Comments 359

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


@PretendWorking I think it's more a case of neither Sony or Nintendo need their own version of gamepass.

Microsoft needed something to get peoples attention. If xbox one had steamrolled PS4 there would be no gamepass. As it stands, they were steamrolled by Sony and I use gamepass myself. Good value for money.

PS4 doesn't need a gamepass because Sony's software sales are so high. Forget Nintendo, its like getting blood from a stone trying to get them to update their Nintendo Switch Online games, they'd probably rather double down on phone games than go the gamepass route. But then everything they make sells extremely high, so why would they?

Re: How Well Do You Know The Modern Tomb Raider Games?


I got 8/10.

I loved tomb raider growing up, I've got every single game across all 4 PlayStation systems (also PSP. And Saturn and Dreamcast too come to think). But the core games were the best. Chronicles was the last truly great tomb raider. Crystal took it and rebooted her with little miss nice in legend, then the series was rebooted again in 2013 with something that somehow worked, and rise was really good, only shadow was awful. You could tell Rhianna pratchett didn't write it

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Have The Same CPU Speed As Xbox Series X


@Ryall personally, I think this gen had a bit more left to give. I'd rather the new consoles have been geared for winter 2021 than 2020. I'm not sure the generational leap in graphics is going to be as amazing a leap as we've had previously. Especially when we have 4k consoles out already. I'm sure the graphics will look awesome but when we can have the last of us 2 and Gears 5 look as amazing as they do on current consoles, how much more better can they get next gen?

But having two different consoles from Microsoft is an odd move. It's never been done before. It could end up being a masterstroke, but it does feel like we have series x as the uber powerful 60fps/4k juggernaut, and lockhart as xbox one.5. Series x will be future proofed, next to that lockhart will look outdated. But, we shall see if it sells to families...

@Richnj it has worked out great for Nintendo, but they are really an exception rather than the rule. Nintendo can put out low powered hardware and it will sell on the games alone. I don't think Microsoft or Sony could put out a new console that's an overclocked version of what they currently have and watch it fly off the shelves. They've always made classics, even on the Wii which a lot of people hate.

Only company that has ever been better than Nintendo imo is Sega, but creatively they never recovered from the Dreamcast.

@GunValkyrie I get that. It is kinda a problem that Microsoft games will also be coming to Xbox One so there won't be any first party exclusives, at least for a couple of years. It is a legitimate question that when the games are coming to a console you own already, what's the point in upgrading?

I suspect people will upgrade, but we shall see if Microsofts plan of same games across multiple consoles (and pc) was a stroke of genius or a mattrick style disaster.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Performance Profile Includes 4TF GPU, 7.5GB Usable RAM


@KelticDevil no it doesn't have anything to do with the hardware, it just adds a new layer to the experience. Keeps things a bit fresh. Power isn't everything, cupcake, PSOne and PS2 were not as powerful as the competition and look how that ended up. In the end its the games that talk, and I have already said I'm looking forward to what Microsoft game studios are cooking up. They have (in my opinion) one of the best developers in the world in Ninja Theory and I can't wait to see what they come up with after hellblade 2.

And yes I like the last of us 1. You don't. That's cool. Would be a pretty boring as hell world if everyone liked the same stuff.

I also don't comment on push Square.

@BlueOcean I never said you called me a fanboy. I said you basically made me out to be one. While we are talking about other threads, I still remember you claiming PSone and PS2 only sold well due to piracy and Sony being 'lucky', which is so wrong I don't know how you even read that without thinking it needed editing.

I also predominantly play on Switch, not PlayStation. Nintendo consoles are my primary gaming focus, not that I should have to explain that to you. I got Majoras Mask tattoo on my arm. No Sony fanboy would do that.

I've also talked at arms length on this site about how Microsoft will have great games coming down in the next few years, and how Phil Spencer is the coolest guy in gaming. Read: I like Xbox

And what developers? You mean the assassins creed guy? Who is being slated across the ENTIRE gaming media. A comment made about someone on an article posted on this very site? Or are you gonna call out people for reporting on it as well?

