Comments 1,295

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@theduckofdeath As I understand no, because it’s in the courts, everyone expects the injunction appeal to be denied today or over the weekend but I think if it’s in the court it’s a big risk to go above that? If there wasn’t an appeal going through it would be plain sailing for them to ignore the FTC I believe.

People think if it’s not done by the 18th ActiBlizz will walk away. It would need renegotiating and gong back to the share holders I’m guessing otherwise?

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Balta666 Thank you for that, but how does that give them an option to halt the appeals process and look into a new deal now? Could they not have done that a few weeks back when the appeals process was started? Did they need to wait for the CAT to make any ruling before a new deal was discussed?

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@Fiendish-Beaver An awful lot of assumptions all round. All we can go on are the facts which are that MS and the CMA announced they agreed ‘this’ week to halt the appeals process to look into new concessions, and they have 4 days including a weekend to do it.
And yes you are being incredibly cynical if you truly be,I’ve the CMA and FTC are in cahoots to stall the deal? For what purpose? As I’ve said a hundred times, all THREE of the biggest regulators had concerns of a monopoly over cloud gaming. They didn’t state that for fun or to block the deal out of spite, well maybe the FTC did, no they said it because that was what they concluded from all the evidence given. So then processes had to be followed, EU came up with a concession for ‘their’ market and structure that MS accepted and improved on, the CMA has agreed to investigate a new deal with concessions for ‘their’ market and structure, and the FTC just seems to want to block the deal. People need to remember whilst they are regulators, they do have different laws and regulations and processes to follow in each country.

This is NO conspiracy in Europe, just what happens for a 70 billion dollar merger. There is no colluding. As for America it is different as they don’t seem to want to look into any concessions, I understand they have a political angle there with the head of the FTC. So I’m not sure what game is being played but I know that is the one regulator who will kill the deal if successful.

Re: UK CMA Delays Decision On Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Until August


@OrfeasDourvas Remember, it was Microsoft not the CMA who chose to go down the appeal process path, NOT to see if they could renegotiate a concession. None of us are privy to all the laws and regulations around the processes, but it does seem to me that MS could have tried to negotiate a new deal at anytime after the original one was rejected if they are able to do so now. Considering the deadline MS should have done this weeks ago.
But I expect MS will close the deal providing the FTC appeal fails of course before the 18th, otherwise the deals dead. MS will work around the CMA, they can’t work around the FTC.

Re: Microsoft And UK CMA Agree To Pause Legal Battle Over Activision Blizzard Deal


@Moonglow You are ignoring so much, firstly I am not damage controlling by pointing out why being a UK consumer is a good thing.

Secondly, the EU would have happily blocked this merger on the exact same grounds of a monopoly in the cloud space being created by it, they came up with the concession to this which MS accepted and even expanded on. So please don’t shine the EU as some night and FTC and CMA as dragons. All three of MS major markets had the same concerns. So it would be utterly ridiculous for me to claim the CMA was right, as all 3 of them had the same concerns.
The CMA already stated they cannot work the concession the EU came up with due to their make up.

As for the CMA proving its relevance? It’s required by law, and is made up mostly of the same staff who did the same positions when we were in the EU. They don’t need to prove anything. You are just angry they blocked the deal, fine. But think about why Microsoft did not amend the deal before to appease the CMA? Did they run out of time or try their luck…. Also let’s not forget the regulators have had access to millions of documents, and hours of presentations from those against the deals, plus industry experts who they DO use. This will have been going on longer then 4 weeks!

The FTC did state it has concerns with cloud gaming in its court case, up yes it did seem to concentrate on COD for some reason.

I am not anti this merger, why would I be I just got 3 years of Game Pass. I do not like monopolies though, if it was one regulator I would be as upset, but all three have said the same thing. And this is Microsoft who are not shy of monopolies, so whilst you may think it’s bad for you personally, if they are allowed to do as they please as the deal they had without concessions their was a good chance it would end up behind band for everyone and the market later on.

But hey, MS and the CMA have agreed to look into amending the deal for the UK, good that’s what we want as then it can be passed and approved as the cloud was the only issue they had really, even if thru have to investigate it all again, but I can’t see it taking long as it’s the second time.

The FTC who knows, in Europe they can make concession, the FTC has a whole other system it seems and isn’t interested in those by the looks of it. You should be diverting your anger at them as they can block the entire deal for the world, the CMA can’t so unless you live in the UK they aren’t affecting you.

Re: Microsoft And UK CMA Agree To Pause Legal Battle Over Activision Blizzard Deal


@Moonglow No, completely wrong. You are clueless if you really think these regulators do nothing and just 'investigate' to show they need to exist.
And I am happy to be a UK consumer thanks. I get tons of protection as such. I'm more than happy to have consumer laws and 12 month warranties, and the ability for legal action to be taken against companies who abuse the law and consumer rights, oh and I like the free government service I can turn to for consumer advice too.

Plus you have no idea what so ever what concessions will be made it how it affects the UK consumer. Total fallacy by you.

Re: Microsoft And UK CMA Agree To Pause Legal Battle Over Activision Blizzard Deal


Whilst folks are happy to call the regulators stupid, lying, incompetent, making things up, having weak arguments. None of you are in their commissions, and the EU, FTC and CMA ALL had concerns over Microsoft creating a monopoly in Cloud Gaming! The EU came up with a concession to appease their concerns, the FTC has lost its case, and it looks like the CMA will possibly reach a concession they agree on soon too.

