Comments 1,295

Re: Xbox Takes Major Step Towards Activision Blizzard Approval In UK


Excellent news! It's as good as done! And the sweet sweet icing on the cake is Sony has got nothing, it overplayed its hand way too much, made up totally obvious bull crap, claiming MS would deliberately cripple their games on PS and the adults saw that as a child throwing a tantrum and treated Sony as such, HAH! Go and cry in the corner Ryan.
Sonys only option now is to sign the deal or get nothing.

Re: Microsoft Offers ActiBlizz Remedies To EU, Deadline Pushed Back Yet Again


@fizban3332 That’s false actually, the split for Sony and Xbox is a bit more even then many think, including the CMA, it considering that’s British Government Civil Service staff it’s not really surprising the bias they have, they literally have no clue what they are talking about, making claims what the technical abilities of the Switch are even, and they probably asked their children for advice.

Re: Microsoft Offers ActiBlizz Remedies To EU, Deadline Pushed Back Yet Again


@Kaloudz Sony’s laughable complaints claiming Microsoft will deliberately cripple COD on PlayStation etc have been thrown out by the EU competition commission, because they were a joke, so they are happy with the 10 year deal being offered.
The regulators are now doing their job in the EU and looking for guarantees over future markets for fair competition and that’s in cloud gaming, they don’t care about Sonys dominant market leading position as they shouldn’t do.

Re: Report: Xbox Feels UK CMA Has 'Significantly' Overestimated The Impact Of COD Exclusivity


@Bleachedsmiles And I can tell you as a fact you are 100% wrong on the store space, I’ll argue it all day if you like, you are still wrong, you have selected what looks like one or two stores and decided that the entire nation and all stores are the same.. you are also wrong on console sales fact, Xbox sales increased in the UK. It was even reported on this website. Overall sales are down bit that’s the opposite of the UK market which is the one you are attempting to slander and belittle.

Re: Xbox Expected To Win Activision Blizzard Battle In EU, Suggests Report


@Kaloudz Yeah I think something like £20, they'll need to make up for some of that 69 billion dollars spent, but won't want to stunt the growth of Game Pass or increase its churn rate. Bring it on I say! I fully believe next year we'll have some huge AAA MS studio games too, I'm hoping for State Of Decay 3 but think that's a 2025 game, but Avowed will be out next year I think.

Re: Xbox Expected To Win Activision Blizzard Battle In EU, Suggests Report


I expect that the CMA will align with the EU and by end of April BOTH will approve the buyout, without anything needing to be sold off, we already know it will be as MS has abides by their requests for behavioural changes.
The FTC will then be forced to backdown as they have no case anyway. And I'll be seeing COD in Game Pass by July probably! However I also fully expect to see a price rise this year for Game Pass then too.

Re: Xbox Expected To Win Activision Blizzard Battle In EU, Suggests Report


@Tharsman You can't do that, the CMA decision is final. All you can do is appeal and the court cannot overturn the decision so all they will simply state is go look at it again CMA, and it will go back to the same team who refused it in the first place, I think something like over 80% of appeals fail against the CMA, could be higher. But you can't take them to court as it doesn't work like that. This is the UK not USA.

Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Won't 'Play The Game' Of Adding Exclusive Content To Call Of Duty


@Kaloudz How the hell does the CMA, who are a bunch of civil servants at the end of the day, know anything about what the Switch can and cannot run..?? Considering COD has been on Nintendo consoles before. What a ridiculous stance if that's true. Even the Vita had a special COD version on it. And let's not rule out most people are expecting a new Nintendo console this year or next to be launched.

Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Won't 'Play The Game' Of Adding Exclusive Content To Call Of Duty


I watched the video and he could not have been anymore clear on this, but I bet Sony will STILL cry it's concerned about MS becoming a monopoly etc etc etc, and then it'll announce endless exclusive deals with games.
Sony are only annoyed that Phil has destroyed the PlayStation business model and Sony doesn't want to compete or change tactics, Nintendo aren't bothered but of course they embarrass Sony in their sales and approach to gaming anyway.

