Comments 359

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


@BlueOcean I think you're losing the plot. I never mentioned dirt 5, never thought about dirt 5, you were the one that mentioned it.

And have you got proof most gamers want 60fps? Aside from a few people moaning, I don't see any. Most people cannot tell the difference, they have to go to digital foundry to find out. In fact, so obvious is it, that people thought animal crossing new horizons was 60fps until digital foundry did a check and found it was running at 30fps.

Its all in people's heads. But whatever. I'll enjoy my 4k gaming while everyone else whines a game isn't in 60fps, when if they want that as standard they should just buy a gaming pc where they can tweak the settings to their hearts content.

Re: Microsoft Is Shutting Mixer, Teaming Up With Facebook Gaming


@Tasuki yeah but done forget kinect, while there were privacy issues after Edward snowdon went on the run after blowing the whistle.

Meanwhile people will continue to upload their lives to social media, and have alexa in their house, but the minute you attach a camera to a game console people think Microsoft are sat on the other end watching you 🙄

Although, the price didn't help

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


@BlueOcean where did I say dirt 5 will run below 1080p? I never said that. What I said was we won't be getting games next gen that run at 120fps. Hence assassins creed valhalla.

I also agree Sony priority is not 60fps, but I've already talked on this site at arms length that I'm not bothered if something runs at 30fps. A solid 30fps at 4k next gen, and I'll be happy. At no point when I've been playing this gen have I been unhappy with the 30fps standard we have now. I can guarantee you it won't be going anywhere next gen, you might get some games in 60fps but the majority will probably be 30fps. Developers will always prioritise resolution over framerate, and that's how it should be

@zane547 they could, but it depends how much they come back. The fact is, Microsoft will never outsell PlayStation 5 due to the fact Microsoft, in three generations, has not changed the fact they are only strong in North America and the UK. They are weak in mainland Europe, and non existant in Japan. That isn't going to change I don't think.

And yes, 120fps is something the average person doesn't care about, hence the reason I've told blue ocean Sony has been very down to earth in that respect. I daresay the majority of gamers don't care for 120fps either, a few whiners on the Internet demanding a high framerate doesn't matter when it's clear deva will always prioritise resolution over framerate. Which is the way it should be. I own a 4k TV, so I want my games to be in 4k, not 1080p like some people want. Otherwise I'd not have upgraded my TV.

Though I think Microsoft will have newer games this gen, but that takes time to craft and nurture. Hellblade 2 will probably be excellent, but it won't exactly be a system seller.

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


@BlueOcean we won't be getting 1080p at 120fps.

They have been banging the drum. The unveiling was talking about 130fps, the promo trailers they have talked about 120fps, their twitter account has been talking about 120fps, Phil Spencer has mentioned 120fps, their press releases has mentioned 120fps.

They have been touting 120fps. Its in comparison to Sony who haven't been doing that, and have been relatively grounded in that respect. Regardless, it's all about the games, and Sony have a stable full of developers who've been building established game series, unlike Microsoft. And even now, are still support Ps4 with AAA games, unlike Microsoft who bolted from this gen several years ago once it became clear they weren't going to gain any ground

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


@Z3u5000 lol wut? So what you're saying is that the PS5 gpu is weak? Is that what you're saying?

@mousieone sure. I'm just saying it's a possibility. There will be 30fps games on Series X from Microsoft, 30fps isn't going to dissappear next gen.

@BlueOcean there's no way in hell we will be getting 120fps in 1080p. If anyone plays in 1080p it'll be 60fps, it's much easier on the cpu to have a framerate at half what you are suggesting. And Microsoft may have said they want 60fps to be standard, but they've been banging the 120fps drum non stop. Unlike Sony, who I daresay has been more grounded and down to earth than Microsoft.

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


The zero loading times (on PS5 anyway) is a game changer. Reduced input lag is always welcome but expected. I think when the consoles are out and standing side by side, we'll see what's true and what's not.

Its interesting that Microsoft is often talking about 4k at 120fps. We will see if the console will really hit that. People seem to point to ratchet and clank at 30fps, yet that was just a digital foundry article about a reveal. If halo is revealed to be 30fps rather than 60, that will be interesting

Re: Poll: Would You Eventually Like To See VR On The Xbox Series X?


I have a psvr and can't use it. Reason? It makes me feel very, very sick. Very. Sick.

Also I have to wear glasses when I'm on screens as I get eyestrain, and I can't have them on with that headset on, so there's that.

It also hasn't been well used in games. Moss worked really well I thought, wipeout looked great but the visuals took a hit, and it runs at 720p. I have a 4k set and a Ps4 pro, so even if I could play it for more than 10 mins, VR doesn't outweigh the benefits of 4k.

Its also a complete flop. Psvr is the best selling headset and its only in single digit sales. Spencer is correct to not bother with it. A complete waste of time. Even if they do get games to really show off the tech, a lot of people (like me) get very ill playing it. Honestly, I wanted to like it, I gave it a go, but its a nausea inducing, expensive extra with games that are nowhere near good enough

Re: Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Rated For Xbox In Taiwan


@BlueOcean isn't series s rumoured to be a digital only machine? Maybe that's why there's nothing on the box. Review tech USA talked about it anyway.

As for the Switch version, meh, despite flying off the shelves and game sales being sky high, us Nintendo fans are still treated like second class gamers. Probably be like Spyro was, a year late with an 8gb mandatory download.

Re: Poll: When Do You Think The Xbox Series X Price Will Be Revealed?


@BlueOcean not necessarily. I think we can agree that these two consoles will be expensive due to the ssds. I think both will already know what it'll cost, with possibly a very, very slight movement either way depending on what the other costs. PS5 is likely to be the more expensive, and I don't see Sony announcing price before Microsoft at all. I don't see these consoles being the same price.

If course, Sony could just be luring people into believing its the most expensive, only for them to announce a price that catches Microsoft off guard. It's possible

Re: Xbox Series X To Be Available In Large Quantities At Launch, Suggests Microsoft Exec


Sony have already said they will have enough PS5s available for people who want one.

Microsoft will probably be manufacturing in advance to have enough. Sony might possibly find it slightly more difficult due to manufacturing ps4s which are still selling really well versus Microsoft whose xbox one isn't really selling really well.

Regardless, I'm getting PS5 at launch, will get Series X later down the line

Re: Ori Dev Suggests 1TB Storage Is 'Just Too Small' For Next-Gen Consoles


I agree, it's way too small. It's too small even now.

That said, the seagate drive will be proprietary and therefore will probably have a high markup because they always do. I get that if they were using a run of the mill hdd they'd both have probably stuck 2tb in there but the custom drives (more so in the PS5 case I suspect) will be expensive as they are. Like, if these machines cost a hell of a lot of money, it's the ssds that are responsible. So if they'd have gone for more storage...

Re: Gears Tactics Developer Explains Why The Game Isn't On Xbox One Yet


Lol what? If it was built from the ground up for PC, that won't change, it'll still feel like a tweaked PC game. Besides, the very fact its releasing on Xbox later on means its going to feel EXACTLY like a port. By the time this comes out, I doubt I'll even care enough to bother with it.

Also, considering console gamers have carried Gears from the beginning, not PC gamers, this is quite a thumbing of the nose TBH

Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Is 'Uniquely Positioned' In A Competitive Landscape


Yes, just by the size of them, and being a technology company at their core, you can see how well positioned they are. And it's completely different from last time, when they were also well positioned but Mattrick blew it all, Spencer has really done wonders for Xbox. And to be honest, he's in charge, so the difference in this time and last is down to him.

Cant wait to see how next gen plays out. But firstly, the game reveals. Exciting stuff