Comments 339

Re: Google Stadia Is Shutting Down, Which Is Good News For Xbox


  • 3
  • roe

I was a Stadia "founder" and yet even I could see this thing was doomed from the start. Honestly don't know what Phil Harrison and co were thinking with a lot of their decisions here.

Aside from the terrible marketing, wasting money on the likes of Red Dead, and many other things.. Stadia actually worked alright.

But when even Google themselves couldn't be bothered to support the thing (even at the start!) you just knew it wasn't gonna last too long.

Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite Original Xbox GTA Game?


Vice City still has that special feeling for me of the three. The setting, the story, the gameplay, the soundtrack, it's all just wonderfully done.

The whole trilogy is still really fun to play today though and there's no wrong answer here really.

Re: Talking Point: Six Months Later, What Are Your Thoughts On The Xbox Series X|S?


Ultimately it still feels like a step up akin to the One X rather than a whole new generation, which was obviously their plan so I mean that's not a surprise.

The fast loading is great, the backwards compatibility is really good and if you've got Game Pass it feels like there's always something to play.

However as much as I like Xbox's approach and openness, I still feel like I'm getting drawn away from them towards the PS5 with their already better lineup of games and the DualSense feeling like a game changer when used well.

Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming Arrives On PC, iOS In Beta Form This Week


This is the start of the big game changer. When you can just fire up the latest Game Pass game from a tab in your browser, it opens it up to so many more people rather than restricting them to buying a new console etc.

I still use Stadia a bit and streaming definitely has a place in the market imo.

Re: Random: GTA V Player Figures Out The Exact Number Of Kills Needed To Complete The Game


Interesting. I know the game is still largely a "3rd person shooter" in many ways, but I'd love it if there were ways to play games like this without having to just kill hundreds and hundreds of boring repetitive enemies.

It was one of my biggest criticisms with RDR 2, as the game progresses every mission turns into a gigantic shootout which feels at odds with the stories and with them happening so often they lack the impact that they could have if they were more rare.

Re: Industry Reporter Claims Fable, Perfect Dark & Everwild Are 'So Far Away'


This seems pretty clear I think and it's somehow stillllll the big question mark against Xbox.

Where are all these big exclusive games? We know they've been increasing their studios and putting a lot together in the back end but it feels like they've been doing that for 3 or 4 years now and we're still seeing little end product.

I've really been enjoying Xbox's approach of late and I may stick with them for 3rd party games but in all honesty they still don't have many games that draw me to their ecosystem the way PlayStation do. If that doesn't improve other the next few years I may drift away over to PS5 the same way myself and many others did back in the 360/PS3 era.

Re: Xbox Cloud Gaming For iOS Coming Soon, According To Phil Spencer


Being able to play on a phone is fine and I guess some people like it, but the screen is too small.

I'll be interested to use it on my iPad when I can as that opens a few more doors but PC and consoles themselves is where I'll really start to use Xbox Cloud gaming.

Being able to just jump into any game pass title without downloading will be a massive game changer