Comments 359

Re: Poll: Which Controller Do You Prefer? Xbox Series X Or PS5?


DualSense has an in built microphone, which is pretty good. Besides that, the only new feature this thing has is HD rumble that they stole from Nintendo and, if the names anything to go by, will be an attempt to pass off as their own innovation.

I'll wait to get this in my hands before I know what feels better to hold. But for now, with the HD rumble I'd say DualSense looks more appealing

Re: Random: The New 'Xbox Controller' For PlayStation 5 Is Now Trending On Social Media


I'd say I'm surprised they added HD rumble, but I'm not. Sony have a history of taking Nintendos ideas.

And design wise it doesn't look more comfortable than the Xbox controller. Maybe it will feel amazing? Regardless, they never actually gave a figure on the battery life. Hopefully it will be better than the current one, which is horrendous.

I do actually like the look of it tho

Re: Not Everyone Is A Fan Of Smart Delivery On Xbox Series X, Claims Xbox Boss


@KelticDevil remember at the start of this gen where there was this relentless begging for last gen games to be 'remastered'? And subsequently there was a flood of the things? I never understood it, I had zero interest in it, I buy a next gen console to play new games, not games I've spent an entire generation playing.

You can bet if there's a way for someone like EA to opt out of this, they will do. But if companies follow other like CD Project Red, it will really cause a stir. If PS5 doesn't do what Xbox Series X does, and people have to rebut these 'remasters' on PS5, it'll be a coup for Xbox. Hopefully, when next gen comes round we won't see message boards full of "plz port xxx to xxx in 60fps", though I get the fact that it mere wishful thinking

Re: The Original Design Of The Xbox One Was Rushed, Admits Xbox Boss


@KelticDevil the man was a pr disaster. It wasn't surprising he went down a different path... A rather dark, rocky, strange path that went nowhere... When this was a man that used to work for EA. That alone speaks volumes, plus let's not forget him telling Geoff Keighley that people without Internet should buy an Xbox 360.

Diffence between Spencer and Mattrick is Spencer maybe a businessman, but he's also a gamer. Mattrick was a former EA exec.

Re: Phil Spencer Discusses How Xbox Series X Can Beat PS5


@FullbringIchigo I don't think a Crytek developer is a good representation of developers. If it's a continuous stream then it would be different.

I also don't think Microsoft will fall into the same trap Sony did with PS3. For starters, Sony intentionally made PS3 difficult to program and secondly, Microsoft consoles have historically not been tough to program so I doubt they are going to suddenly change that now.

@Gamer83 remember there was that rumoured power struggle at Sony between Layden and Ryan? Which Ryan won because Layden left. As someone who has owned every PlayStation console, I'm not happy their games are coming to PC (if they charge people for an updated Horizon on PS5 when Microsoft is offering free upgrades that won't go down well), it feels like Sonys losing the plot. Already with the PS4 it didn't 'feel' like a proper PlayStation since the Kutaragi era was over, but multiformat exclusives? No. Just no

Re: Actor Shawn Ashmore Shares Memories Of Working On Quantum Break


I loved Quantum Break, its a very underrated game. I think what put a lot of people off was the live action sequences after Microsoft infamously unveiled the Xbox One with TV TV TV. It probably would have been better received if they hadn't gone with live action but I didn't mind them.

Having said that, the horrendous final boss let the game down for me.

Re: Phil Spencer Discusses How Xbox Series X Can Beat PS5


I think the stuff Phil Spencer has put into place clearly leaves Microsoft in a much better position heading into the next gen than they were this one. Usually executives tend to be very robotic in how they come across, but Spencer comes across as a cool guy, and I think that's sort of translating into how the Xbox consoles are turning out.

I think next gen will be more like the PS3/360 era where they were both battling it out rather than this time where Sony disappeared into the distance leaving all in its dust. However, it does remain to be seen what difference gamepass makes. Sony will have exclusive games, yet Microsoft won't have any, because they will also be for Xbox One and PC. It's interesting times, and we have yet to see what Sony have in store. The momentum might be with Microsoft so far, but three times out of four Sonys blown away the competition (blowing Sega out of consoles altogether) so it seems like they are biding their time and waiting for the opportunity to deliver a shattering blow.

Re: Microsoft "Extraordinarily Well-Positioned" For The Future Of Gaming, Suggests Analyst


It wouldn't be a next gen without some words of wisdom from Michael Pachter 🙄

Sony and Microsoft (especially Sony), have been in this industry long enough and built up not only their brands but a user base who isn't about to abandon them for companies like Google. That's Google who, BTW, have released a disaster of a streaming service that suffers crippling lag, has exclusive games you can count on one hand, and has been ignored by publishers, developers, and gamers the world over. Its a matter of when, not if, Google kill off Stadia like they have done with everything else they dabble in (Google graveyard says it all).

Amazon also aren't in cloud gaming yet. They may come, but they aren't there now, and have no user base.

Also the coronavirus has shown how the worldwide Internet infrastructure is very shaky and not up to the level where we can have cloud gaming en masse.

Re: Review: Resident Evil 3 - A Disappointing Follow-Up To Last Year's Brilliant Resident Evil 2


Yeah the general opinion of this is that it's just... Okay. I suppose that's what happens when you have a year to create it, hence the amount of apparent cut content from the original.

Its also slightly disappointing to hear Nemesis is there from the start, unlike in the PSOne when you got to the police station and he just appeared before killing Brad.

I always thought 3 was the superior game to 2, I'm disappointed they rushed this. Maybe I'll enjoy it but to hear the fact it just ends abruptly and Nemesis isn't used well doesn't instill confidence.

Perhaps they just got lucky with how Resident Evil 2 turned out. Or maybe it really is that a year wasn't long enough.

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Buying Physical Or Digital Xbox Games?


Physical anyday. Gamepass has me torn because I am signed upto it but I like disks. I can see the convenience of digital but I like having a collection, which isn't something I feel I have when they are sitting on a hard drive. If it's digital only fair dos but in a choice between disk or download (so long as its not on gamepass) I'll get a disk. But that's the thing, since gamepass is unique to Xbox I don't have this problem on PS4 or Switch. Switch especially because I adore cartridges

Re: 10 New Games Coming To Xbox Next Week, Including Resident Evil 3


Got Resident Evil 3 collectors edition on pre order via game. I hope it arrives on time. This was always my favourite game of the lot, so I'm hoping they don't screw it up (demo impressions say they've nailed it).

I chose the PS4 version tho since I got the original 20 years ago on PSOne so it kinda felt right. Also I feel old typing that

Re: GameStop CEO Says Xbox Series X Still Expected In 2020


I don't think either will release this year. By the time we have passed the peak and we are coming out of this, I don't even want to think what state the economy is going to be in. And that goes for all countries. 2008? All the experts are saying this is far, far worse, and it probably is, since the financial crisis didn't bring entire economies screeching to a halt across the world. And certainly in the US, where the government appears to have lost complete control, what will it be like there? Trump hasn't locked the country down like Europe has.

Will we in any fit shape to want new, expensive games consoles launching at the end of the year? Doubt it. If China has another outbreak its definitely game over, even if they make these things in a different country they'll be using Chinese parts. Next year for sure, I just don't see how they can do it this year.