Comments 359

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Shares Praise For PlayStation VR Game


@DaddyMike I mentioned in my original post that I can't use my ps VR because it makes me ill. You then rattled off a list of reasons as to why I am, to quote you, 'VERY uninformed'. I never mentioned the tech. I never mentioned another VR headset. I just said my own ps VR makes me ill. Yet you proceeded to tell me it's not VR making me ill, it's my ps VR headset that's doing it... Which happens to display VR.

And all this from some cocky Internet tough guy with only two posts on this site, who also happened to ignore the fact that I pointed out the headsets he bigged up so much also make plenty of PC gamers feel ill.


Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Shares Praise For PlayStation VR Game


@DaddyMike yes that's right I'm VERY uninformed about how sick I feel when I put my own PlayStation VR headset on. Because you apparently know better than me how my own brain is reacting when I've had pounding headaches that have lasted for hours after 20 mins playing it. 🙄

Also, while you waffle on about tech, there are people on pc who can't play half life because it makes them sick. It's why people are modding it to be played without VR. There are people who cannot play VR without being ill. On ALL headsets. That is a fact.

@Octane yeah I played moss and it was excellent but was able to stomach it enough to play it in a few sittings, tho not that long each time. Doom vfr was instant sickness, and when I mean instant, I mean instant. I don't even have to move, just look around. It's why I've had it boxed I p since January. Maybe it's just my brain is not adjusted yet, just that as an experience mine hasn't been that fun. But, tech wise it's impressive and I can see why people like it.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Shares Praise For PlayStation VR Game


@GunValkyrie yes I guess that's one way of how he sees it. I think that VR isn't taking off the way the industry thought. PlayStation VR is the market leader and has only sold a few million, a lot of people get sick playing it. That right there is a big red flag.

I guess choice would be nice but it would also use up resources that would be better put to use somewhere else.

I think we're all looking forward to the event tho, it's gonna be good

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Shares Praise For PlayStation VR Game


Phil staying as cool as ever. This is what's funny about fanboys (like certain people on this site), they might argue and bitch and moan and turn what should have been a nice tomb raider poll into an Uncharted bashing thread, but fail to realise Phil plays PlayStation. In fact all these people play each others consoles. You think Mark Cerny doesn't have an Xbox One? They only act the way they do in public because they work for xxx, when they get home they sit down and play the competitions games.

I hear this game is good. I want to try it but my psvr makes me feel sick. Also ghost of Tsushima is out soon so I can wait and decide.

Re: More Publishers Are Reportedly Considering Raising Next-Gen Game Prices


I would dispute the fact that the last time prices were raised was 2005. Reason being, since then publishers have added dlc, season passes, microtransactions. So while a boxed game may not have had a price increase, its had it in other ways. I can't even play assassins creed without the game begging me to pay money as a reason to avoid a grind. These companies have no self respect.

Also, like @armondo36 said, trim the fat. I liked fifa when it was just a season I could take Leeds United to the top, now its all this volta football stuff. I want to play proper football, not this fifa street crap.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Look More Like An Xbox One S


@Tharsman I think it's a given Microsoft are going to be very aggressive with series x. It feels like the Microsoft of 2005 is back rather than the Microsoft of 2013 that limped out the gate and didn't know which direction it was supposed to go on.

I think they could very well take North America next gen. But like you said, a lot depends on PS5s price, and I really feel like it won't be as much as people are expecting. Even the subtle hints from Jim Ryan that it's all about value over price make me think he's being deliberately misleading only for them to announce a price that catches everyone off guard. Tho I do believe it will be more than series x, if the gap isn't that big it probably won't matter too much.

@GunValkyrie that's something I've been saying here for awhile and I got branded a Sony fanboy. They rode the halo/forza/gears wave all this gen and, aside from an odd exception like the brilliant Quantum Break, didn't really bother with anything else. In fact they bolted from this gen awhile back once it became crystal clear xbox one sales were not going to get any better.

Phil Spencer snapped up developers precisely because Microsoft lacked a broader variety of games like what Sony has. That isn't a fanboy comment to make. That's not misinformed. It's how Phil Spencer saw their situation. I'm honestly surprised there are people that try to argue this most basic of facts.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Look More Like An Xbox One S


@Tharsman sure. I mean you're correct, but if its a more even split next gen in North America its anyone's guess who'll get the higher software sales. Probably swing each way depending on what's out.

