be permanently blocked from acquiring any studios or publishers at this point (really should've been blocked from acquiring Bethesda too).
Sega would be an interesting one just because that'd increase the Xbox influence to some extent in Japan. Imagine Microsoft with the likes of Sonic, Yakuza/Like a Dragon, SMT, Persona, & Etrian Odyssey as IPs. Probably would've been a better choice than Activision-Blizzard considering the state of the company, Microsoft not managing their acquisitions well, and the sheer contrast between Sega and Microsoft's IPs. Yeah they could undo a lot of really bad choices, like forcing a lot of talented dev teams to work as helpers for CoD (High Moon Studio & Vicarious Visions my beloveds), but I don't see them doing that.
So basically this is an attempt to show that Xbox would buy anything they could to keep them in the game?
If you thought the ABK deal is taking forever, this Sega deal would take AGES!
@VoidPunk also some of the best rated, what a vapid argument
Sega will forever be Xbox’s “one that got away”. Wouldn’t like seeing Sega get bought now that they are on top of their game again, MS would just hold them back
While it's interesting to see some of the names they were considering, I'm shocked to see no mention of any of their partner studios such as Asobo Studio, Moon Studios, Don't Nod etc.
I would have thought Asobo would be prime candidates given their work on Microsoft Flight Simulator
Stated this in PushSquare but I would not be shocked if this still can happen after the ABK deal goes through, but should they go through with it, I dare bet they would keep all existing IP multi-platform. All future persona, sonic, etc, all would be multi-platform, mostly because it would devastate Microsoft's reputation in Japan if they took over and made it all exclusive.
This is not to say they would not create new IP that are Xbox exclusive, or resurrect IPs like Jet Set Radio as Xbox exclusive.
Their relationship has gotten extremely close in recent years, they are basically in a dating period and they cant move anything forward due to the ABK deal.
Of course another huge third party publisher, hopefully these governing bodies know when to say enough is enough.
@MattT3142 I heard that Moon Studios was offered an acquisition but they wanted to remain independent.
Asobo is one they should at least invest on, because it would be very bad if they happen to lose Flight Sim dev the way they lost Double Helix Games for Killer Instinct.
@Tharsman Moon wanting to remain independent makes sense, they always wanted Ori to be on more consoles than just Xbox.
I agree, they definitely don't want to lose out on a strong partner like Asobo. On the Killer Instinct front, I still think they should just create a studio with Ken Lobb as the studio head.
I just wish they continued with the original plan they had with the Xbox and 360 era. So many great internal games created. I can honestly see Xbox doing a Sega eventually. Jumping out the market, but keeping gamepass going, surely that's where they see the true value, and could technically operate everywhere if the console isn't an issue.
@Rmg0731 no it's not, Sony are killing Xbox or trying too. Xbox should buy Sega.
Xbox proving time and again that they have no idea how to develop a good game. All they know what to do is buy companies that do know how to make games.
Phil and Xbox are a joke.
@Grumblevolcano what? What a daft take. Sony tried to take Starfield away.
Okay, okaaay. MS should buy Sega atlus next after ABK
They didn't have that many. What did they actually own? Bungie making Halo, Lion Head making Fable and later on Turn 10 making Forza. There was also Rare making games that didn't really land. Almost all other Xbox exclusives were contracts with third parties.
Alan Wake, contract.
Gears of War? Contract.
Crackdown? Contract.
Mass Effect 1? Contract.
Dead Rising? Contract.
Forza Horizon? Contract (until fairly recently.)
This continued to the launch of the XOne:
Ryse: Son of Rome? Contract
Killer Instinct? Contract
Quantum Break? Contract
Titanfall? Contract
ReCore? Contract
Scalebound (canceled)? Contract
The problem with Xbox is precisely they relied too much on third party contracts during their peak. When they lost ground (and 2 studios) they suddenly could no longer negotiate favorable third-party contracts and didn't have enough in-house force to keep them relevant.
@Grumblevolcano @rmg0731 @ultimateotaku91 as you can read, none of these have been acquired by microsoft. In fact, one of these has been acquired by the market leader: Sony.
I did wonder about Thunderful as the Gunk happens to be an Xbox exclusive. Still haven’t played it yet!
@Friendly Doesn't mean they won't go back in for them once the ABK deal is done.
everytime i see this, and see people's reactions, its like they haven't witnessed the last 30-40 years of gaming.
Midway? Liquidated
Atari? Bought out
Traveler's tales? Bought out.
Monolith soft? Bought out.
