Comments 1,295

Re: UK CMA Issues Official Response To EU's Activision Blizzard Verdict


@Kaloudz Ah that means nothing, ignore it, that's when they have a bunch of MPs sat round a table grilling who ever they have in, can be anyone and they still lie, Boris did, several company executives have, they are usually televised and boring. Still maybe something will come out of it? It's basically a bunch of lying scum lying to each other for a half a day. Seen several of them and all a waste of time.

Re: UK CMA Issues Official Response To EU's Activision Blizzard Verdict


@Kaloudz I thought it was a condition of the merger for ALL regulators to pass it, but I googled it and couldn't find anything on it? I only ever heard that from You Tubers so it may well be total tosh.
I wouldn't pay much attention to what the PM says as he has to remain independent, plus he's a liar.
When you say the CMA is in court, in what aspect? It's not one of these councils of MP's grilling someone that's streamed on the TV? Like Boris over Party Gate etc?

Interesting first paragraph, they are going to appeal so we will have to see how it goes I guess. But good to hear we could still get the games on Game Pass, if the EU blocked the deal it would have been stone dead! And Phil's business plans right up the split lol.

Re: EU Makes Microsoft 'Automatically License' ActiBlizz Cloud Games Post-Merger


@abe_hikura I recall that but don't think anyone understand it fully, either they don't think it's in their remit, or they can't be bothered to do their jobs which isn't much of a reason..
Still I think MS did not offer the same concessions the EU got, it forced the automatic free licensing apparently into MS, so we will be screwed unless the appeal is successful. And for that to happen MS has to successfully argue the CMA were incompetent, which in law is very difficult I believe.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Approved In Europe


@Kaloudz The CAT is no guarantee though, they may not even approve an appeal yet. A lot of see how it goes.

However I think the UK market ‘may’ be dead to Xbox, not many will hang around if every other market on the planet gets COD in Game Pass and they don’t, Sony will be able to hoover up what’s left. But as I said a lot of see how it goes.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Approved In Europe


"A free license to consumers in the EEA that would allow them to stream, via any cloud game streaming services of their choice, all current and future Activision Blizzard PC and console games for which they have a license."
"A corresponding free license to cloud game streaming service providers to allow EEA-based gamers to stream any Activision Blizzard's PC and console games."

Ok so now I REALLY want to know the CMAs argument in full against this, or were MS not offering them the same terms? Hmm I may go and read that 400 page report from them. I want COD on Game Pass damn it.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Approved In Europe


Interesting….. I do hope the decision was because they have enough concessions and it wasn’t to stick it to the UK, knowing Brussels.
Wonder how the CMA appeal will go now? Being in Britain that’s all I care about lol, unless I move to the EU of course.

I shall look forward to the evidence given by Microsoft and the CMA compared to the EU, if we ever get to see it.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@NEStalgia I'll be fascinated to see who gobbles up ABK if Microsoft's deal fails, will they increase the price or lower it for example? Not many consoles use have that money.
I checked as in the back of my mind I'm sure the date wasn't today and it is t, the EU in March set back its date to next Monday. For some reason the media has forgotten about that and is claiming a decision is 'likely' today, or in other words they are covering themselves in case the EU decides to change its mind.

I'd like MS to just concentrate on its existing studios, ditch this hands off approach they've adopted. And get a new Gears game out!

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@NEStalgia Well the first part of your comment makes sense. I just read others seeing it differently.
As for buying all the competition, I guess I meant the ones that matter, not many games bigger than COD, maybe Fortnite and PUBG which are in mobile anyway I think?
But COD is a massive game in players sales and monetary terms, and gives Microsoft a huge advantage. Still you could argue that's on mobile too, even if it's by fermium games.
I don't get your last comment is implying the EU will approve the deal, otherwise all those 10 year deals are invalid I guess.
I am pretty confident the CMA won't change their rulling, but if the EU passes it maybe it'll impact the appeal against them.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@NEStalgia Analysts from what I’ve actually call the merger as both vertical and horizontal, because they will use the games to boost cloud gaming and grow that market, the CMA would of had experts and analysts as well as Microsoft provide information, business plans and future growth targets, which we won’t see, and that most likely where the complaint came from I’d imagine. Millions of documents were submitted right? You cannot grow a market that’s young by buying all the resources up locking out your competitors in the process either. I doubt very much that the CMA will change their mind, I was under the impression that would kill the deal stone dead, but as per usual, don’t pay attention to You Tubers as Googling it I could not find one single verified reference confirming test three deal needs all regulators to approve it for it to go through, that idea seems to only live in the minds of tech You Tubers.
Monday will be a very interesting day….

