We're now almost two and a half years into the lifespan of Halo Infinite, and it's safe to say it's been a bumpy ride since the game's fall 2021 launch. We had a super solid game on our hands on day one, before the community grew increasingly tired from a lack of updates - but eventually 343 turned things around and started bringing content to the game at a good rate over the last year or so.
We're now in 2024 of course, and it feels like Halo Infinite is in a good place these days. Forge has added loads to the game — even inspiring people to build whole other games using the toolset — while a long list of content drops including the return of Firefight have made Infinite feel more robust.
While 'seasons' are no longer a thing for 343's newest Halo game, the team is still dropping updates all the time. Just a week or so ago, the team added six new community maps to the Squad Battle playlist - in and amongst a month that delivered a "major" update filled with plenty of community requests for Halo Infinite.
So, are you still enjoying Halo Infinite in 2024, even if seasons have now been retired? It's been a while since we've hopped on we must admit, but we are itching to suit up and jump into the arena again sometime soon.
PXers, are you still enjoying Halo Infinite in 2024? Vote in the poll below and let us know what you think!
Are You Still Enjoying Halo Infinite in 2024? (1,221 votes)
- Yes, I'm actually enjoying it it more than ever!
- I still play it fairly regularly, yeah
- It's decent, not bad
- Not as much as I used to, but it can still be fun
- I just don't care for it anymore to be honest
Do You Prefer The Campaign Or Multiplayer? (979 votes)
- Campaign
- Multiplayer
Comments 62
I played around 12 matches online this month and it was still very fun. Some newer maps i haven’t played. Gameplay is very good, they just didn’t have the content drops early. Otherwise a very good Halo game.
I've been playing Sekiro on the Steam Deck all week, my second playthrough. Christ, what a game. On the Demon of Hatred now so almost finished, then think I'll finally start of Dragon's Dogma 2. May dip my toe in Diablo to see what it's all about, but frankly I'm not sure it's my sort of thing
Should be a "never played it, actually".
I won't play it till they add the co-op campaign that they promised at launch.
@Tasuki I thought they did?
I still play Firefight, but I do not play the PVP enough to be competitive.
I utterly hammered the multiplayer when it launched; I was absolutely in love with it and blasted through the first battle pass. But the slow cadence of new multiplayer content (and the campaign not being playable in co-op for a ridiculously long time) saw me lose interest entirely. My wife and I eventually started the campaign together about a year ago, but neither of us felt compelled to finish it.
I actually went back to the multiplayer a month or so ago and just couldn't get back into it, so it's safe to say my time with Halo Infinite is well and truly done.
@Lup Then why are you here?
@Tasuki They did that like two years ago...
While I enjoy the gameplay itself, I can't play fps games anymore. The players are all way too sweaty, over competitive toxic morons. Can't play anything without some wannabe pro playing like he's in a million dollar tournament. I feel like Halo has this to a lesser degree than the likes of CoD but it's enough that I'm still put off by it. Today's gamers take themselves way too seriously and forgot how to have fun.
Infinite is great. Firefight in particular is the best multiplayer experience I have had since Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.
Because I like reading articles from this site, see the polls, comment, and stuff.
I enjoy playing Halo infinite, but half the time I'm in lobbies with people taking it way more seriously then I am. Had a teammate in a big team battle about my weapon choice because it's "ttk was too high". I'm just looking to have fun not seeking some meta.
@AshKirin19 I knew I was done playing online FPS when it became nessirary to screw around with settings to produce zero recoil optimised auto aiming.
Granted that's a CoD thing but it speaks how online FPS community has changed over the years.
Didn't enjoy the campaign it was basically farcry with a halo skin and the multiplayer just isn't proper halo no more
With the addition of firefight I am enjoying Infinite more than ever and I still pvp on occasion. Had to pick multiplayer over campaign even though I did really enjoy the campaign.
The campaign was great but I am only doing multiplayer lately. I play a few matches per week. This game is amazing.
I play a few rounds of firefight every now and again but that's about it. Never been big on pvp and with the way the campaign's story was I've never been too eager to go back to it
I liked the campaign quite a bit at launch, but was gutted when they announced story DLC was never even planned for it. That sort of diminished my opinion of the campaign as, to me, it seemed tailor made for story expansions.