Rare? Bought out. People like to think they was in the best standing ever but the truth was, they was in the decline. All the big names left already and their last masterpiece before purchase was Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64 - Sold terrible.
Squaresoft and Enix? merged. couldn't keep up costs despite literally having IPs that set the RPG genre as a staple.
Bandai and Namco? merged. same thing as SE. had names and IPs that literally was unmatchable.
This is just the entertainment industry. Video games are highly volatile like movies. In every aspect of it, its how its always panned out. You merge to survive or liquidate and IPs fall into the ether never to be seen again.
@UltimateOtaku91 there’s a lot of assuming on Pushsquare when communicating with that community.
There is no bad guy in this whole story. Or rather, multiple bad guys who want consumer’s money. And you get that by having a great catalog of games that you can lure those consumers with. I absolutely don’t get the whole ‘microsoft needs to be stopped’ narrative. If anything, I love game developers to have a great budget so they can make the best games possible.
Ironically the only one in the list that was acquired was acquired by Sony and it was the one previously owned and sold off by Microsoft.
The idea of stopping one company from acquiring anything carte blanche while allowing the market leader to buy anything doesn't hold up to legal standards. It would have to be a moratorium on all purchases in the industry but that would be highly irregular and impossible to enforce globally. It would also start a trade war with China that would almost certainly lead to the third world war. But darn it, #SaveSanic
Hopefully they buy Sega and the rest. Put the PS5 out ot business.
@Hellostranger that is definitely not something you want. what drives companies to do better is losing out.
If the Activision deal goes thro surely MS won’t buy anyone else for a while.
I can bet Sega will be next if Activision is approved or not, MS won't stop until they're legally blocked from buying anything else.
@Hellostranger So you want one gaming corp ruling gaming free to do whatever they want? Wanna know why Gamepass exists? Because they needed something what PS lacked. Wanna know why MS dropped the original X1 idea? Because Sony forced their hand. Competition should always exist in this market because it works out better for us. The reason MS feel like your "friend" right now is because they're bottom.
Imagine having Sega, that owns Atlus, on Game Pass for console, for PC and for Cloud 😁. That would also help Xbox reduce PS dominance, especially considering that Sony, not happy with its market dominance, is trying to kill Xbox by taking third-party games off it. Moreover, Sega is the opposite of the typical Xbox studio.
I think they rely on asobo enough to lock them down. They are a very talented studio and have shown the ability to flying games (MS flight sim), 3rd person action (plague tale), racing (helped with crew 2).
Why no Ubisoft ? Only one I see worth it is io interactive
I hope MS buys SEGA, just so I can get that Marcus Fenix and Sonic at the Olympic Games that I've always dreamed of.
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Well I'm glad ms didn't buy sega, as I like sega for Yakuza and Atlus. Xbox should buy much smaller Japanese studios and build them up to be big, making JRPGs and all that. I'll be happy that xbox and sega had a partnership, but I would be disappointed if they were bought. I don't really trust Microsoft with them, scared they might ruin the games I like. And I also prefer that they stay multiplatform.
I rather they would have gone for SEGA, but I understand why they are going for ABK. I’ve always been such a fan of SEGA. That’s what brought me over to the Xbox. When the Dreamcast failed, I watched to see who Sega would support. Though they supported all three of the console makers, I went with Xbox because of the games SEGA was putting onto the system. I’d love for SEGA to be a part of Xbox. It would be like SEGA is back in the console space.
@TheSimulator Ubisoft is quite big. If the ABK deal goes through, I cant see regulatory agencies allowing MS to get away with also acquiring Ubisoft. If the ABK falls through (unlikely) I would not be shocked if they do pursue Ubisoft next.
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Anyone like the idea of Xbox's next console carrying the SEGA name in Japan?
@NeutronBomb push square will be in full meltdown if sega atlus were aquired by xbox
Man..... I can't even imagine if Xbox owned sega.
MS be like: can anyone please stop us from buying studios ................. Unlikely.
Omg they would ruin sega!
@Kaloudz are you insane? They would ruin sega just like RARE! Look at all their ip that never gets new games it would be a disaster.
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@Lastatopiny imagine coming to a xbox centric fan site complaining about someones xbox bias. Just let that sink in.
When Cadburys were bought by Kraft, they promised they wouldn't change the recipe. But anyone can tell the chocolate tastes cheaper these days.
@Baler Rare ruins Rare. Nintendo and MS both gave Rare a lot of creative freedom and they only sometimes figure it out. Sea of thieves is insanely still played in high numbers across Xbox and PC.
