Comments 1,295

Re: Ready For Launch! Starfield Is Now Available On Xbox Game Pass


I’ve found it a bit meh so far, I had a laugh making my character but that’s been the best bit! I don’t see why it has to run at 30FPS, I must be hard to please with the graphics haha? But it seems a bit bland. I’ll give it more time though to see how it goes. I haven’t got too far into it yet.

Re: Xbox Boss Warns Of Potential Delays With ActiBlizz Titles On Game Pass


The only thing I was interested in with this desk was COD coming day and date, as that isn’t going to happen, most likely due to deals with other platforms, then I couldn’t care less if it’s successful or not. My internet is lost in it. Just building up for to be honest, this plus the awful new dashboard. And I’m not bothered by Starfield. Hmm if COD comes to Nintendo next platform and it’s a hybrid again I may trade my Series X in for it!

Re: The Xbox Series X Is 'At The End Of The Beginning', Says Phil Spencer


@Sifi Rubbish, also PS5 has had games only available on next gen from first and third party. Xbox screwed the pooch with its latest update, showed its true colours where it is heading. It’s hilarious to claim the PS4 of all things is holding back development, no, the 2 years of lockdown did that.
Oh and a few games on XSX are also on XBOne still.

Re: Xbox Fans React Poorly As Big 'Store' Button Replaces 'Browse My Games' In Latest Update


@Sol4ris Incorrect, I HATE the new dashboard, seriously hate the thing, I don’t enjoy turning my console on anymore! So please stop labelling everyone as a Sony fanboy as that’s a weak pathetic argument and makes you look like a corporate shill. I seriously do NOT think it’s wrong for anyone to want to be able to customise the new dashboard, just like we could with the old one, to look like how we want it.

Re: Xbox Fans React Poorly As Big 'Store' Button Replaces 'Browse My Games' In Latest Update


@robe Yes very true, ignorant fans really. Not realising the issue isn’t oh just click up to the tiny icons at the top of the screen. No it’s the relentless MUCH bigger tiles of ads on your screen, on a premium product you bought, and a service you subscribe to.

I would say it’s like buying a car new only it’s covered in advertisement stickers and billboards on the roof, but even that misses out the Gamepass sub bit.

Re: Xbox Fans React Poorly As Big 'Store' Button Replaces 'Browse My Games' In Latest Update


Just tested mine and I have this latest update. So now I literally have one line of my stuff. And without scrolling down now I have a line of bigger icons that are ads. Browse the store. These are the latest games blah blah blah.
Counted 15 lines of ads now. I cannot move my pins to the top either. I have to scroll through the ads to get to the 2 I'm graciously allowed to create.

It's just really crap, really crap. Designed purely by the marketing team. They have made an already bad dashboard even worst.

Re: Xbox Fans React Poorly As Big 'Store' Button Replaces 'Browse My Games' In Latest Update


So not only are they refusing to address the utter up selling ad infested disaster the new dashboard is, they are now making it even worst by removing what little access you had to 'your' games. It has actually put me right off even using my Xbox. Neither Sony nor Nintendo do this. In fact I may trade the Series X in for the new Switch when ever it's launched, may, all depends on how Microsoft approaches its awful dashboard mess.


Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of The New Xbox Home Experience?


@Lup Nope, you cannot remove ANY of it, only your groups you set up. Everything else nadda, and that’s the HUGE problem with it. It’s fast yes, I can see my desktop, well the top half anyway. But scroll down two clicks and it’s ad infested city and no way out.

Re: Talking Point: After Almost Four Years, We're Starting To Miss Gears


I’m desperately waiting for the new game. Got GOW4 on disk from the dog for Christmas lol, but it included all the previous games too! Thought it was a real bargain personally. And allowed me to have the games on my Xbox One S at the time, before Game Pass I think? It’s the game that got me into Xbox originally when the 360 was launched.

Re: Xbox Extends Activision Blizzard Takeover Deadline To October


Called It! October though, that’s brave. I guess this is due to the fact the contract they have states ALL regulators must approve the deal for it to pass, well apart from America where it’s approved by default due to the FTC losing in court. The CMA expects to have this done in a couple of weeks or three. Not a few months!

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


On an other note, it’s not mentioned here yet but most now are fully expecting MS and Activision to announce a delay in the deal closing till most likely September 1st, as reported before they will allow time to have the deal approved by the CMA, a judge yesterday said they most likely won’t be able to close the deal in the UK today as it’s too soon.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver Give up, you don’t know what regulators are there for then. Of course they won’t state the word ‘monopoly’ but instead spell it our in a full explanation which they did.


“ Monopoly: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.”

Read the second paragraph of the quote I posted as it seems to answer that directly?

You just believe what ever you like, it’s your right to do so and make your own opinions up. I am just not seeing any of it I’m afraid.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver “ Where we did have concerns was in cloud gaming - still a nascent market but one we expect to grow, because it offers many advantages for gamers. For one, it enables gamers to untie games from specific devices - that means more accessibility and lower cost. So cloud gaming deserved an in-depth assessment. This was a common concern because, like us, the CMA focused on this market.

We were worried that Microsoft would make Activision games exclusive to its own cloud gaming service. This would have restrained access to games and strengthened Window's position as an operating system.

Where we diverged with the CMA was on remedies. We accepted a 10-year free license to consumers to allow them to stream all Activision games for which they have a license via any cloud service. And why did we do this instead of blocking the merger? Well, to us, this solution fully addressed our concerns. And on top of that, it had significant procompetitive effects.”

