Comments 359

Re: Xbox Boss: Our Upcoming Games Are Diverse And Taking Creative Risks


@Grot I am well aware of what I write. I may have posted a comment sarcastically but I don't do that often.

You also need to understand what a troll is. I don't know why you seem to keep defending the guy, I'm sure he's capable of looking after himself without you sheltering him.

Edit: I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you so I won't reply if you post so don't bother. I will just say the fact you were aware I was originally talking about KelticDevil speaks volumes.

Re: Xbox Boss: Our Upcoming Games Are Diverse And Taking Creative Risks


I see BlueOcean and KelticDevil are still as obsessed with me as ever. Wonder how that is? Maybe it's the lack of Xbox exclusives they have to play or something 🤷‍♀️

Also if an accusation is made that I like to 'start up crap here', then perhaps you could back that up with cold, hard facts. And report me to the admins. Otherwise, man the hell up, and accept I will criticise and praise Microsoft in equal measure. Just because two members of this site like to get overexcited at the mere mention of Phil Spencer doesn't mean I'm going to join in.

Also, having a preference for Sony isn't 'starting up crap'. But yet one of those two hilariously said the last of us 2 had 'terrible gameplay' yet in the same thread admitted they haven't played it (so their opinion is worthless), and also praised Microsoft for not revealing the price of series x, yet claimed Sony was 'waiting, like a wolf at the door', to reveal theirs. Oh, and claimed the only reason Sony dominated with PSOne and PS2 was because they 'got lucky'. And also because piracy. And turned a tomb raider poll into an Uncharted bashing thread. And they aren't a fanboy?

Re: It's Official, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Launches This November For Xbox One


Will be interesting to see if the later release date is due to them not allowed to announce the release of the new consoles or if they genuinely are releasing the game later on.

@TimG13 since origins the series has progressed into a grind fest with a levelling up system and pestering you to buy microtransactions. Even character wise, in origins it would have been better if you played as Aya, since she was a better character than Bayek. The series peaked with syndicate.

Re: Xbox Boss: Our Upcoming Games Are Diverse And Taking Creative Risks


@Grot I'm not trolling him. If you think I'm trolling, you don't know what a troll is.

He just turns purple and has steam coming out his ears if you say Microsoft have relied on three ips and interprets it as you claiming Xbox has no games.

Having said that a comment I made it reply to him got deleted so I guess he went crying to Frazer rather than take what I said like a man, despite the fact I didn't even swear.

Re: Leak Suggests Assassin's Creed Valhalla Releases In November


@themightyant I'd be very surprised if either are later than that tbh. I'm expecting late October/November for these two.

The rumoured surprise release was interesting. Considering the games aren't ready tho I'm interested to know how that would have played out.

@Z3u5000 there is literally no way this game can live upto the hype. I'm expecting it to be one of those polarising games in all honesty.

Re: Leak Suggests Assassin's Creed Valhalla Releases In November


Assassins Creed has enough clout not to be overshadowed by Cyberpunk so if it is correct I don't think Ubisoft need to be massively worried.

But a date that late... Kinda makes you think it has to be for the next gen versions too, right? One or both can't be launching any later than that I wouldn't expect. L

Re: Xbox Boss: Our Upcoming Games Are Diverse And Taking Creative Risks


The fact he's aware Microsoft has been all halo/forza/gears shows he's trying to address it next gen.

I'm looking forward to what Ninja Theory come up with after Hellblade 2. That's the only time they've made a sequel, so I wonder if it was them or Microsoft that wanted it.

@zane547 Nintendo are being silent for a reason, it might be odd but there's no way they aren't going to announce some new games coming at the end of the year

Re: 'Gaming Is Bigger Than Any One Device,' Says Xbox Boss On Cross-Gen Strategy


@Tharsman sure. But how many of those halo fans already have an Xbox One? Doesn't change the fact that exclusives drive consoles (though not at first, those sell to fans), and Xbox will be sorely lacking. Sony will be able to point to all these exclusives that are only on PS5, Microsoft won't be able to do the same because they are on Xbox One and PC. You might want a series x for halo. I want a PS5 for spiderman. But cut out the people who live and breathe this stuff and what do you have to show them? A console full of games that are available elsewhere.

And I didn't mention the PC upgrade cycle because PC gamers are different to console gamers. With PCs you need to upgrade at some point if you want to be able to play games, and that some point is considerably shorter than a consoles now seven year lifespan.

@blinx01 yes I get that, but how do they lock you into their ecosystem?

Through the consoles.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Tells Developers They Can't Charge For Next-Gen Game Upgrades As DLC


@KelticDevil and where did I say I don't like them? I never said that. I do like them. In fact I own them. Apart from Forza, but that's because I don't play racing games.

I have also seen people comment that Microsoft have relied on those three series too much. Yet the X symbol goes into the sky and fanboys like you are quick to assemble and jump down the throat of whomever dares to say something that isn't positive about Microsoft (in this case, the bleeding obvious). In your eyes, Microsoft have just as many exclusives as Sony, in as wide a variety of genres as Sony, with games releases as frequently as Sony, and it is mere heresy to suggest otherwise.

The fact even Phil Spencer has tried to address it is just brushed aside.

Also neither of us said Xbox has a 'lack of games'. Just that Microsoft have relied on those three series too much. There's a big difference in what's being said and what you are interpreting.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Tells Developers They Can't Charge For Next-Gen Game Upgrades As DLC


@KelticDevil big difference between being a massive Xbox fanboy and balancing the pros and cons of Xbox. It's not the first time you've made a fuss when someone's commented that Microsofts games have been lacking next to Sony's, and they have. That's something Phil Spencer saw and has attempted to fix by snapping up developers and getting them to pump out no doubt great games next gen. Because they have relied on Halo/Forza/Gears for far too long.

Also I made a reply to someone who mentioned The Last of Us Part 2. I never originally compared Sony to Microsoft. I'm here because I like Xbox and have an X. I still remember you and Blue Ocean turned a Tomb Raider poll into an Uncharted bashing thread and Frazer had to wind you both in. Hypocrite much?

I'll stay where I am thanks

Re: Rumour: Xbox Tells Developers They Can't Charge For Next-Gen Game Upgrades As DLC


This is really pro gamer, something tells me parasites like EA will be going purple over this. You can't knock Microsoft for this, Phil Spencer has worked wonders. Definitely the coolest guy in gaming.

@Medic_Alert I don't want another last of us. I think that's it, Ellies story is done. They made the game of the generation, they made it work somehow (I never wanted a sequel), but I don't know how they'll top this. Can't do a sequel, it wouldn't really work (I said something I shouldn't have if you haven't finished it and saw that then sorry I didn't think).

Also KelticDevil is a raging Xbox fanboy, so don't waste your breath.

Re: Microsoft Announces Xbox Games Showcase For July 23


@Medic_Alert Fable was never a multimillion selling series that set charts alight. It sold well tho. I think this is more Microsoft bringing back a series that they know won't sell 10 million copies, but will sell well enough that they make money and, equally important, that they earn a lot of good will with gamers.

As for those 3 series you mentioned, yes they are good (tho I don't like forza as I don't play racing games), but Microsoft have rested on them for too long. That's something Phil Spencer has, to his credit, tried to address.

I'm not sure people will be willing to change consoles tho. Sony have always been strong, Microsofts best gen was Sony's worst, and a lot of people have gotten heavily involved in a consoles ecosystem. Much more so than last gen I think, as digital gaming has gotten more and more prevalent.

Personally, I see PS5 winning next gen by a large amount. But that's not to say Microsoft won't be successful, they will be.