Comments 1,295

Re: Analyst Expects Xbox Game Pass To Bring In 'Almost $5.5bn' In 2025


If that’s 5.5 billion, I’m sure I read somewhere they spend 1 billion acquiring games per year to put in Game Pass. Even taking overheads and operating costs into account that’s quite the profit margin they are making. Purely down to the ActiBliz and Zenimax purchases so they need to be greedy and increase profits massively to pay off the investment. Which means consumers paying more.

Re: FTC Calls Out Xbox's New 'Degraded' Game Pass Tier & Price Increases


@Utena-mobile I said that from the start, I did think they spent so much to get King Mobile as they are making billions and it’s from the mobile market that’s worth a lot more then the console one. But it’s obvious MS is struggling to make the money back quick enough hence the studio closures, staff lay offs and restricting and price increases of the services.

Let’s not forget, they also spent 7.5 billion for Zenimax, as a department Xbox isn’t even generating anywhere near that! Let alone 69 billion! Personally I think next gen Xbox will be all digital only and will desperately be controlling prices to try and get the investment back.

Re: FTC Calls Out Xbox's New 'Degraded' Game Pass Tier & Price Increases


The CMA and FTC were right to scrutinise the buy out like they did, probably should have gone further. MS did state they would not increase Game Pass prices amongst other things due to the buy out. And they’ve now done the complete opposite, closed studios, laid of thousands of people in the gaming sector of the business, and increased prices. Is it any wonder the regulators will now be on their backs over this.

Re: Analysts Claim Xbox Game Pass Price Hikes Were 'Inevitable', And That An Ad-Tier Could Be Next


@Blofse I already did that, sold my Series X when they changed the dashboard from a lovely fully customisable experience, to endless forced ads I cannot turn off and my games library buried a I get them somewhere. And now they are bringing Ads to Windows, outside works PC I ain’t touching MS. I have my Game Pass Ultimate at rapid up till 2026 so will stream any games I want to play, but I won’t extend it beyond that. Had a Steam Deck twice but couldn’t get in with it? Think the screen was too small for me, will wait to see what the next one is like, but I have a PS5 now and a new high end Mac that runs Diablo 4 great, although I need to use emulation software.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Gets Price Increases And New 'Standard' Subscription Tier


@FuzzieGinge88 Don’t forget, that 69 billion for Acti was on top of the 7.5 billion for Zenimax. The investors want to see a return on that as does the board, and whether Satya or Phil is making the decisions on that is hidden in rumours only. They just announced their Xbox app for Firestsick owners, which is a cheap device really, and then announce another price increase to use the service in the app.
I don’t believe a word MS says about Xbox anymore (this deal won’t mean Game Pass increases.. increase Game Pass price twice in a year), and I won’t be shocked if next gen is their last ever with physical consoles, despite what they say the console sales figures are way low, we all know it. Because they’ve made it too easy to play without an Xbox.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Gets Price Increases And New 'Standard' Subscription Tier


@Krzzystuff Don’t forget though, as I understand PC Game Pass does not get access to as many games as the console version hence the price difference, plus you are paying for online play on console too, they still charge you to play online games on Xbox consoles, can you imagine them doing that on PC and the outcry it would create?

Re: Xbox Game Pass Gets Price Increases And New 'Standard' Subscription Tier


@Vaako007 sadly for you that is no longer Xbox’s primary business model, Game Pass and game rentals all the way from them now. If they do go all digital next gen, which is rumoured currently, then they will control when games are delisted, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted this year for instance, and when they disappear off GP. Not like the 360 days…

Re: Xbox Game Pass Gets Price Increases And New 'Standard' Subscription Tier


It’s become obvious they have screwed the pooch a bit, they’ve spent over 80 billion on acquisitions and they want returns. And they now putting COD in Game Pass day one will lose them a lot in sales.
It’s now £180 a year for Game Pass Ultimate, but £120 a year for PSN Plus Premium, so you are paying a lot more for those games on Game Pass. I actually slightly prefer the PS model as you get game trials of big games not in Game Pass, and if course you cannot play your games collection on Game Pass unless it’s in there. PS5 remote play works great, not sure of Xbox does the same?

With rumours of Xbox going all digital next gen and Sony not, it seems Xbox will be all about you renting games, and Sony will still be about you owning them such as it is. I can also see Xbox increasing prices again, one things for sure I’d never believe a word that comes out of Microsoft’s mouth about Xbox!… Phil flat out lied about Game Pass price increases.

When my GP expires, it’s stacked at the moment, I’m out and won’t pay for it again. I can only see it going up and up in price.

Re: Digital Foundry Explores Why Some Games 'Run Better' On PS5 Than Xbox Series X


@themightyant Sadly the narrative Microsoft was forcing o to everyone at launch time, was that the Series X was the ‘most powerful console in the world’ ever. That sentence leads you to think it’ll be better and perform better. Which was never the case in reality. If they never made the Series S and force games on that system, and hadn’t changed all their dev tools at the beginning of the generation, then they may have had a noticeable lead in performance.

Re: Gears Creator Cliffy B Discusses What He'd Like To See In Gears Of War: E-Day


@Fiendish-Beaver Sounds reasonable. I should have just kept my Series X.
My Series X was a present and I sold it as I stupidly didn't like MS direction or the forced ads on the home screen and for some Christmas money and for a PS5.
I think my best bet is to keep the PS5, just buy a Xbox myself, buy physical games on PS5 and then ask for money for my birthdays and Christmas's and then trade in the PS5 for next gen, kinda round about way to get a next gen console as a present as they will probably cost near £500 I expect. And then just sell the Xbox.

