Comments 1,295

Re: Review: ASUS ROG Ally - The Xbox Handheld We've Been Waiting For?


May get this. I sold my Steam Deck as using it docked was a faff, and games didn't run too well on my monitor, plus putting Windows on it and none Steam Games was a faff too.
Windows is just so much easier. The US price for the top end Ally is $699, no idea on UK pricing. Just want something I can use docked easily as well as portable.

Re: Poll: Do You Think The Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Will Still Go Ahead?


I will say that the CMA appeals process will take months, and if as I suspect the EU block it also, add many more months for that appeal process. All the whilst that 69 billion is tied up and can't be spent elsewhere. And MS doesn't seem overly keen to get further exclusives, or be hands on with its current studios.
I've lost faith in them now, they don't want to follow the console model, they want a cloud model. So I am not sure what support they'll offer consoles, bar game streaming moving forward? I'm waiting for those Game Pass only exclusive games to start appearing...

Re: Poll: Do You Think The Xbox ActiBlizz Deal Will Still Go Ahead?


@themightyant MS want to monopolise and own the cloud streaming market, hence the comment you've posted. That is why the CMA will never allow it and I suspect neither will the EU. If the EU block it it's dead. MS aren't interested in the traditional console or it's business model or making AAA games according to Spencer. Because they want the cloud.

Re: Xbox's Phil Spencer: 'I'm Upset With Myself' Over Redfall Launch


@Fenbops It is one of the reasons why for now, despite my moaning of Phil Spencer, I won’t be selling my Series X. Plus State Of Decay. I have my OG PS4 and am playing Stray on that, it is on the PSN Plus Premium service I subbed to as I wanted to see what it had on it, and I’ve got to say, for me at least I’m not interested in any of the games on the service. I’ve played most of them or their predecessors and didn’t like the games, Sonys story simulators got stale for me.
The only ones I really like are Uncharted and The Last Of Us 1, and 2 was alright bar the stupid plot line and killing the main character in the first 5 mins.

But when I look at Game Pass, it has so many games I will dabble in and play.
I think when a new Uncharted game comes out I’ll grab a PS5 Slim or something.

Re: Xbox To Provide Update On Starfield's Frame Rate Ahead Of September Launch


Looking at the graphics I think it'll be 30FPS, but I guess that should be ok. Depends I guess on how much help MS gave Bethesda with the game, they seemed to suggest it was a lot more than they gave Redfall.
I actually looked on PSN Plus Premium and the games on it are alright, but not a patch on what Game Pass has. Horizon and GOW are only on there as trials. More games I want are on Xbox. Starfield is a good example of this.

Re: Microsoft President Makes Headline News With 'Furious' Response To UK ActiBlizz Verdict


@Blessed_Koz Yeap, I can tell your response isn't based on business or reality.
Also the UK market is worth billions to MS, it is a big seller despite what you may think. More than people give it credit for. They could tell the UK to get stuffed, but then the investors in MS will most likely sack the board and take them to court. For losing them billions in returns on their investments.
The UK market is worth more than the 69 billion the deal is costing them. Think about that.

Re: Microsoft Says To Expect 'New Surprises And First-Looks' From Xbox Games Showcase 2023


@eduscxbox Yes but surely you accept Xbox has brought some of the criticism from the community upon themselves? With showing games 2 years ago, then Halo was delayed then came out missing multiplayer, then they delayed other games and some 2 years later we are still waiting for news on. And then The Coalition had news of big name team members leaving over conflict of creative direction.

They have made endless promises and for many, they've only delivered with Game Pass so far but that was carried over from last gen. And then the ActiBliz deal is blocked by a major market. And they release the dumpster that is Redfall.

All this does leave a bitter taste in the mouth of fans I think.

Re: Phil Spencer Says Xbox 'Needs To Improve' Its Development Process


I watched this show, and the most telling part is towards the end, where he basically states don't expect Xbox to compete on the level of Sony or Nintendo with consoles, they want to make games and Game Pass for all platforms.
That was his response when asked if they aren't giving the Xbox console the same attention as PC Game Pass etc. this is in stark contrast to what he said about the Xbox Series when it was launched.
This was because he basically said they can't compete with Sony and Nintendo and have to find their own way which is Game Pass.

For me that doesn't instil confidence that the console will be around much longer in its current form in their business plan. Maybe they'll sell a streaming box or something? As someone who wants that console experience it may be truly time to bow out.

Re: Phil Spencer Says Xbox 'Needs To Improve' Its Development Process


Well Bethesda stated:

“ "We've made the difficult decision to delay the launches of Redfall and Starfield to the first half of 2023. The teams at Arkane Austin (Redfall) and Bethesda Game Studios (Starfield) have incredible ambitions for their games, and we want to ensure that you receive the best, most polished versions of them.”

So why should we believe Spencer when he claims they will do what they should have been doing day one? Stop wasting time and resources chasing ridiculous dreams of buying the worlds biggest game titles, and start doing your job and properly managing the studios you do have!

Re: Microsoft Says To Expect 'New Surprises And First-Looks' From Xbox Games Showcase 2023


@eduscxbox Firstly The Last Of Us was already a successful game on console, Redfall has launched across its platforms at the same time and failed. Yes the PC release of TLOU was buggy and Sony did get slammed for it, but as said it was already on console anyway.

As for me not liking the other games doesn’t mean anything, well sorry but it does. If the games ‘I’ want to play are garbage, then that platform has failed for me, and the many others who have the same taste, it doesn’t mean jack if it has launched other successful games. And MS have been promoting this game for what must be a year or more now, bogging it up, and it’s a first party title.