The multiplayer was always fun, but didn’t have the impact of Halo 1-4. It had a lot of issues early on too. I haven’t gone back to it in a while
I enjoyed the campaign. I’m not a multiplayer guy, but have heard good things about Infinite lately.
Didn't beat the campaign, but multiplayer can be fun (even with sweaty opponents).
Nah, I dropped it ages ago.
Halo is not my thing in the first place, but I had decent fun at the beginning.
But with The Finals out now and Embark doing basically everything right, I can't see myself playing any other multiplayer FPS for a very long time, aside from maybe trying out XDefiant when (if?) it launches.
Campaign was fun while it lasted but felt barebones. When you consider how long the game was in development and the campaign we got, it’s shockingly underwhelming. The indoor linear sections all looked and felt the same also.
Not touched it since I finished the campaign, one and done for me.
Have not played multiplayer in a very long time. At some point, I'd like to play through the entire series' campaigns, but that probably won't be for a long, long while... Halo just isn't that high on my priority list.
I uninstalled it recently because I played it too much. Kept me away from other games. I'll most likely be back after Helldivers and Stellar Blade though!
I've only ever played the campaign. I played it twice solo when it fist came out on Normal then Legendary. I then played through it through again last month on Normal in co-op for the first time, and hope to play it through once more in co-op next week on Legendary.
I think the campaign is superb, better than 4 and 5, and, having just played 1, 2 and 3 on Legendary in co-op during March, I would say it stands on a par with those games, as much as anything because it builds on what went before it. I will say one thing though, you really miss the grapple-hook when you play the earlier games... 😂
I love it. I really wanted a campaign dlc tho...
the gameplay competitively is solid but 343 is just incapable of making fun halo games.
Nope, ditched it early on and haven't gone back since.
Yes, absolutely. The multiplayer still has me hooked weekly. I still play several times a week.
Halo Infinite supports so many styles of play now like previously Halos.
I’ll probably be playing in some capacity until the lights turn off or the replacement is here.
Got bored with it shortly after the release.
It's just not the same Halo I loved during the OG Xbox era.
@Markatron84 agreed. It annoyed me they screwed around so long. A bit of too little too late for me.
@nomither6 there’s plenty of fun in Infinite. I find myself having “Halo moments”.
Here’s one of favourites this year. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/F7w5rMSQDp
I play about 10 MP matches a week.
It’s the only thing I play with any regularity.
Imagine touting putting 6 maps made by the fans into a playlist as new content.
Franchise direction ruined just like gears .. so sad how Xbox can always kill a franchise in one generation
@abe_hikura Yeah, I still have CoD and Halo downloaded but will probably just give up on even thinking about going back. I'll give the new CoD this year a try as it's a Treyarch game and their games are always solid but multiplayer has gotten too damn competitive. 90% of my teammates in every match on both Halo and CoD have TTV in their names and I get that it takes a good amount of skill to play like that but it's not fun when that's a REQUIREMENT to even get a single kill. Streamers and wannabe pros have ruined games by forcing everyone to stick with the meta and play with specific settings. And you really are forced, otherwise you literally can't compete. And then those same sweat players also are the ones who buy $20 crap skins.
@TheSimulator I don't know what you're talking "killed" Halo isn't dead. Far from it. Just say you don't like it. It really isn't Xbox's fault either. It's more just greed. Live service models kill themselves so fast. And with how 343 dropped the ball on new content, it's no wonder players jumped ship. But dead? Hahahaha if Halo is dead then my name is Phil Spencer.
@Ricky-Spanish What do you mean proper Halo? This is probably the most proper Halo we've gotten from 343. 4 was ok, but didn't really do anything super well and felt bland. 5 was less ok but still fun. It hopped on the advanced movement trend of the time with games like Titanfall and CoD having similar movement style. But Infinite is a return to form with a modern twist that's very well done. If leaning to much towards the sweaty competitive side of things.
Not without local multiplayer, I'm not. And with a name like Halo "Infinite" one would expect some degree of procedural generation for an endless supply of missions.
I play Firefight but I'd probably still stick with Reach. Definitely the best Halo (Reach) I've played.