Re: Gears Creator Cliffy B Discusses What He'd Like To See In Gears Of War: E-Day


My favourite game series of all time and one of the games that is making me want a new Series X. Gonna sell my PS5 to come back to Xbox, should never have left. Both platforms do things right and wrong but only Xbox has my favourite game series....

Having said that will Gears E Day be a current gen title or next gen? As MS announced they are deep in next gen development. When will the next Xbox launch? 2026?

Re: Xbox: 'You Are Going To See More Of Our Games On More Platforms'


@PsBoxSwitchOwner Your mistake is assuming the games will be rubbish. Firstly I am a massive Gears fan, I can tell you that alone made it difficult to sell my Xbox, secondly I only have time and thanks to the PS5 size and the fact if you stand it up you risk dry spots on the processor with no Liquid Metal, the space for one of these consoles. I may get the next Switch when it’s out but that’s it apart from a home console.

And thirdly I saw plenty of gameplay too, so it is inaccurate at best to claim they were all CGI trailers.

Re: Xbox: 'You Are Going To See More Of Our Games On More Platforms'


@awp69 I sold my Series X for a PS5, got it at Christmas and what have I played on it? Dead Island 2 and COD.. dabbled in TLOU2 remake but I've played all the Sony exclusives I care about already on PS3 and 4 already. I'm regretting my decision a bit now, I'm going to wait and see what the new Xbox consoles are like as they may have some upgrades like smaller NM chips and new WiFi etc.

Re: Xbox Announces Three New Series X|S Consoles Launching In 2024


@TheSimulator Hmm, it comes down to personal preference I think, having used both I find the dual sense to be more solid feeling in the hand, the resistive trigger things are cool but just a gimmick, and it's battery life is utterly pathetic, of course Sony will sell you one with longer lasting battery.. Xbox controller works perfectly fine, doesn't feel as solid and substantial but of course its battery life is miles better. I get on alright with both really.

Re: Xbox Apparently Still Needs Smaller Games For 'Prestige And Awards'


What he means is cheap games, those closed studios apparently wanted to make new games like a HIFi Rush sequel, but also that would mean hiring more staff for a bigger team. And obviously MS doesn’t like that idea, so it closes them down and will use other small teams to make small games. And if any of them dare suggest they hire more staff no doubt the firing axe will heavily fall onto them too.

Re: Report Claims Xbox Is Planning More Cuts Following Studio Closures


@GamingFan4Lyf It’s like Sony closing Naughty Dog and firing all the staff if a game doesn’t hit….. it’s obvious the head board are leading the shots, but it does seem that the Xbox team lacked serious planning too? I mean they don’t know what to do with COD! Seriously? Not a good look and not professional business conduct.

Re: Report Claims Xbox Is Planning More Cuts Following Studio Closures


@EvilSilentFrame If you ask to spend 70 billion dollars of the companies money, inviting extreme in depth scrutiny governments around the globe with main stream media reports globally with the purchase made with that money, it tends to attract the attention of the entire main leading board of the company… and if they don’t like something, like bottom line reducing, they will demand changes.

Re: Report Claims Xbox Is Planning More Cuts Following Studio Closures


@Kooky_Geezer So do I! I mean with the news suggesting they don’t have a concise plan of what to do with COD, put it in Game Pass, don’t put it in there, raise Game Pass sub prices for COD… it clearly indicates Microsoft did NOT have a plan set and agreed on before they bought ActiBliz, they should NEVER have been allowed to buy it based on that alone, the biggest game in the world and they had no plans set about what to do with it? I said in another thread if they put it on Game Pass and increase its sub price, if that results in sub numbers plummet and COD sales dropping are they going to cancel COD and fire the Activision staff?

Re: Xbox Reportedly Considering Game Pass Price Hike To Accommodate Call Of Duty


lol.. I get the feeling here that Microsoft has bitten off more then it can chew.. they should have had a plan for ALL this agreed signed off and set in stone BEFORE they decided to buy it! At this point I’m annoyed MS was allowed to by Activision cause they don’t seem to have a concise plan about what to do with COD. Ridiculous. What they gonna do if they bump up Game Pass and sub numbers plummet and COD sales drop? Dump COD and sack all the Activision staff…….. so kill COD due to their utter incompetence? Pathetic.

Re: Reaction: Xbox's Push Towards 'Microsoft Gaming' Looks More Drastic Than We First Thought


Not surprising. This is hie giant American corporations work, and Microsoft does have a reputation for dropping anything the instant it loses money. Plus they have a habit of mass hiring them mass firing a few months later due to having 'too many staff', read they hire younger people pay them less and fire the older more expensive staff.

So I expect more ruthless closures and firings. And some great games will be buried under Microsoft's vision of 'gaming'.

At this point I won't be shocked if they ditched COD and fired all the COD staff if it's sales started underperforming from its targets.

Re: Reaction: Xbox's Commitment To Console Gaming Is Pleasing, But Big Questions Linger


I thought it quite obvious, reading between the lines Xbox just isn't making enough money, if you listen very carefully to what they said they eluded to that. Everything they do is about long term Xbox growth, it's a tough time etc. they have had tens of billions spent on them and console sales have stagnated and Game Pass subs too. The board and share holders want a return on that investment, it is Spencer's plan which is probably why he looked a bit nervous in the video.
Xbox needs to stay around for the competition in the market, I think not only will they bring more games to PS and Nintendo specifically its next console, wonder how may sales it will take from Xbox once COD is on it?, but they will introduce new Game Pass tiers and pricing and access levels, and maybe ads too. They aren't going anywhere yet, but I also think it's wishful thinking that PS or Ninty will release their first parties on Xbox. They just need to get that cash coming in. And get their frigging games out!!!