Comments 1,110

Re: Disney Addresses Xbox Exclusivity Questions For Indiana Jones & Marvel's Blade


@ZuneTattooGuy It won from just about every platform but the game awards. And even then, it won awards there. But keep rattling that saber. It can be your opinion that Deathloop wasn't good but referring to it as a "questionable" game isn't going to win you many followers. Guessing you hated Dishonored too? Blade is a character that could totally fit that stealth/action play style.

Re: Xbox Fans Left With Questions Following Strange 'Marvel's Blade' Reveal


Marvel fatigue, Game won't be out til 2025 or even 26, Exclusivity is still being negotiated, Don't want to toot their own horns early given the bad taste in people's mouths from RedFall (even though a different dev studio, people aren't smart enough to determine the difference given both say from "Arkane"). There are logical reasons.

Re: The FTC Is Continuing To Fight Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal


Absolutely nothing is stopping the industry leading Sony from expanding their cloud and subscription services. They have both but have no interest in doing so. That is not anywhere close to a monopoly. Even after this merger, Sony will still remain at the top due to console sales and it likely won't change anytime soon. Abyad is a moron and has no idea what a monopoly is...