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@NEStalgia So you are claiming let Microsoft grow its current monopoly in cloud streaming services, because they have discussed the cloud as an important part of their plans, because no competition exists right now. And let MS buy all the companies they like, they should only be regulated if competition exists? Funnily enough that was how they grew Windows, no real competition.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Kaloudz Microsoft right now has a 60 to 70% global share of game streaming 'services', it is the second richest company on the planet thanks to having an almost 100% monopoly on computer operating systems, and you just want to let it grow a market as it likes, buy whoever they like to grow that market and you see nothing wrong with that? But you believe British companies now or in the future will compete when not even Sony can now?

Please do tell, what exactly do you think is going to stop Microsoft from forming this monopoly, well in fact growing the monopoly it already has? If you allow them to do as they want? Is it competition? Where from exactly? If you can't say then your argument is as valid as the CMA's is.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Moonglow The post I replied to stated no one was objecting the cloud aspect, Google were, in fact NVIDIA were too until they got their deal. Hence my comment, they don’t care as they did care about the merger and cloud gaming as was reported, until they got a deal from Microsoft and then Nvidia’s complaints went away. Now as we do not know the contents of the deal we can only speculate but considering all Nvidia’s complaints stopped I think it’s safe to say they got very favourable terms. Hence don’t care about any monopoly.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@theduckofdeath Firstly Microsoft have been making their own computers for several years now, never heard of the Microsoft Surface? And f you want to know how a monopoly works, go and research what Microsoft was doing in the 90’s that lead to it nearly being split in half by the US government in 2000, because f its anti consumer monopolistic practices. Leopards don’t change their spots. It’s not just market position.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Kaloudz What if the company that wants to invest in 10 years time doesn’t exist? That’s not a very good argument you’ve made. They could approve the buyout now and in 10 years companies that don’t exist now but want to enter the clue gaming market may find themselves blocked by MS monopoly. The CMA will have had industry experts report and advise them in this, market analysts would have advised them. It wasn’t a decision made on the cuff.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Moonglow Google opposes this deal, as far as I know the other cloud investors supporting it have all been offered 10 year deals by Microsoft, they couldn’t care less what monopoly is formed as they have deals in hand already, which lets not forget we do not know the details off.
You need to look ‘very’ carefully at the players, and what ‘they’ will be gaining. Plus how many of these companies are British? The CMA is looking after Britains interests not Americas.

10 years from now cloud gaming could be the biggest games market, and 80% of it ran on Microsoft’s network and hardware, with their own services having preferential treatment, buying all the deals up, and it being impossible for any British company to enter and gain any traction in. Bit like Windows, which has a far reaching global monopoly.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@PsBoxSwitchOwner Think some people are too young to know the history of Microsoft and monopoly’s. The fact they were incredibly close to being forced to split up by US government due to their monopolistic power once, and fined heavily by the EU and forced to remove a browser from their OS. Hence why I don’t believe for a second any report claiming the EU will pass this deal at present.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Sveakungen Sigh.. every time I see this.. no, they will HAVE to go back to all the investors, and ask them to vote on a new deal to do that, because the current deal investors have agreed to requires ALL major markets to approve it, that includes the UK, now they could ignore those investors, and the board could find themselves out of jobs and being sued.

They’ll basically have to ask all those investing billions of dollars in them if they are happy for them to pull out of a market valued at more then the entire deal is worth, annually I believe, and lose that return on their investments.

IF Microsoft and Activision Blizzard were private companies they could do what the hell they liked, but as they are both publicly traded companies they cannot.

Re: UK CMA Places Further Restrictions On Microsoft And Activision Blizzard


@Kaloudz Stating ‘ The UK hate being wrong, and even worse, hate admitting they were wrong.’ sound very nationalist… I suggest you hold off singling out an entire nation until the EU ‘s decision…

The CMA also has a pretty valid point. You are only looking at the market now, as that’s how Microsoft want you and everyone else to look at it, trouble is once they own ActiBlizz they own it, and in 10 years time as the CMA points out could have an absolute monopoly on a market, which as it’s MS here they would be more then happy to have.

Re: Review: ASUS ROG Ally - The Xbox Handheld We've Been Waiting For?


@Ralizah Yes they may announce something, but they won't release any new hardware. If they do they are liable to being sued by their investors.
And as they'll want Christmas sales I don't think they will announce anything till January February next year. But you're right about the software releases. Still I personally think the Switch will eventually outsell the PS2. I'll probably grab It's successor when it's out, I've had a few Switches, Nintendo hardware is very good.