Although the Xbox One was a console that at launch was criticised for being very American centric. That isn't really something the series x has a problem with so it should do better in Europe, although Europe has always been Sony so I still see PS5 being no1 here.

Will be interesting to see how North America plays out

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Look More Like An Xbox One S


@KelticDevil it's not so much that xbox had no games (and anyone who says that is ignorant), it's just that they have relied on Halo, Forza and Gears for far too long.

This is something Phil Spencer has tried to address by snapping up developers. He's trying to fix that.

Although it could be said that series x/lockhart has no exclusives, as they are coming to pc and Xbox One. But the over reliance on those three game series is over

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Look More Like An Xbox One S


@Tharsman Sony also have another advantage.

They are strong all over the world.

Microsoft have yet to become a force outside of North America. With the exception of the UK, they are weak in continental Europe and non existant in Japan. That's why it doesn't matter what lockhart or series x is priced at, Microsoft will never manage to outsell Sony because the overwhelming bulk of their sales come from North America.

It also remains to be seen how a lack of exclusives impact them.

Re: Crash Bandicoot 4 Has No Microtransactions, Confirms Developer


@KelticDevil they don't have to work. That's part of the problem, people pay money on these things regardless of how sleasy it is.

They could literally put in mt that makes crash jump a little bit further and someone would buy it.

But yes, hopefully they won't add them later on. They are the worst thing to happen to gaming since EA.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Series X Was Originally Going To Launch In August, Lockhart In October


@Richnj that would be interesting, but I don't think PS5 will cost that much. We all remember '$599 USD', and Sony certainly does, so I don't see this being anywhere near that.

I actually think that while PS5 will cost more than Xbox, it will be cheaper than people are expecting. Its quite possible Sony is deliberately hinting at a high price only to announce something people aren't expecting, and catch Microsoft off guard by luring them into a false sense of security.

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


@BlueOcean I just did.

Nice again stealth editing posts tho after you tell me what to do.

Dont worry, I won't talk to you again. Rather better that way, then I don't have to hear anymore uninformed garbage like 'Sony won with PS2 and PSOne because they got lucky', while claiming you're not an Xbox fanboy.

Don't bother replying, I'm blocking you. Bellend.

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


@BlueOcean nice stealth edit there to remove 'and what?'.

Oh well, I'll let you get back to your misinformed ways. You managed to turn a tomb raider quiz into an Uncharted bashing thread, there's a new one about charts. I'm sure you could turn it into the last of us 2 bashing, despite the fact you probably haven't even played the game.

Re: Xbox Boss Congratulates Naughty Dog On Last Of Us 2 Success


@BlueOcean actually you were talking to me, try looking 👆 hence the reason your reply came into my notifications.

Twilight Princess HD is the GameCube game ported over and given a HD varnish. Wind Waker HD was actually given completely new textures, new character models, new lighting. And crystal clear cel shaded graphics.

Twilight Princess HD was a port redone in HD. Wind Waker HD was a remake.

Re: UK Charts: The Nostalgia Is Strong With Battle For Bikini Bottom


I don't think the last of us part 2 is going to budge for awhile. Iirc the first lasted six weeks at the top. It deserves the success, and is also proof that single player, story driven games are far better when they don't have a multiplayer mode bolted on.

Game of the generation. Here's to well crafted single player games 🥂

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Have The Same CPU Speed As Xbox Series X


@Richnj originally I was talking about Nintendo being an exception because they are. I said that they can put out underpowered hardware and sell on the games alone, yet if Sony or Microsoft did that it wouldn't work. Hence Nintendo being an exception.

You can say Microsoft don't need to compete with Sony on power, but they quite clearly think otherwise.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Lockhart Will Have The Same CPU Speed As Xbox Series X


@zane547 Stadia is literally dead. Its quite clear Google didn't have a clue what they were doing, and will inevitably dump it sooner or later like everything else they dabble in. Nobody plays it, nobody makes anything for it, barely anyone even knows the thing exists.

Couldn't have happened to a better company.

@BAMozzy sure. I personally am not happy with 1080p whether it's on 60fps or not. I have a 4k tv and want my next gen games to be in 4k, less input lag and higher framerates are a bonus. To me, lockhart won't offer the experience I want or need, so I'll go and get the higher end version. Just like I have an x now instead of an s.

But core gamers will get the series x. Non core will get lockhart. But none core don't really care about the experience anyway, they just want to shoot people in cod or play as their football team in fifa. Either way, it's quite interesting watching this all play out.