Thats fine about the last of us 2, you don't like it. Okay. I never called you out for it. Or anyone actually. I'm just stating my opinion that its the game of the generation. That's it.

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


Yeah Phil has class. I think that's because he's a gamer at heart.

The game is amazing tho. Only people like those bigots demanding the storyline is rewritten hate on it because they can't handle the fact the lead character is a lesbian.

Edit: realised how that might come across. I'm not saying everyone who hates it is a bigot, just the whiners demanding changes and starting petitions and claiming they won't play it because its woke

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Performance Profile Includes 4TF GPU, 7.5GB Usable RAM


@mousieone wait what!? The Wii U is proof Nintendo don't live in a bubble? LOL Nintendo do what they want, which is always different to what everyone else does.

You are correct that not everyone owns a 4k set. However, like in 2005 when not everyone owned a HD TV, they started selling really well. The same will probably happen with 4k TV. And I'm not really talking about kids here.

@BlueOcean nothing more funny than when a someone basically makes you out to be a fanboy when they've been guilty of just that in the past. Yes, I have a PS4. I also have an Xbox One X and a Nintendo Switch. Yes, Sony have better games than Microsoft, they have just released the game of the generation in The Last of Us part 2. Nothing on any other system comes even remotely close to touching that game.

And 3D audio is a big thing in the PS5. I'm sure Microsoft know a thing or two about audio, I'd be amazed if they didn't. Difference is, Cerny has made that a central feature of the PS5 alongside its zero load times. Microsoft haven't.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Performance Profile Includes 4TF GPU, 7.5GB Usable RAM


@mousieone Nintendo Switch is a different league to the other consoles, Nintendo live in their own bubble and don't need fancy hardware. The fact switch has overtaken xbox one in sales with 4 years less time on sale, and the success of the Wii kinda points to that.

The difference between Nintendo and Microsoft is Nintendo have a set of specs and that's it. Microsoft have different variations now and ab exclusive must work on all of them, from the series x to the underpowered one s. If you think developers are happy about that, despite the fact I've provided links showing they are not, then I don't know what to say 🤷‍♀️

@BlueOcean right because if you praise PS5 specs obviously it's because they are a Sony developer. Not that it is actually powerful and does some things under the hood better than series x. The ssd is NOT the only positive PS5 has over xbox, it also has 3d audio and a haptic feedback controller. But like you said, Microsoft is all about power.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Performance Profile Includes 4TF GPU, 7.5GB Usable RAM


@experTiger no it's easier to port upwards because if they beef out a series x game then they have to cut and cut and cut the hell out of it to run on Series s. And consoles aren't pcs.

For crying out loud, this thing has less ram than an Xbox One X, and ram is very important. Gotta be the first time a company releases a new console with LESS ram than its previous product. Watered down exclusives will look pretty bad. I think Sony will run away with the exclusives next gen, like they did this gen. And last gen.

Microsoft is throwing plenty of things at the wall to see what sticks. I suppose they are capable of doing that, but there have been rumours that devs aren't happy with lockhart. Less ram is probably one of the reasons. Less ram than an x man... Smh

Re: Xbox Head: Competition With Sony Is Good For Both Companies


@Shinobi1Kenoby that's my worry. When this gen started there was constant port begging of "omg plz port xxx to xxx in 60fps!!!!!!!!"

I want a next gen console to play next gen games. Why would I buy a PS5 to play the same games I've spent the last seven years playing?

Next gen, new games.

Tho certainly the consoles themselves offer upgrades of noticable worth. PS5 has zero load times and 3D audio, alongside a controller with haptic feedback (which sounds suspiciously like they nicked HD rumble off Nintendo).

Xbox offers more power on paper and vastly reduced load times from this gen.

Re: Phil Spencer: People Will Be Really Pleased With July's Xbox Series X Event


@zane547 Microsoft weren't screwed as such but you can't deny the Xbox One has been a disaster for them. Sony sold over 100 million consoles and is still selling, Nintendo Switch launched 4 years later and has already stormed past it and is still selling whatever Nintendo can make. Xbox One isn't really selling strongly now.

