Update: Xbox boss Phil Spencer has now responded to this huge Xbox leak:
Original story: It's been a terrible morning for Team Xbox, as a major leak related to the FTC investigation of the Activision Blizzard deal has revealed all kinds of information that Microsoft surely never intended anyone to see.
And seriously, this is huge! We now know that Microsoft has been planning an Xbox Series X refresh (potentially arriving in late 2024), and an entire release schedule from Bethesda dated July 2020 has also been doing the rounds.
There's more coming out of this as well, such as a new Xbox controller that appears to be launching alongside the new Xbox Series X revision, and even the revelation that Phil Spencer was interested in acquiring Nintendo back in 2020!
We'll be covering this information in more detail elsewhere on Pure Xbox as the day rolls on.
You can check all the articles related to this leak below:
What are your thoughts on all of this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 58
Can the FTC do a single job properly. This is mess. Such confidential information should have never been made public.
They know they can't win, so they try to hurt them as much as they can
Everyone is ***** on the FTC for this leak and I'm just partying for Oblivion remaster!
Biggest question for me; would the new gyrometer controller be compatible (even via adaptor) with existing Series consoles?
That new controller and a new Series S revision and X is a great idea to attract new comers. I will try and get a controller for sure.
Exciting times, all digital is cool too. I'll stick with my Series X
Also people over at EG already moaning about it, jesus!
@sd7232 I don't see why not. Gyro is not something related to the console hardware I believe. Just software and controller. So basically it should work on any series (or Xbox One even) as long as the games allow it which are probably not many because Xbox never had a controller option for it
It's crazy what they've done here. If I were Microsoft, I would be furious and consider legal action against them. Essentially leaked hardware and company strategies to the public.
Since the information is there out in the open, I'm most interested in the controller on the hardware side and of course some of these game leaks are really interesting.
@GunValkyria hopefully at a cheaper price point
Not surprised about the Nintendo bit, but I don't see them selling anytime soon.
So they make more powerful Series S, then wat happen to current Series S??? Stop make games for it???
Leaks like this are fun to read. Sorry, but it’s true!
What a massive leak. We essentially know everything Xbox related between now and 2028.
Was it a major leak though? Lol. I call bull****. Half of these will never see the light of day.
Oblivion remaster. That’s what stands out to me. Love that game.
Do we know who is responsible for the leak, @FraserG. Where it came from? Who first reported it? Whether the leak was malicious or purely accidental? And what Microsoft are going to do about it (though that maybe an unknown at the moment)?
@Fiendish-Beaver It's unclear at the moment! Seems to just be a (very costly) accident. We'll have to see how Microsoft reacts...
I am pretty interested in the new controller. I enjoy the dual sense haptics and would game a lot more on Xbox for 3rd party if they had the same.
Leaks of awesomeness lol
Thank you for your response.
I always think it interesting to see who first reported something like this, @FraserG, though it is often very hard to do so. Identifying the person that first revealed a leak often leans into whether there was any malicious intent based on their previous reporting of such things, and 'anti' or 'pro' the person or company at the heart of the leak. So whose hands the leak first lands in is often very revealing...
@FatalBubbles the PS5 controller is pretty awsome, the only issue I found is that after prolonged use the triggers get a little loose and their resistance goes. I was able to buy replacement springs online and fix it but they are really delicate springs inside and something I am mindful of when playing GT7. Hopefully something that’s been since revised and hopefully not a problem with the future Xbox controller
@somnambulance hell yes.
@Dusk_Actual I’m hoping we get more too! While the Xbox emails typically fill me with disgust, man, do I love a preview of new hardware and software!
@LordFunkalot I agree. My controller that came with the console has some of that “trigger fatigue”. One I purchased after launch seems higher quality and has no issues so far.
@sd7232 Not to make light of your own, but I think there will be bigger questions asked by other parties!
It’s a minor thing to be fair but I always use my repaired controller for certain games and it’s always at the back of my mind. Something I don’t have to think about on my Xbox, but the force feedback on the triggers is really cool when used properly in racing and shooting games.
So random question but can MS go after the FTC for this? It's a massive leak of confidential documents that they certainly didn't want their competitors to see.
Tbh, this isn't as bad of a leak as it sounded. Most of the Bethesda plans were already expected sequels and a couple remasters, while the surprises are still coded to project names. The console/controller is a bigger deal for Xbox, though they aren't even really mid-gen upgrades.
If i was Microsoft i would get the layers involved and sue the FTC again
I am dreading next year as I’ve recently found that Royal Games the main portal to King is permanently closing, surely this can’t happen can it even though Microsoft will be in charge of ABK once the deal is through?
@Kaloudz Will they post a message on the Royal Games site on what will actually happen as I’ve recently found out they are closing the site permanently?
Even saw 22,235 players online on the player guide so that tells Royal Games that Royal Games players still care about the site and don’t want it to go.
My biggest surprise was seeing a Doom prequel in that list. Also interesting to see a few things that were scheduled for this year and didn’t make the cut. Indiana Jones was expected this year it seems, so it’s not impossible we will see it hit next year.