Single player gamer here mainly. I got enough out of the game at launch…finished the campaign and got most of the collectables. No real interest in going back however.
Game was ok. Mechanically very proficient as is usually the case for Halo, but the story and missions were all a bit forgettable.
Wish they’d made a single player expansion for the game where they could double down on story and interesting missions, given the gameplay loop and engine were in place.
No local co-op also killed longer term playability in our household where we have one TV. Past Halo titles I’ve co-op’d the campaign with my son.
I love it, now there is Firefight. Not that I ever stopped playing it. Still needs tweaking and content drops (weapons, vehicles), but grapple and the movement have made this the best MP Halo since 3.
Hate the open world campaign, its killed campaign Halo for me.
@Bullspit760 Can you still play firefight solo? Private matches? I hadn't realized they added it.
I played the not very good campaign and tried some multiplayer but it quickly got boring due to lack of content so I feel like Infinite is best left to be forgotten in a dark corner somewhere. I did play some older Halo games which I love just to remind myself of the glory days and I still hope we can get a great Halo game again in the future…
@AshKirin19 Sorry not for me dude I hate halo infinite big disappointment for me that game is
I bought the OG Xbox because I was impressed by the look of Halo:CE's Campaign and that was its major selling point - not some tacked on MP only playable by a 'select' few with Xbox Gold.
Halo 2 may well have popularised its MP more, but I still bought ALL the Halo games purely for their Campaign and hated the MP - and that includes Halo Infinite too.
Having completed the Campaign on Legendary, Collecting EVERY Skull and completing everything in the Open World, then as far as I am Concerned, I have NO reason to return. Unless they add some additional Campaign content, I doubt I will be playing H:I again...
It's still the go to game with my buddies and the multiplayer is absolutely fantastic. The fiesta modes and husky raid are just a good time.
@Tasuki they added that over a year ago.
Played for more than 2 years at least once a week with 360+ hours played but when they dropped the seasons I dropped the game entirely, I was very patient with it but this meant the devs were moving on to something else so did I.
What happened to this game is just sad, the gameplay is easily the best of any modern FPS and yet the lack of content at launch irreversibly killed it, it should’ve been in the oven for at least another 6 months and it’d have launched decently, but I have no idea how they planned to drop it a year earlier when it released with so little content.
And while the campaign is fine, they left it in a cliffhanger that I’m not sure we’ll ever see the next chapter of this story instead of pivoting to something else entirely, just like what happened from Halo 5 to Infinite (as 5’s story was just BS).
@clvr recently tried the finals maybe two weeks ago? I’ve been hooked since. They quickly respond to any issues it’s refreshing
I do not remember a solo option, but you can do private matches. It works pretty well finding 3 others in matchmaking if you are playing by yourself.
I usually play multiplayer on Sundays mixed in with my other Sunday games. I don't play it every Sunday though.
@KillerButtons @AshKirin19 @Cherip-the-Ripper No they didn't the canceled the split screen campaign mode after saying there was going to be one.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Stoned_Patrol Triggered much? Read my comment again, I dropped it cause there wasnt much content the months after release. Great if theres content now, but thats too late for me.
Also, the only one acting like a childish fanboy is you and you are really tiresome.
I'm still not at the final end. But I absolutely love it and still think, that this is Series X best game so far.
The Multiplayer is also nice, but I'm playing this for the campaign mostly.
@ParsnipHero I'm right there with you, Halo Infinite has steadily become better and better over the past couple years since launch. Firefight has truly added another level of awesomeness to the Halo Infinite experience. I'm excited to see where 343 takes the next Halo entry, until then Halo infinite is my go to for an extremely smooth, modernized Halo gaming experience.
I played it a few times a week for years and completed every battle pass but have fallen off now. I think it is the best playing Halo game. It's a shame they didn't ship it with MUCH more content on the multiplayer side, and that the campaign was so laughable and forgettable.
@Stoned_Patrol We have been waiting since launch like they said to include it.
@BowsersBuddy Agreed. Halo 4 Big Team Battle Deathmatch Playlist was the most fun I have EVER had with a Halo game.
Really wish they could make Halo multiplayer like that again.
@AshKirin19 What is TTV?
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