Something we've seen throughout this console generation is a significant increase in download sizes. Some of the best games on Xbox One are also the most resource-intensive, and as a result, there are a few titles on the platform such as Gears of War 4 that hover around the 100GB barrier.
For some, this isn't a issue. But for others, whose relatively slow internet connections can see 100GB games take the best part of a day to download, it's a real quandary. Do you potentially limit internet speed for the household by running a download for 12 hours or more? It's OK if it's a game you know you'll like, but what if it's something you've never played before?
And of course, there's also the matter of storage space. If you don't have an external hard drive for your Xbox One, a 100GB title will either take up 1/5 or 1/10 of your hard drive's allocation. That's a big chunk of space! And for some, it's just not worth it, especially if you have to remove other games to make way.
We want to know what the Pure Xbox and Xbox Game Pass community thinks about this. Do you see an 80GB+ title on Xbox Game Pass and immediately think "no chance!," or does the thought never even cross your mind? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
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Comments 19
I have a 2TB external drive (which curiously seems to install games faster as downloading games averages about 320Mb/s as opposed to about 150Mb/s when downloading to the internal HDD shrug). I basically install whatever the heck I want.
I read somewhere that Series X will support legacy games installed on a standard external HDD - which will be nice. Transitioning from Xbox One X to Series X is going to be amazingly smooth. It's also nice that Cloud Saves are included even if you don't pay.
@Incarna @Grot Yes, there is an option to turn off background downloads - I believe it's "Keep Games Updated" or something like that. I believe it is in the Manage Library section.
@Grot You can definitely turn it off altogether if you want to. Although I've also faced the same issue as @Incarna with games downloading without realising.
Personally, my internet isn't great, so I try and refrain from downloading large games I'm not fully invested in. I'd like to try NBA 2K20 for example, but 80GB? Eh...
Nah. It's what background download is for. It only annoys me when it says "Ready to play", loads the title screen, then says "waiting for installation" and sits there. Either say it's not ready or play the sodding game.
i live in the sticks (so to speak) and the internet here, even for fibre barely tops 30mps so i avoid large downloads whenever i can help it because they take hours
of course i know that even patches can be big but thankfully my systems will do that automatically during the night so my games are always ready to go (and also why i like the PS4's option of allowing you to play a game even though a patch is downloading, you just can't play online, no problem for a single player guy like me, it just installs next time you boot it up)
it probably is one of the biggest reasons i stick to physical games, that and how i love to have a game i can actually hold and put on my shelf
It doesn't bother me, but I can't use game pass right now. Satellite internet with its slow speed, 100gb a month cap and high price makes it a challenge. One day though.
I bought an external hard drive, so I am 👍🏻. It is annoying to wait five hours for a game to download & install. But I just play whatever game I want & I get almost all of my games on disc when I can.
Why would it make a difference just becauseits Gamepass? If I want to play a game I'd make space, simple as that
I'll be honest, I avoid it. On psn my downloads are blazing fast, on Live they are painfully slow.
And I'm on a 130mb fiber deal. So it makes no sense to me. Much easier to download on my PS4 pro
It really doesn't bother me. Yes, storage is limited but I erase games that I have played already. For instance, erase Doom after playing it then download another game. The games that I don't erase are the games I come back to like racing games, sports games, Sea of Thieves...
After I moved, my internet connection is much slower than in my last place. But I am only one using this connection, so I just download, no matter how much time it takes.
My internet is... ok. We can stream Netflix, or I can play games online, or download whatever, but not at the same time. I try to avoid downloading large games because that means I have to keep stopping the download over and over again whenever someone wants to do something.
Unless I can get it done overnight I don't bother.
I download large gamepass games at night before I go to bed using the app. Space isn’t an issue but I’ve definitely noticed slower speeds lately.
Don't use gamepass, I like my physical copies.. I don't like the idea of basicly using your whole Hard drive on a rental service..
Have a good amount of gigs left on the external HD I bought for it years ago so I don't mind downloading the larger games and ones I don't want to keep I delete when completing the campaign.
I try to limit my "actively playing" to about 5 or so, so it isn't a big deal. If I have 20 games at the ready I feel overwhelmed, so I guess I set data limits in other ways.
Before I added on a 2tb external, I definitely avoided larger games. I had Halo and a few others, but I just didn't have the space for more than a few big ones at a time. Now I have 3tb total so it's not as much of an issue thankfully.
I recently moved, so I've gone from a fantastic connection to an absolutely hopeless one. As a result, I can't really do any downloads during peak hours, so I have to leave my X1 running overnight for the really big games (70GB +).
The most recent game I downloaded on Game Pass was Bleeding Edge, and I think it was about 10GB or so.
@Bmartin001 I prefer physical too but the good thing about gamepass is its allowed me to try games I've wanted to buy only for me to play it and think "well, this is pretty crap".
Downloaded 3 big games yesterday, each one over 40gb. Did it over night so as not to slow down speeds during the day. Doesn't bother me, just waiting is annoying.
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