I hate the idea of an Xbox series X refresh where they eliminate the disk drive. I am all-digital on Xbox but a lot of consumers have built physical libraries, not to mention a significant number of delisted games that can only be acquired in physical from. (Deadpool and Transformers Devastation come to mind). I would hate a future were it’s impossible to insert such a disk into any current Gen Xbox sold on stores. Relying on discontinued models would be unacceptable.
If they planning to sell a USB disk drive? I might be much more accepting.
@Trmn8r this and also a lot of the time frames are already obsolete. These leaks are almost all obviously from older targets/plans and very likely a lot of it has by now shifted, canceled or changed.
A Doom prequel was surprising, IMO, as was the expectation they considered Indiana Jones to be out last year.
@somnambulance I just enjoy the chaos.
@sd7232 Yea. Maybe not games that don't have it built in. But there's no reason that it shouldn't be compatible.
But you already have third party gyro attachments that work with all games by emulating the stick.
Thankfully Sony has used gyros since PS3 and Nintendo since the Wii. So devs have had plenty of time to get used to them.
The FTC has truly sunken to the lowest that organization has ever been.
So, Xbox is getting technology to match the Dual Sense or even surpassing it!?
That is great for everyone, because game designers can then truly be creative when developing games and make them even more immersive without having to worry that one platform would have to do without.
Someone's is getting sued over this.
@Kaloudz There has been numbers from 235 to 625 players online since I saw 22,235 players online, I wouldn’t know how to do that and I have a feeling the email would just get ignored.
But...but Phil Spencer claimed the high ground over Sony claiming there was no need for a refresh...
Hahhahahah. You couldn't make it up.
@sd7232 The new controller will work just fine, the "mid gen" Series X is exactly the same as the current console, just in a redesigned form. Think PS3 and PS3 Slim, it's that kind of an evolution.
I imagine support for the new controller will come via a software patch, like the ones we get now for the current controllers.
Microsoft needs to sue the FTC. This is ridiculous. Sony fanboy FTC likely didn't do this by mistake.
@GunValkyria Well as long as they don't discontinue the disc version. I want to pick one up at some point.
@iplaygamesnstuff It was actually accidentally leaked by Microsoft. I don't think even they are greedy enough to sue themselves!
@GrailUK So Microsoft provided the link to who? Who leaked it? Microsoft didn't "leak" it. If I had information improperly handed to me and still leaked it you are the one who's responsible. That's quite the spin there.
@iplaygamesnstuff I'm not spinning anything. Apparently, they downloaded a document for the judge that contained these files accidentally or something. It sounds like someone made a genuine error (and probably going to get in a lot of hot water.) But no, I'm not spinning. Get a grip lol. Article is on VGC if you can bring yourself to read it.
Perhaps there was somebody that did do this on purpose but we don’t know for sure and even being what people would describe as conspiracy theorist, I don’t think there’s any here lol.
Honestly there was nothing surprising in the entire leak to me.
I expected they took a run at Nintendo. Sony's Dual Shock hepatics are way better than XB so it makes sense to improve that (plus other things), a mid gen console fresh was started in the XBO/PS4 generation, and the Bethesda stuff was all known info for the most part (and the dates were stale anyhow).
Shock level zero for me.
@NeoRatt No reason for MS not to do something. I do agree with you though.
Why is Oblivion getting a remaster before Morrowind?
@Ashadelo It probably sold more than Morrowind because of the 360 popularity. Suits go by numbers not people's opinions...
@Kaloudz If you could do me favour seeing as you’ve emailed a company before, would you be willing and to help to email Activision Blizzard on behalf of the Royal Games players, you would know what to say, I wouldn’t and you would get more of a reply also?
This was crazy to see but it seems MS did this themselves. Goes to show that things said in 2020 change a lot & new goals need to get set.
The only reasonable thing to me is 2028 for a new gen but the fact they would scrap the disc-drive is big no no for me.
On PC it makes sense because of the "free" market, but on console it could mean only digital games from their brand stores.
I cancelled my digital Spider-man 2 DE for a cheaper physical one (below €60 + €10 for the DE add-on, I hope) instead of €90.
Oblivion remaster is worrying. Skyblivion is already coming out, I don’t want to see that canned by Bethesda’s legal team for this unreal engine, likely unmoddable sewn together abomination.
@Kaloudz Can’t remember my login details
@Kaloudz Would you be able to sign up on a gaming site called Play123 and I can message you there?
I'm about half way through the whole leak (around 271 pages) it's fascinating reading in places. Especially some of the simple text exchanges that have HUGE implications for us e.g.
Satya Nadella saying in 2022 "Is our future really just xCloud?"
Kareem Choudry responds: "We need to win on both depth (core gamers) and breadth (xCloud)."
And just like that console live...for now. Core gamers thank you for your service Kareem
@Kaloudz Found you, sent you a message on there
The updated Series S will still be $349.
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