— from the horses mouth and wasn’t hard to find.

And no you haven’t provided any evidence, just personal opinion and seeing things that don’t exist. Anything else I have to say I’ve already said multiple times now.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver TLDR, when you have actual evidence come back, until then it's a complete personal opinion or conspiracy theory no matter what you state. They blocked it for what they felt were valid reasons, not out of spite or to protect Sonys profits, and not because the FTC told them to.
Also the EU and the FTC both also highlighted cloud gaming as creating a monopoly from this deal, I've said that several times, otherwise regulators tend to follow the EU, UK and US regulator leads, because they are by far the biggest markets for Microsoft.

Re: Microsoft Activision Blizzard Acquisition Given Greenlight In US After FTC Loses (Again)


@Kaloudz I have my fingers crossed the CMA will allow the merger without their complaint and as you say work on the concessions. And the CMA accept the concession, I think they will if they are working with MS on them. This is the best outcome for us in Blighty and for the case against the FTC.
Will be very interesting to see how tomorrow plays out. Especially now Sony have folded, and paid a price too seemingly.

On a side note I saw some of that case with Khan is it from the FTC, and one of the Senates pointed out how she had even let her own lawyer licence lapse! Khan seems to really not be fit for the job.

Re: Microsoft Activision Blizzard Acquisition Given Greenlight In US After FTC Loses (Again)


@Grumblevolcano Not sure about that after the news Sony has signed its deal. Personally I think they will close the deal, I’ve just seen others saying they may delay it. All eyes on tomorrow. Just hope we in the UK end up with the same perks from this merger, such as games on Game Pass, not sure about the cloud as I believe the concession put forward is for Microsoft to sell the cloud rights on Acti Bliz games in the UK?

Re: Microsoft Activision Blizzard Acquisition Given Greenlight In US After FTC Loses (Again)


@OM1993 All I see is the same as already reports, that they plan to close their investigation well before the August deadline. We shall see what happens tomorrow. It will put the UK market in an interesting position. But also I suspect nothing will change in relation to any games availability if the deal closes until the CMA make their verdict, if it’s only a couple of weeks away.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver Firstly as said that’s not how the CMA guidance reads, and the EU offered the idea for the concession to. Microsoft.
Secondly that is complete conspiracy theory, nothing more nothing less, no evidence, also any conflicts of interest would have been declared and all parties given the opportunity to object, and it’s also utterly ridiculous to suggest anyone cannot leave one job to go to another, and then cross paths again with a previous employer and be anything other then impartial. The CMA had valid concerns, were not offered any working remedies from Microsoft, so blocked the deal.

Re: Microsoft Activision Blizzard Acquisition Given Greenlight In US After FTC Loses (Again)


Do not be surprised if Microsoft extends its deal with Activision to beyond the 18th, some who are more grounded in this topic are claiming MS are showing no signs or intentions of steam rolling the deal through before the CMA approval, also could possibly have something to with the text on its agreement that all regulatory parties must approve it. But I would think they could work around that text. We shall see as lots of conflicting evidence around whether the deal will close or not on Tuesday. Tomorrow will be a very interesting day.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver Whilst I would naturally agree on who makes the concessions, this tweet from Microsoft’s President would imply differently hence my comment:

This lead to my thought process on this as it isn’t specifically clear. I do remember reading even in comments on this site that the EU came up with the concession and Microsoft extended it to be global, which is what this report as many others seem to conclude.
Also if you look at the CMA guidance here:

Page 90 point 12.14 ‘Notice Of Possible Remedies’, it states that the CMA will publish a notice of possible remedies which will act as a formal starting point of discussion of remedies. Thus implying again the regulator can suggest concessions to be looked at, that’s how I’m reading it anyway. Also it does highlight how there are several opportunities in the process to give remedies or discuss them before the final verdict is given, so MS did have the opportunity to do so including once the preliminary report had been concluded. It as we know the CMA rejected the remedies MS offered as not resolving the concerns they had.

I cannot concur your assumption of your last paragraph, that the CMA approached Microsoft, only a joint request from the CMA, Microsoft and Activision was sent to the courts to request the appeal to be halted. The rest of your comment in the last paragraph is pure conspiracy theory, I don’t know why you keep on following this thought process. You really seem to believe the CMA are out to block this merger no matter what. Like many on here seem to have this out going urge to believe in conspiracy’s as opposed to fact foe some very odd reason? That toxic gamers mentality coming to light.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@mousieone Wong, it is only the deal in the UK, not the rest of the world, concessions for the UK market only. And the facts are clear, it was announced this week that MS and the CMA had agreed to halt the appeals process for now to look into concessions. Leaving them with 4 days to approve including a weekend. Why are you ignoring this? MS had a year and a half to come up with a concession to work with the CMA, why didn't they? All I read was that the EU came up with one, which was pretty generous of them, and that wouldn't work in the UK market with our mechanisms. I didn't hear much of MS working on concessions, maybe they did but I didn't read that.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@theduckofdeath Most likely, but I would much rather they follow this process as then it’s done and dusted approved and all legal, and us folk in the UK will get the same benefits, apart from what ever could concessions are made. It Acti Blizzard games in Game Pass! That’s the real goal we want.

They won’t wait 6 weeks, I expect it’ll be approved next week or the week after, I don’t expect it to be done this weekend as not everyone will want to work over the weekend. The CMA FTC and EU regulators do lease with each other, but their primary objectives are to protect their own markets and consumers, so the CMA won’t really take into account what the FTC is doing as they lost the first case. I hope. Fingers crossed.