@NeutronBomb it was part of the rumor when this was a hot topic a few years back. I actually like the idea and it would gain MS a million or two sales alone in Japan that they desperately need.
@Moonglow i actually agree with 90% of what you said other than anyone deserves Jim Ryan, haha JK. Yeah most of them care about PS only. Which i get it, it’s how they say it is what is annoying. I love PS and don’t want them to go away. I want all 3 to do well. I own all 3, why would i rout against my investments? But i know some can’t see competition being good cause of non organic growth, which really means buying the best talent that was available. Seeing as early on, everyone developed for PS.
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Where did you get that 98% number from? Nintendo obliterate the other two combined in Japan. Pull that one out of your butt?
Microsoft have damaged themselves and shown exactly why the CMA were ABSOLUTELY 100% correct to block the deal! The language used by MS execs to 'bury Sony' and the list of basically, everyone, of who they should buy being presented by executives to the board. That is straight up a monopoly anyway you cut it.
If MS were not interested in a monopoly they would seek exclusivity deals in games, not buy entire studios left right and centre! This is what a corporation is, they exist to make money not be consumer friendly.
I think this is very damming evidence against them in this case against the FTC.
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@Alpha_Pulse Thank God for Nintendo I say. Whether people like it or not they ARE a direct competitor and ARE dominating in sales, all through innovation and not hyper aggressive mergers and marketing strategies.
@S-Bacc Your defence is blind to the facts presented. Microsoft's position doesn't mean anything, when they are prepared to spend the total net worth of Sony several times a year to buy seemingly everyone. With the executives team mindset to 'bury Sony' in play, they want to become the number one console but not by offering choice, but by forcing it onto consumers.
I may be an Xbox fan, strained at the moment, but I am in no way a fan or supporter of this behaviour what so ever. And I am glad the CMA blocked the deal based on the evidence we now get to see.
@Moonglow you are talking about a small community of very vocal fanboys who aren’t representative of the gaming community just a small part just like the extreme Xbox fanboys. A lot of neutral people don’t want this consolidation not to spite anyone but quite the opposite. We want more people to be able to enjoy the games. Consolidation of the industry is not good no matter how many people talk about companies in the past being bought out. Sony will retaliate with ABK and then MS will buy more and the cycle will go on until one of them is eventually blocked. Admittedly it does affect me because I buy everything but some might not have that choice and if their favourite games are split across multiple platforms then this isn’t the ideal scenario for anyone. This is just a very toxic and biased view.
Where is Banjo-Kazooie? It's a disgrace.
@S-Bacc But the CMA has blocked it based on a monopoly. So they have already proven what you have typed, again blind to the facts. And if they beat the FTC they won’t stop to think about buying anyone else, they’ll just do it.
@Benjamin exactly. Rare is a shadow of its former self same would happen to sega.
@GrailUK and half the size!
@HonestHick I don’t agree as they used to have a big release each year with Nintendo but with Xbox it’s feels like a game every ten years. And it’s never a game the fans of rares past games want. Why can’t Microsoft get another studio to make a new banjo game for example if rare is now incapable?
@Baler Phill has stated they don’t like to mandate any studio what they need to work on next.
If they want a very specific game done, and no internal studio is interested, they go out and seek a third party that can be contracted, and has the skills, to do such a project. Problem is there are not that many studios out there with a solid track record making 3D platformers outside of Nintendo. I would not be shocked if the few available, like the makers of Luckys Tales, might be too busy working on their own IP.
@Carck na I still believe Microsoft kick themselves for missing Bioware.
@Baler Sega is already a shadow of it's former self. Yes they have expanded since going third party but when they were a console manufacturer they had more in house R&D teams which with investment could re open.
@Baler barely any studios the size of Rare are making a game every year now. Even if Rare was still the same staff as before they wouldn’t be releasing at the same cadence as before as games are taking longer and longer to make (unfortunately).
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I got that number from Sony lol
Sony said to the FTC that Nintendo isn't part of the high end console market in Japan lol
Blame Sony not me lol
@Moonglow I'm a ps5 owner, but those guys are whacked out crazy on there. Most have a really strange, weird closeness to the brand that Sony themselves dont at all share. It's ironic, but to Sony those guys are just zealots to be squeezed for profit. Plus, they know those guys will come back for more.
I figured I would post this here, just posted it on Push Square, but given the topic of "japan has laws against foreign company acquisitions", I figured I would clarify this myth:
Acquiring Japanese companies is entirely possible and not blocked by any regional laws, outside similar regulatory procedures as those we see in other countries.