So I would be confident as THREE separate main regulators ALL had the same concerns, that they were pretty valid in those concerns and the evidence they have will be too.

Re: Xbox Wins FTC Court Case As Judge Denies Preliminary Injunction


@Moby The CMA did not really have COD as its reason for blocking, also they had a valid point over monopoly concerns of cloud gaming, the EU commission themselves stated the exact same concerns, but believed that the concessions made by Microsoft would alleviate those concerns. The CMA isn’t equipped, apparently, to manage those same concessions the EU had implemented. So I await to see how they do equip themselves for a workaround to be implemented. You need to remember, without the concessions made both the EU and UK commissions had concerns over Microsoft creating a monopoly in cloud gaming. The FTC also believed this but decided to push the COD angle mainly,

So whilst people were quick to slag off these regulators as stupid, all three of the biggest markets for Xbox believed Microsoft could create a monopoly in cloud gaming, so concessions had to be made to ensure that doesn’t happen, in fact the EU came up with their idea and told Microsoft take it or leave it I think, MS took it and expanded it beyond the required remit.

Re: Xbox Wins FTC Court Case As Judge Denies Preliminary Injunction


Still doesn’t really tell us what will happen in the UK? I seriously doubt like some claim, that Microsoft will simply dump and leave the UK market. But also no idea what will happen, if we will ever get ABK games on Game Pass in the UK. Still a long way to go yet as far as I’m concerned. But at least the deal will close now.

Re: Microsoft's CEO Isn't A Fan Of Console Exclusives, Blames Sony


@slatyatpion Oh for sure the complete hypocrisy is shining very brightly here. And I suspect the judge and court will see that. I would not in any way claim MS is winning anything yet. I find how MS and Sony and the FTC are attempting to twist what Nintendo is to suit there arguments hilarious too, when they are all correct, it does it’s own thing, has endless exclusives, and never had COD on Switch but it’s massively successful. They just pick and choose snippets of those facts that fit their argument. Judge will see through that.

Re: Microsoft's CEO Isn't A Fan Of Console Exclusives, Blames Sony


Basically the MS boss doesn’t like Sonys business model, but according to them streaming has not taken off as predicted, so you’ll end up with a console with zero exclusives but console and PC will be the way most people will want to play? Are they going to release all their games onto PlayStation then?

Really annoys me how MS whine and moan about Sony, yet refuse point blank to follow its business model despite the fact it’s proved hugely successful for both Nintendo and Sony and did so too for MS during the 360 era.

It’s like Microsoft shooting themselves in the foot, then spending billions and going through all this hassle just to fix it. Very strange business strategy.

They shouldn’t complain about being third then try to reinvent the wheel, they will never be anything more then third with this strategy.

Re: Here's The Email That Set Sony's 'Alarm Bells Ringing' Over Xbox ActiBlizz Deal


@BRT15 Actually Jim Ryan has very high credibility in the industry, look at how much money he’s made for Sony and how he’s successfully launched another console for them. He is doing his job well for a moron everyone hates apparently. He’s only doing his job trying to block the merger, Spencer would be doing exactly the same if he was in Jim’s position.

Re: SEGA & Bungie Included In Huge List Of Companies Xbox Has Considered Acquiring


@S-Bacc Again blind to the facts, you are good at this, yes they blocked it due to a ‘monopoly on cloud gaming’ that they believe MS would have, but it is quite obvious no if MS bought all those studios it would have a monopoly on all gaming? I mean considering all the profits from the games would be going to Microsoft and it could control what happens to them, which platforms they go on etc. They have a loooonnngggg list of studios they were and are looking at for acquisitions.

Re: SEGA & Bungie Included In Huge List Of Companies Xbox Has Considered Acquiring


@S-Bacc Your defence is blind to the facts presented. Microsoft's position doesn't mean anything, when they are prepared to spend the total net worth of Sony several times a year to buy seemingly everyone. With the executives team mindset to 'bury Sony' in play, they want to become the number one console but not by offering choice, but by forcing it onto consumers.

I may be an Xbox fan, strained at the moment, but I am in no way a fan or supporter of this behaviour what so ever. And I am glad the CMA blocked the deal based on the evidence we now get to see.

Re: SEGA & Bungie Included In Huge List Of Companies Xbox Has Considered Acquiring


Microsoft have damaged themselves and shown exactly why the CMA were ABSOLUTELY 100% correct to block the deal! The language used by MS execs to 'bury Sony' and the list of basically, everyone, of who they should buy being presented by executives to the board. That is straight up a monopoly anyway you cut it.
If MS were not interested in a monopoly they would seek exclusivity deals in games, not buy entire studios left right and centre! This is what a corporation is, they exist to make money not be consumer friendly.

I think this is very damming evidence against them in this case against the FTC.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


How utterly unprofessional and immature can you get? To use that language ‘we lost the console wars’ like idiots fighting in You Tube videos or forums, and this is a document presented to a high court.
I find the while rhetoric from Microsoft over this case, even when the petty outbursts they had when the CMA blocked the deal, to be extremely petty and immature and not befitting of a corporation worth a trillion dollars at all.

First thing I would counter argue with is, so why then with your vast swathes of cash did you not try to counter offer for exclusivity on games against Sony?

It is REALLY putting me off Microsoft and Xbox all this childish language being used.