They kinda rebounded from Mattricks disaster but Microsoft can't afford a repeat of that

Re: Xbox Lockhart Spotted Again In Official Dev Documentation


I've heard the saying there's no smoke without fire but this is more a smouldering volcano you can see for miles.

It also remains to be seen if this will hold series x back. There's potentially a danger that it will. Sony was rumoured last year to be doing the same thing but axed it for that very reason (if that rumour was true).

Re: Phil Spencer: People Will Be Really Pleased With July's Xbox Series X Event


@KelticDevil yeah they've made money off Ps4, but they didn't with PS3 and PS2. At least not at first.

Microsoft may very well be rich but they didn't get rich by losing money. I think it very well could be $399 but all I'm saying is that people seem to think PS5 will be something like $599 when I honestly think the price will be closer than people are expecting. Xbox will probably be cheaper but I'm not expecting a gap in price like what 360 and ps3 were.

Although at the moment Sony have a lot of goodwill coming off the back of this gen and have many established game series that are well loved. That will be what they fall on I suspect with the price gap, whatever it ends up being.

Re: Phil Spencer: People Will Be Really Pleased With July's Xbox Series X Event


@KelticDevil I don't think they will be. I really think this isn't going to be as big a gap in price as people think.

@FragRed I don't think Sony will announce the price first. I get the feeling that with comments from Jim Ryan about value over price, they are potentially luring Microsoft into a false sense of security, only for them to announce a price they don't see coming.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox Game Studios In July?


@mousieone yeah they published blue dragon, lost Odyssey, snapped up infinite undiscovery and the last remnant as exclusives, alongside star ocean as a timed exclusive. Tales of vesperia was exclusive. But none of them did particularly well. Star ocean came out on ps3 and outsold the 360 version, as an example.

I think they tried, but ultimately they must have decided it wasn't worth the effort since their sales in Japan were still terrible and in the west people were preferring the jrpgs on ps3.

I just think that xbox is a very American centric console, and wrpgs like Skyrim might sell well but tales of whatever will always sell better on PlayStation due to jrpg fans either being there on a Nintendo console as we are now seeing with the Switch

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox Game Studios In July?


@KelticDevil there have been times when jrpgs have come to Xbox, but aside from something like final fantasy, by and large they just do not sell.

On PlayStation they do sell.

Also, and this is especially true for the jrpgs that are more catered to Japanese tastes than others (but not exclusively), they sell a lot in Japan. Xbox has no presence in Japan. PlayStation does, but jrpgs sell on PlayStation in the west too.

Wrpgs sell well on Xbox, but aside from the large ones like final fantasy they pretty much get ignored.

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox Game Studios In July?


@RonF they do, but I think mostly they will be working on new ips. They've rested on gears, Forza and halo for far too long. Bringing back games like Fable and perfect dark and banjo are all well and good, but they need new games to stay fresh.

I don't think those companies would have signed upto Microsoft if they weren't given the freedom to create what they want. They've already got one of the best developers in the world, Ninja Theory, once hellblade 2 is done I can't wait to see what they come up with

Re: Microsoft: Xbox Series X Won't Just Change How Games Look, But Also How They Feel


@BlueOcean I mentioned Microsoft have been touting 120fps. Which they have.

And I cited an example of people not having a clue (animal crossing). You say 'most gamers' want 60fps but, I hate to break it to you, 'most gamers' do not inhabit game forums and demand 60fps. A rock solid 30fps is perfectly fine. If they can go to 60fps, great, I won't complain, but nor would I complain if a game runs at 30fps.

I would much rather a game run at a solid 4k 30fps than 4k 60fps with an erratic framerate that veers all over the place.

30fps won't be going anywhere next gen. It didn't go anywhere this gen. If you want super high framerates that are rock solid, get a gaming pc. Perhaps if people focused on how good a game is, rather than obsessing over framerate, they might actually realise it isn't the be all end all they think it is.