The biggest roadblock is for hostile takeovers and not due to legal blocks, but due to cross-shareholding, a practice where banks hold stock in the companies they lend to, while borrowers end up also holding positions in the banks that lent money to them. This creates a complex relationship between the companies and the banks that stifle takeover activities. Even that barrier is slowly weakening.
[link with more info]
Despite the recency of these financial changes, there are quite a few Japanese companies owned by foreign ones. Nissan is, for example, owned by Renault, a French company. And Sharp is owned by Foxconn, a Taiwanese company.
You can actually find companies like this one that specialize in aiding international companies to navigate regional laws and regulations, or hunt for investment opportunities.
TLDR: Japan has no laws to block foreign acquisitions.
@NeutronBomb you do realise that MS see us exactly as Sony or Nintendo do, how to get as much ££ out of us as possible.
Neither company is better than the other in all honesty
Ohhh noo, MS destroyed Rare. They allowed them to make a Pirate themed game with 30 million+ Players. Such a disaster.
The reason Rare don't develop their old IP anymore is not because MS, it is because they don't want to. That's why the new Battletoads was made by Dalala and Perfect Dark is being made by The Initiative and Crystal Dynamics.
There is no "MS destroyed them" Microsoft gave them freedom to work on their knew project called Sea of Thieves that is a huge success for the company.
Sega would be a great fit, Yakuza titles feel at home on Xbox.
Thunderful would be amazing too, such an amazing dev and publisher, The Gunk, Wavetale, Planet of Lana.
There is also some people on the comment who want Microsoft to be blocked from acquiring studios and publisher under the fake concern with the industry, this concern of them couldn't be more apart from the thruth.
They concern is that Xbox will do do PlayStation the same thing they have been doing to Xbox for years, buying their way into the console market with know outrage of those new knights of the gama industry. When Sony pays for games to be out of Game Pass, or out of Xbox entirely those people don't think it is bad for the industry.I haven't seen all the outrage when FF7R was announce as a PS exclusive and after that FF16.
All those people care about is PlayStation, stop the fake industry concern, you guys just can't stand the idea of Microsoft having games previously multiplatform to become exclusive.
Ohh, and about that, FF15 was on Xbox, FF16 isn't, so cut the crap of Bethesda previously multiplatform IPs becoming Xbox exclusive.
@Baler they had a good run in the beginning with Nintendo, yes. Then started to fade a little and Nintendo didn’t put up much of a fight to keep them. Now they just take forever to get their idea’s together and out to the public. Rare is a tricky one. But i agree with you that they should and need to be better. Still no clue about EverWild. But Sea of Thieves has over 25 million players. Still getting new expansions. So that is good.
@S-Bacc Again blind to the facts, you are good at this, yes they blocked it due to a ‘monopoly on cloud gaming’ that they believe MS would have, but it is quite obvious no if MS bought all those studios it would have a monopoly on all gaming? I mean considering all the profits from the games would be going to Microsoft and it could control what happens to them, which platforms they go on etc. They have a loooonnngggg list of studios they were and are looking at for acquisitions.
@eduscxbox ''Ohhh noo, MS destroyed Rare. They allowed them to make a Pirate themed game with 30 million+ Players. Such a disaster''
100% spot on with this comment. Always find it hilarious when people say Microsoft ruined Rare even though Sea of Thieves is a 5 year old game still getting expansions and has been upgraded to Series X/S consoles. The people complaining on want Rare to make old IP games and not allow them to innovate.
It's kinda funny, I can understand wanting a new Banjo game, but Rare does not make more Banjo games for practically the same reasons Naughty Dog does not make Jack and Dexter games. They feel they "grew out" of that phase.
It is a bit sad that only Nintendo and Sega's Team Sonic seem to think that kind of game are not something to grow out of, but its what it is with most devs in the last few decades.
@Friendly Amen, those people quickly joined my ignore list. There's been a social media push from Sony fans bullying comments since Xbox's awesome showcase. Every time I put one of these people on ignore I know Microsoft is doing something right.
@Tharsman I still think we'll gonna have a new Banjo game, just not from Rare, and I think activision's Toys for Bob(Crash 4, Spyro, Skylanders) will do it after the deal go through.
But yeah, those studios wanted to get in different projects, they didn't want to get stuck in their past, despite their past being great.
@eduscxbox "Microsoft gave them freedom to work on their knew project". Agreed Phil Spencer wanted to give developers the creativity they always wanted. He wanted this developers the best of best. Yes redfall fell on that because some arcane members wasn't interested they didn't have any morale.
