Comments 1,295

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


Ok having looked more into this I actually support the CMA to an extent. They states Microsoft Xbox has 60 to 70% of the GLOBAL game streaming market, that's huge, and buying Activision Blizzard would give them a massive advantage over competitors.

Yes the games could be in competing platforms but MS still gets paid then. So this would stifle competition in the market.

What MS 'should' have done is never tried to buy ActiBliz, but spend far less on exclusivity deals, out bid Sony, as that wouldn't take half as much resource, they could then put all their efforts into getting their first party studios working and stop the high profile staff leaving. And try to stop the endless game delays they have.

Now we could end up with a 2 tier Game Pass service where in the UK you get no ActiBliz games, but we pay the same, but in other countries you do get those games.
I also don't appreciate the responses from Microsoft or Activision on this block, I find their attitudes quite arrogant towards the UK as a whole. Definitely a copium unprofessional approach. That shows poor judgment to me and a bit insulting to be honest.
I won't be surprised if the EU also blocks the deal now though, for the exact same reasons.

Microsoft announced a huge loss in Xbox sales in their earnings this week or last. But subscribers numbers are up. They just want a service business.

And I can't believe I just said that. But I took a time out to reflect.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


@Titntin Exactly, I saw another comment state Microsoft's lack of reading the room is incredible, I have to agree, it's been obvious for years that European governments have become increasingly hostile towards American tech giants. And it was a risky move to make this acquisition as the European games markets are worth endless billions in revenue.

Re: Microsoft Will Appeal UK Decision To Block Activision Blizzard Purchase


@Fenbops We will have to see how much money it will take from Sony to keep them sweet. But Nintendo has just lost COD potentially.

It's beginning to look like this strategy was the wrong one. Europe has taken an increasingly hardline approach to giant American tech giants, for good reason, over the last few years. So buying exclusivity deals like Sony do could have been the better plan. We could have had deals set in stone by now and games coming to the service.

Re: Microsoft Will Appeal UK Decision To Block Activision Blizzard Purchase


@Widey85 Xbox is dead, possibly, an appeal has a low chance of success. If this deal does not go through in the UK they have had it.

The entire business strategy of Xbox under Phil has been to be the nice company, the pleasant one standing for consumer value.
Well they announced their quarter earnings this week I think and Xbox revenue is down year on year for the quarter, but game subscribers are up.
So if they lose the deal then you can be certain a vast swathe of subscribers will cancel.

Cool you think but then they'll get exclusives... well no, again because of their entire strategy being nicey nicey, I don't think Spencer has it in him to play hard ball and buy exclusivity's away from Sony etc, or pay for COD to be Game Pass exclusive for a year or a few months.

They would have to fire Spencer and find someone else with a more vicious streak. The current entire Xbox business plan relies on Game Pass and that relies on games on it. Big games to pull more subscribers in. Because otherwise they are losing money and share holders won't accept that for ever.

And the UK market is huge and considered vitally important, share holders know this.
I expect the EU will follow the UK now anyway.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


@Widey85 So you’ve spoken to Microsoft’s lawyers have you?

Here you go read these:

“ Even if an applicant successfully appeals the CMA’s substantive assessment in a merger, the CAT will not make a fresh decision, but will instead remit the case back to the CMA for further review –typically by the same decision makers and case team as previously. This may not be an attractive prospect, particularly if the deal economics or environment have changed since the transaction was first signed (months or years previously).”

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


@Kaloudz Go and Google the CMA appeals process, it’s practically none existent, they have all the power, literally a court can only pass the case back to the CMA for review, you can’t sue them either as that mechanism doesn’t exist in the UK courts. It’s a government department, and the UK government are total ***** to be frank, all of the parties are.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


@Widey85 Sorry, the CMA has no appeals process really, all you can do is say to the court we don’t like the decision, all the court will do is pass the case back to the exact same team in the CMA to review again, and you can imagine what they will do. No court has the power to actually overturn the CMA’s decision, the rate of successful appeals is pathetically small as a result.

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


“ The report from the CMA also mentions a bit about Microsoft's attempt to remedy these concerns, explaining that accepting the company's proposal "would inevitably require some degree of regulatory oversight".

Read: we would have to do some actual work and really can’t be bothered, civil servants want to only work 4 days a week now, from home…..

Re: Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal Officially Blocked In The UK


What the f***! God I hate the UK and ESPECIALLY the pathetic government. They have literally sided with the monopolistic market leader. I expect brown envelopes exchanged hands, hope Xbox dumps the UK market then. The CMA can then explain why they forced out competition siding with the main market leader instead.