Re: Xbox Says It's Offering 'Better Deal' Than Sony's Current COD Contract, Which Expires In 2024


@NEStalgia And the ONLY reason they want to kill off the subscription model, is because the PlayStation business model is not built on it and they don’t want to change it, they like having the money roll in as is, with all their exclusive deals and lock outs to other platforms. They don’t care about Plus or Cora’s gameplay and have been dragged into it kicking and screaming like children. They don’t want to innovate at all.
Thankfully Spencer does and has turned the games business on its head with Game Pass, and for the better IMO.

Re: Xbox Says It's Offering 'Better Deal' Than Sony's Current COD Contract, Which Expires In 2024


@UltimateOtaku91 Wrong, MS already stated Sony can put the game on PS Plus if they want, that makes your points invalid.
As others have stated repeatedly, all Sony wants is exclusive content or other rights to COD on PS, including ones Xbox won’t have, they want the exact same status quo as they have now.
And thankfully they will not get that no matter what anyone says.

Re: Microsoft And Sony Fail To Make Activision Blizzard Agreement At EU Court Hearing


Sony are literally banking on the regulators refusing the deal. Well the EU is happy for it to go through, EVERY other company involved bar Google seems happy for it to go through, the FTC has its own ridiculous agenda to change the US law so it’ll lose anyway when MS take them to court and proves, as has happened many times now, that the FTC has broken the law.

The UK regulators who know what those idiots will do, they seem to not have a clue how cloud gaming works but are using their lack of knowledge as an excuse to question the deal?

So Sony is just being utterly disingenuous to everyone involved, it’s ignored Microsoft repeatedly and seemingly point blank refuses to enter negotiations with them, it’s refused subpoenas from the FTC and MS, and it’s lied to the FTC and we don’t know but most likely the EU and UK regulators as well. They are a joke of a company acting like spoilt brats, we all damn well know Sony wants the EXACT same treatment with COD as it currently gets, including all the exclusivity deals it has, and I can bet they want a clause that states COD will never be allowed on Game Pass too, but CAN be placed in their own streaming service.
Sony just making themselves look bigger and bigger and bigger fools. They’ve put me right off them personally and I believe others too. Arrogant monopolistic idiots.

Re: Free Play Days: Try These Xbox Games For Free (February 16-19)


@EliJapan The ‘Just For You’ was useless for me, all it did was lower the price of the last Watch Dogs game, I played that game and finished it in 2021 or what ever year it was released! And it’s DLC, so it was completely pointless being offered at a special price. I was hoping I’d be offered Far Cry 6 on a Just For You price.

At least I can give it a bash for free this weekend though.

Re: Sony Feels Microsoft Is Committing 'Obvious Harassment' In Relation To ActiBlizz Deal


Nasty Microsoft is making me back up my official complaints and objections with facts in court. They are bullying me - Sony.

That’s how I read this. Typical Sony, disingenuous and hypocritical all the way. And lying in some cases also. Someone was trying to tell me they had seen all the documents to this deal and case, regulators had released them, naturally I corrected them, it was mentioned the other day about 3 million documents have been read or filed so far by the regulators and companies involved.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Could Be 'Harmful' To The Industry, Claims UK Regulator


CMA totally out of touch, reading the full article seems like they asked their children for advice!
They firstly have an issue with cloud gaming, claiming MS will have a monopoly in the future, well forgive me but what is stopping Sony from investing billions to build a global network then? And they claim you need an expensive console to access it? Clearly showing the CMA have very little understanding of what cloud gaming actually is.

Ludicrous decisions by a ludicrous quango, good luck to MS negotiating a deal with them, although I’m sure they will. I expect Ryan is flying to the UK right now to have words with them though.