Obviously, those people care as much for the industry as Sony. You just have to read their comments on Push Square and EG being happy about Xbox not getting Final Fantasy games and other third-party games that are kept off Xbox by Sony's anti-competitive exclusion deals. They can start complaining about Xbox when they are the market leader and keep third-party games off Playstation. Wait, isn't that something they approve?
They should blame Sony because it's them who have triggered some acquisitions. Remember Bethesda's games being kept off Xbox by Sony? Just think for a minute how happy they would be about Starfield skipping Xbox later this year, something that was planned by Sony to happen NOT owning the studio. Sony should be like Nintendo and believe in their own portfolio of games instead of poking the bear.
@eduscxbox "All those people care about is PlayStation, stop the fake industry concern, you guys just can't stand the idea of Microsoft having games previously multiplatform to become exclusive." One thing for sure is that Sony sees Microsoft a threat to them and would stop at nothing to destroy them.
I love Sea of Thieves and I love Banjo. Both things are compatible but it's a myth that Microsoft ruins studios, the only truth is that they give them too much freedom and that's why The Initiative doesn't have a clue about what they're doing and why 343 Industries was a bit lost about Halo Infinite until they were assisted. If a studio is good, they will be bettter with Microsoft because of the bigger budgets. If Microsoft buys a studio, games can be bought on Xbox and PC and can be played on any platform that supports Game Pass. If Sony buys a studio, you need a PS5/PS6 or wait two years to see if you're lucky to get a Windows port and you won't find the game on any subscription service on day one.
I'm here, the other BANJO, just to confuse matters.... 😅
@BANJO Welcome and let's hope we get Banjo-Kazooie soon! 😁
@Banjo- One can only hope.. It would be great to have a remaster at this point. Just to tide us over, one can dream I guess...😄
@BANJO Remakes would be awesome for a start 😍.
@Tharsman Conker, Project Gotham, Jade Empire, Fusion frenzy, Halo, Forza, Fable, Amped, KOTOR. Plenty. Albeit maybe not everyones favourite games, but I had plenty of enjoyment.
@Moonglow why would they keep making consoles if they're not profiting enough? They've already stated they have lost the "console wars" if most of their profit is primarily from Gamepass and cloud gaming is going to take off in the future (which is seems they are banking on) it realistically takes away the requirement for a disk based console. Provide a smaller streaming unit, or.. better add availablity on existing devices, no production required, just tech and servers. This isn't the 90's correct, as this option would have never existed. We can all remember the original Xbox one announcement, DRM, always online - realistically this has always been their path, they were just too early into that game.
@EquiinoxGII My statement was not that there were no exclusives, there were quite a few, but that most exclusives were contracts, not internal games.
Of the stuff you listed, Only Conker, Halo, Forza were made by internal studios. Everything else were contracts and exclusivity agreements.
@Rmg0731 not even close
@PsBoxSwitchOwner 100%
To be honest with every Tom, Dick and Harry releasing a handheld now a days I would rather see Sega throw their hat back in the ring. Not the "high end" side of gaming but something like the switch.
Microsoft tried to buy Sega in the 90s , they turned them down. It was Sega who helped set up the Xbox Live system on OG xbox. Sega wanted the XBOX og to be back compat with Dreamcast but Microsoft turned them down .
It wont happen now. Sega is huge now , since their merger with Sammy . Creating Sega Sammy corp. Their gaming division is what keeps the bucks rolling in, Their inhouse teams may be less then in their console days. But they still have the AM2 , RGG formely AM3. Now Nagoshi has gone more games are being annopunced as he was in charge of overall game developement and continusley refused to greenlight projects brought forward, so he could poor resources into Yakuza.
They have set up a new studio to help develop more games. Add to this Atlas, their Western studios. Creative Assembly, Two Point Studios, Relic Entertainement and their massive PC presence with Total War and Company of Heroes.
And they just bought Rovio for 1 Billion.
The success of the Sonic movies and all the merch and Mini consoles. Sega is fine where it is. and being Japanese it aint gonna happen.
Activision is ok to buy after all the KOtick crap which ruined the companies image. And if Activision goes through we might get some of those long lost IPS resurected that Activision hold.
Return of the Skylanders , Crash, Pitfall, and more.
Can you imagine if Sony lost Yakuza, their would be a meltdown on Pushsquare.
But honestly , Sega are best as a multiplatform or as a returning hardware competitor where they make all games exclusive their own console and PC , but we all know that wont happen unless as previous poster said they enter a lower power more fun centric market.
we could really have the old Sega Nintendo wars back. Now that i would love,
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