So they fully deserve their backlash and the moniker they have failed, shooter fans will no doubt also be looking forward to Starfield but we have no guarantee that game will be any good, or bug free, and rumours are it’ll be 30fps, on a device advertised by Microsoft as the worlds most powerful console. This is a first party studio and title.
Bethesda stated Redfall and Starfield were delayed by a year to ensure ‘that you receive the best, most polished’ versions of the games. So yeah when they state that forgive me and many others if we see this is Xbox just failing, they lost the ability to properly manage their current studios whilst chasing the purchase of new massive ones. And the games have suffered as a result.

Re: Review: Redfall - Arkane's Undead Experiment Brings Mixed Results To Xbox Game Pass


Another flop. I'm sure next year will be Xbox's year though... again...
Starfield will probably be 30FPS and I'm not sure Fable will be any good made by a racing game studio in a racing game engine.

Given up, it's obvious Microsoft want Xbox to be a service, not platform. Game Pass and X Cloud are its future now along with mobile. I'll be surprised if they make another console after the next one.

Re: Microsoft President Makes Headline News With 'Furious' Response To UK ActiBlizz Verdict


@Fiendish-Beaver Do you mean the 150 million players Xbox claims it will bring Activision Blizzard games to if the deal is passed? That's true but most it that number is made up of Nintendo Switch gamers, the rest are just Nvidia gamers etc. so no deal no 150 million extra players.
Also for now a what Xbox says about COD being brought to 150 million extra gamers can be taken with a pinch of salt, because as the CMA stated no evidence was provided to them to prove that the current Switch can run COD. And considering the next gen Switch isn't out yet then that user base is zero.

Re: Microsoft President Makes Headline News With 'Furious' Response To UK ActiBlizz Verdict


@Trmn8r Go and read post 82 then 92 and you'll finally get the context. And why you are half wrong, I'll give you something as you stated global market. My bad as you said global cloud market in your initial reply and I didn’t correct you. But you can think what ever you want to be honest. I mean you jumped into my reply to another comment and utterly failed to read that comment I was replying to, and took everything out of context and you look foolish for doing so as you miss all the context.

Re: Microsoft President Makes Headline News With 'Furious' Response To UK ActiBlizz Verdict


@Trmn8r I won't say anything, here is what they state, you can twist what the state to suite your argument: "Microsoft already accounts for an estimated 60-70% of global cloud gaming services and has other important strengths in cloud gaming from owning Xbox, the leading PC operating system (Windows) and a global cloud computing infrastructure (Azure and Xbox Cloud Gaming)."'s,over%20the%20years%20to%20come.

Re: Talking Point: Where Does Xbox Go Next If ActiBlizz Deal Falls Through?


@SplooshDmg I agree, they’ve lost the console war so are trying to corner cloud gaming. Can’t monopolise one market so will try to monopolise another. Just makes Sony and Microsoft out to be as bad as each other in that regard. I wonder how long they would make consoles for? If they invest so much on Xbox being a brand and service on as many devices as possible, will they just ditch the console and maybe just sell a streaming box for cloud gaming?

That’s not what I signed up for.

Re: Talking Point: Where Does Xbox Go Next If ActiBlizz Deal Falls Through?


@SplooshDmg I've had time to reflect, I learnt that globally Microsoft Xbox controls 60 to 70% of cloud gaming, and wants ActiBliz, I can totally understand where the CMA are coming from based on that! How MS ever thought they'd get the deal through is beyond me?

I bought Xbox again for State Of Decay, Avowed, Project Zero, Gears of War, where are they??? MIA as you said. MS first party studios seem to be in a mess and all MS are doing is chasing seemingly impossible acquisitions. Yeah it was fun screaming YES COD ON GAME PASS, but then you realise where are all the other games? Oh look Red Fall that's barely done releasing...

The only time Xbox console was remotely successful in the market is when they copied Sonys strategy in the Xbox 360 days. Exclusive deals. Now they have and want Xbox services to be the success. IMO.
They even recently during their earnings announced a huge drop in console sales...

That's why I am thinking of jumping ship, with Sony you know where you are and what games you'll get, with MS you know the games you love and want but have no idea when or if you'll get them. All you know is they want Xbox as a service and to waste billions in giant acquisitions that are blocked unsurprisingly when looked at objectively.

Game Pass is a winner, all they need to do is get first party games on it, and exclusive deals, that's it. But they want that top level income and revenue so want to just buy everyone.

In short, and I hate to say it, sack Spencer, sack the MS studios boss and team, sack Nedala even, and put people in that want exclusive deals and can manage the studios they own already and be laser focussed on.

Re: Talking Point: Where Does Xbox Go Next If ActiBlizz Deal Falls Through?


With any luck what they should have done, spend far less time and money on exclusivity deals like Sony does, and spend far more time getting their first party studios working! Stop the exodus of high profile staff and for Christ Sake stop the endless game delays. And boost quality.

But it's obvious MS are obsessed with all their product portfolio being offered as a service you subscribe to. They are going to mess up Xbox, again. The 360 was a success because it followed the same plan as PlayStation, exclusive deals.
Ever since they moved to promote multi media and now game services they've messed up.

Can they really not just follow the PS plan? I mean it more then works for them...

Just stop buying every big name under the sun! Just do what Sony does please.. but they won't. However if the EU blocks the deal, which I think they will, then MS will fingers crossed be forced to follow Sonys model. Just like the fantastic Xbox 360 days.