Re: Jim Ryan Fears 'Serious Damage' If Xbox Degrades Call Of Duty For PlayStation


It is both hilarious and utterly embarrassing reading this release by Sony. It stinks of sad desperation and wild accusations, not one single regulator globally believes them. And so because the CMA has investigated and seen through their lies, they attack the CMA effectively calling them thick and stupid? And yet only 2 weeks ago they were praising the CMA's efforts to seemingly disagree with the deal.

Sony you have lost, you have far overplayed your hand, take the L and save what ever face you have left. And I suggest you start to repair the damage you have done to your own studios, as you effectively threw them under a bus claiming only COD matters.

Re: Activision Won't Allow Sony's 'Disappointing Behaviour' To Impact Long Term Relations


@Sol4ris Sony will get COD no matter what, Phil kinda has to return on that 69 billion dollar investment for their shareholders. But they won’t get anymore exclusive deals that’s for sure. And if Sony doesn’t sign the 10 year deal, then how long they have COD for is anyone’s guess.

However the majority of the money they’ll make from the investment will come from the mobile market. If they find themselves making a sizeable income from other platforms like mobile, then just how long they’ll support Sony for if it doesn’t sign that deal will be very interesting.

Re: Microsoft Welcomes Investigation Into Sony's 'Anti-Competitive Tactics' In Japan


@UltimateOtaku91 Typical post from you, Sony are using monopolistic anti competitive tactics in its home market, and that’s against an existing trade deal. Hence the call for it to be investigated. Nintendo seem more then happy to work with Microsoft, it also has many first party exclusives, they haven’t been accused of making deals to deliberately keep ‘third party’ games off a competitors platform or streaming service.

Nothing shocking from Sony really, but now with the US government accusing the Japanese government of turning a blind eye, that is an important development and will require Japan to answer.

If Sony wants full access to the US market as it currently enjoys, it must allow US competitors the same level of free access to its market, as does the Japanese government need to, or they face the consequences which can include sanctions I’d imagine.

If you are a foreign entity, and enter a country to compete in its market, and then you actively lie and try to block business of your competitors that are home grown in that said market, don’t complain if the government starts pushing back on your monopolistic anti competitive actions in your own home country against the trade deal agreed.

Re: Microsoft Welcomes Investigation Into Sony's 'Anti-Competitive Tactics' In Japan


Excellent update putting this into context, so it’s not ‘one’ US senate funded by Microsoft complaining, but 8 members of the senate complaining, and it’s not in relation to any future Japan US trade deal, but is in fact in breach of an existing Japan US trade deal, that definitely warrants full investigation with punishment against Japan.

You cannot just sign trade deals and then ignore your own laws and regulations when your home companies ignore them in their monopolistic anti competitive behaviour. Sony must have shown some very juicy details in those millions of documents they were forced to submit.

Re: Xbox Takes Major Step Towards Activision Blizzard Approval In UK


@Titntin I did google it as someone in a video I saw made the claim, but so far I cannot find where it was reported that the Japanese government are investigating it all.
So I may well have spoken too soon on that. And I appreciate your suspicions. But I just think the concerns are justified in relation to any trade deal.
Many Senators are given money by big American companies, but it doesn't always mean foul play.
Still I don't appreciate this separation of high end consoles to low end ones like the Switch. They are all in the same market and gunning after the same customers.

Re: Xbox Takes Major Step Towards Activision Blizzard Approval In UK


@Titntin Why should it matter who gives her money? That's par for the course with the US and UK government, but that doesn't mean the Japanese aren't allowing advice monopolistic behaviour by their own home companies. We will see what happens but the US will demand and investigate fair treatment of its own companies use before any trade deal is signed.
And I suspect the 'someone told me' came along with some evidence too. Or it's a known practice in Japan that hasn't mattered until they want a trade deal with the US. I suspect there is smoke with this fire.

Guess we will find out as the year moves in. But as I understand the Japanese government has agreed to fully investigate it all. They haven't denied it at all.

Re: Xbox Takes Major Step Towards Activision Blizzard Approval In UK


Good grief I just read the report on this on Push Square, the article and endless comments are so utterly salty, a huge amount of ‘copium’ as they say. It is literally like someone has killed their mothers or something. Ridiculous, they still get COD but that’s not enough. They all just want ‘exclusivity’.

The story of the US Senator claiming Sony and the Japanese government practice monopolistic anti consumer practices is one to watch too, I believe it, but the Japanese government has promised to investigate, because they want a trade deal with the US and as such the US won’t allow any anti competitive behaviour against US companies.