Comments 359

Re: Phil Spencer Explains Why The Feel Of Xbox Series X Games Will 'Change Dramatically'


The fact they have gone all out with the tech speaks volumes. This gen was very weak power wise, with even PS4 Pro and Xbox One X hamstrung by their inadequate CPUs.

I think the combination of seriously powerful hardware, and SSD with load times pretty much eliminated, means we are going to be playing some amazing looking games. And that's what it all comes down to in the end, I can't wait to see what is coming.

Re: Poll: How Much Confidence Do You Have In Xbox Right Now?


I'm confident Phil Spencer has put in place a system that will be great. It really does feel like the Microsoft of 2005 is back, however, we need to see games. Microsoft has rested on Halo, Forza and Gears for far too long, and while the fact they went around bringing companies like Ninja Theory and Obsidian into Xbox game studios, I am optimistic that there will be amazing games coming down the line. Ninja Theory especially, people don't realise what an amazing developer they are

Re: Phil Spencer Talks Xbox Series X Reveal Plans, Says He's "Never Been More Excited"


@gingataisen I hear you. Sick of these 'remasters'. Fortunately smart delivery should put an end to that, and further expose scummy companies like EA (who you can bet will try and weasel their way out of it), as someone who doesn't care about games.

Yes to next gen games. No to current gen 'remasters'. Tho you can probably bet when the consoles do come out certain sites will be full of people going "plz port xxxx in 60fps!!!!!!"

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


@BlueOcean I never said you were claiming that, I said you were hinting as such by the way you said it.

Those consoles did not shift the numbers they did due to piracy. The Dreamcast didn't even have to be modded, it ran burnt cds and yet still never got noticed.

And yes Gran Turismo sold 10 million and GTA 17 million. So what? Most games don't even hit double digit sales. The software sales for those two consoles were a million miles from what companies got on the other consoles. What's your point?

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


@BlueOcean but what you posted was factually incorrect. Your original post basically insinuated that the only reason PSOne and PS2 dominated was due to them being easy to pirate games for. And you asked if the two consoles had better libraries, and I answered that they did. I don't see how the original Xbox had a better library than PS2. It had a weaker library than GameCube for starters, at least that console had Nintendo making games for it. Sony didn't get 'lucky'. Not by a long shot.

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


@BlueOcean yes actually, the PS2 DID have a much better library than GameCube and Xbox. There were times when I was starved for games on GameCube yet with PS2 I was subjected to a barrage of great games. The PS2 is considered a classic for a reason, and it did not sell 150 million due to the fact it played DVD. The PSOne was a perfect storm with amazing exclusives such as Gran Turismo to Silent Hill, whereas the Saturn never got many 3rd party games despite using CDs, and Nintendo just plodded along thinking they would be alright in the end.

And as for the PS4, I already said Sony finished the gen stronger than Microsoft. They'd closed one hell of a gap, and fired out games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Gran Turismo 6, to name a few, whereas Microsoft relied on Kinect towards the end of the 360, and seemingly rested on Gears, Forza, and Halo (a fact that Phil Spencer has attempted to rectify), before Mattrick went off on his crazy talk of stick with 360, and Kinect privacy issues.

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


I'm kinda amazed at the fact some people think Sony only dominated because they 'got lucky'. Right. Because the fact the PSOne had an endless supply of great games that the other two didn't have, and the same with the PS2, didn't play into it at all.

The PS4 was Sony firing on all cylinders. Microsofts self implosion (Don Mattrick telling people without Internet to buy a 360 has to be one of the worst comments the games industry has ever witnessed) certainly helped, as did privacy issues around Kinect (Edward Snowdon blowing the whistle on what the US government was doing came at a really bad time for Microsoft with its always watching, always listening Kinect), but Sony certainly finished the generation in a stronger position. They'd broadened their games library (something Spencer has tried to address), and carried on supporting the PS3 up until the end with Gran Turismo 6. Whereas Microsoft had, for some reason, descended into a farce with Kinect games, some daft e3s that focused on casuals (remember Usher?), and a ceo that seemed to be losing the plot (and he did!).

You can see the difference with Spencer. He is a gamer, as well as a ceo. Mattrick was a former EA exec.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart To Feature 4TF GPU, Could Be Revealed "Any Day Now"


@BlueOcean yes you and me might think it's straightforward, we're gamers. I'm just talking broadly where it can be confusing for the masses, because they get confused quite easily. I'm not saying that the naming WILL be a Nintendo style mistake, just that it has the potential to be a problem.

@sixrings it's usually not a good idea to just abandon the current console when you release another one. Usually it's positioned as a considerably cheaper alternative.

Re: Former Sony Designer Suggests The Xbox Series X Is "A Beast" Compared To PS5


The Series X has a power advantage, but what will that advantage be in practice? Will it be like the PS4/One, where it was quite clear, or will it be like PS3/360 where it was only clear in Sonys games.

Probably Sony did get caught off guard. But then Microsoft were quite clearly hell bent on, after having the weaker console two generations in a row, having the console with the superior spec. However, I think we all know Sonys games will look amazing like they always have done. And we still have heard very little from Sony. This is a company that has squashed the competition flat in three out of four generations, and managed to turn the PS3 round from its disaster of a launch to actually finishing the generation in second place, so you'd have to be naive to underestimate them, and I doubt Microsoft are making that mistake. I do get the feeling they are being evasive for a reason, only for them to come out with a drop the mic moment. But as of right now, Microsoft are getting the positive limelight

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart To Feature 4TF GPU, Could Be Revealed "Any Day Now"


@gingataisen that's true but now we have
Xbox One S
Xbox One X
Xbox Series X
Potentially Xbox Series S

General rule of thumb would be to assume society is thick, because it is, and they need to be told what to buy. It might not happen where people get confused but the possibility is there. Even with the Wii U people thought it was a new controller for the Wii, not an actual new console

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart To Feature 4TF GPU, Could Be Revealed "Any Day Now"


Will be interesting if this launches at a price that surprises everyone. There is the slight worry that it could hold series x back. That remains to be seen, and hopefully it won't, but time will tell.

If Sony releases PS5 and nothing like lockhart it could be a coup for Microsoft. Of course, if they call it series s they could back themselves into a corner where people get confused over the naming like people did with 3DS/Wii U

Re: Nvidia's GeForce Now Service Is Losing Xbox Game Studios Titles


Would anyone be surprised at this? They are gearing up for project xcloud. And companies are removing their games from this.

You could argue its wrong (and I don't see a problem with people streaming games they have already bought elsewhere), but you can't deny its naive of nvidia to just believe that companies would simply be okay with this and just keep their games on out of the goodness of their hearts.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Ever Use In-Game Chat On Xbox One?


I never had a 360, only a PS3 so cross game chat wasn't something I was used to, but I didn't use in game chat. Full of abusive people, loud music, people arguing about how their country was better than someone else's country, whiny children playing a game that's rated way above their age. So I just muted em all.

Its why I don't care you can't chat on Nintendo Switch Online, I don't have to worry about any of that stuff

Re: UK Charts: Resident Evil 3 Misses Out On First Place, But Just Barely


@BlueOcean that's true. The original Resi 3 is actually my favourite of the series and I really thought it was a stronger title than Resi 2. But then came the reviews that it had a load of cut content, Nemesis was badly used, and its not too long. So I decided to wait. Even if it does have replayability, I've sunk 22 hours into Final Fantasy VII already, and I don't think Resi can touch that level of time for me, and I don't go and replay a game once I've done it. I always wait a while. So I'll try it when it's price drops from its lofty £49 price I keep seeing everywhere.