It sad that Phil has to question if it ok to sign a plastic shell. Fan boys are so revenge that you have to tip toe around everything incase to not offend them.
@Titntin “ Wandering around on these soulless empty planets is not much fun imo, and would have been worse if it were punishing too.”
The more I hear about the game… The more is sounds like these planets wasn’t going to be as empty as they were in the final game. This game sounds like another CP2077 situation where they had to cut so much content or else the game would be in development hell.
If they been able to ship the game with everything they wanted. The environment suits would have been a pretty cool addition.,
@BacklogBrad Phones had the ability to run new AAA games natively for years. The issue had nothing to do with hardware, but the cost of port said game to an entirely new environment. No developer is going to port games to phone cause mobile gamers have been conditioned for years to only expect freemium.
Most likely the only reason we’re seeing all these AAA ports being announced is cause Apple is footing the bill. But once that money runs out, you’ll be back to relying on cloud gaming.
@Kaloudz @themightyant I wouldn’t count ad of starfield and stuff on YouTube. That ad content is personalized. It based on the video your viewing, search history, age… and a ton of factors that Google are taking from us. So of course y’all are going to see a ton of Xbox ads… I haven’t seen one Xbox ad cause gaming has taken a back seat to other hobby which is cars particularly Mustangs, so I get a lot of personalized ad content based off that.
@InterceptorAlpha 4K TVs is only a minority to the amount of 1080P set already on the market. But they have controlled over half of sales over the last 4 years. The increase in sales is due to the massive price cut 4K TV have seen... aka you can buy a 4k TCL TV for less than $200 in walmart.
$600 even for a sale price is still extreme amount of money to spend on a TV. VRR TV would have to be sub $400 before most normal people to even start considering one to buy.
About as you say, 4k is a minority, so why support a feature that a minority of a minority is going to be able to use.
@InterceptorAlpha "By that logic, why push 4K when the majority of screens are 1080p?"
Cause you can buy a 4k TV for $5 and a stick of bubble gum down at the local Walmart. It makes more sense to push something vastly more obtainable. VRR TVs are not as obtainable.
@Titntin I’ve been reading your comments about how the game been making you ill the last couple of days. I don’t know what you have tried so far… But you can just play the game in 3rd person if it the 1st person mode is making you ill.
@trev666 I feel like we will be seeing elder scrolls and Fallout 5 far earlier than the dates you put. They probably don't have to ramp down their production teams due to Microsoft funding, and they only have to focus on a few platforms.
@InterceptorAlpha Even on my PC with a 4090 and an i7 11700k it sees dips easily into the low 60s. The Xbox Series X could hit 60FPS, but it definitely won't run consistently at 60FPS, and will have massive drops. So, it was definitely a good choice to just lock the game to 30FPS and call it a day. Unfortunately, which would suck for people who have VRR displays and wouldn't mind the inconsistent 60FPS, but you can't design a game around a TV/Montior feature that 10% of console players have.
@Kaloudz That probably won’t happen unless Xbox brings on another studio entirely to do that… As I don’t see playground games dropping their bread and butter to attempt something new.
@Cherip-the-Ripper From the sound of it The Chinese room is rebooting the entire development. So it going to have an entirely new code base with 'different gameplay mechanics and RPG systems' then what was originally announced and was promised. They are just tacking on the name Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 for marketing purposes and to wash their hands of the IP.
@InterceptorAlpha I can easily give Forza a pass on limited maps. Given the massive engine overhaul we are seeing with this game… and the painstaking amount of work that goes laser scanning tracks to capture every detail down to a rock. Halo maps aren’t created same way, and they could have easily put up more maps for launch.
But there was no they was going to get a “large” amount of tracks into the game. We literally go through this at the start of every generation with Forza. The first true Forza of the generation is basically a clean slate scraping everything done from the previous generation.
@RedShirtRod “ it seems like everything they tried to do has been done better somewhere else”
Yeah… At this point in gaming, there nothing you can really come up with that innovative that hasn’t already been done in another game, and probably better. Being able to build and fly your own ship, space engineers. Space exploration, space combat, mining… etc; No Man Sky/Elite Dangerous/Star Citizen/CoD: Infinite Warfare.
What this game really does is it taking all of those aspects and add them on top of an engaging universe that BGS can only make.
I wouldn’t exactly say $100… This is PC gaming after all, you would be stupid to pay day 1 Steam prices. I got my premium edition for $70 with $5 cash back. 🤣
@BrilliantBill “ For what it's worth, Halo Infinite, the revered first-party title, also didn't make split-screen work at all on either console, but there it is also easy to imagine that S had a part in it and they canned the whole thing”
Xbox One was mostly likely the main cause of Halo not split screen, not the S.
@rustyduck Activition had refused to have their content on any subscription service PERIOD. That why this purchase is so important. It forces Activition to bring their game to subscriptions services and Cloud platforms that they didn’t allow.
@Dan1283 Unfortunately, there will be a lot of people picking this up as there a whole generation of gamers that wasn’t born when this release. One of my friends is 19, and he was 6 when this released originally.
@BeerIsAwesome I wouldn’t count Nixxes ports as absolutely solid they’ve been ok. Spider-man(s) has plenty of game breaking performance, glitches, and issues, and ratchet and clank are missing key effects and some graphical elements look worse than the PS5. But it help that insomniac engine is more platform agnostic than Naughty dog.
@themightyant I wasn't going to compare it with Halo as there been other instances. Where are we still getting this idea that Larian Studios is a small studio? They have over 400 employees across 6 studio locations.
@Moonglow Nothing Steam releases data wise is reliable data. Even Steam states that the information they have isn't 100% reliable. It just like people who keep using steam chart to gage player count and total game sales of Microsoft and Sony games.
But I also never said that the option of my discord is factual data. I used it as point that people have vastly different taste. Them teasing kojima game isn't going to ruin marketing. The game that Kojima make isn't going to necessarily be interesting to the people who like Starfield and vice-versa. There was a reason Phil was up on stage for FFXIV fan fest. Everyone wants different things from Xbox. There are people who care more about that game release than Starfield release.
Micrsoft shouldn't just withhold game information about a game that will have a different fanbase just to not ruin marketing.
@Moonglow I wouldn't use Steam Wishlist as a more accurate tool. People just like to add games to their wishlist with rarely any actual intention of going through with an actual purchase.
Baldur's Gate 3 isn't on that list but is actually number 2 on the TOP SELLERS list.
Y'all do know that Geoff Keighley is hosting Gamescom Opening Night Live again this year? He doesn't just do the Game Awards. So, if Geoff and Kojima relationship is that big and important. Gamescoms would also be a good place to show.
"something probably isn't ready for "right around the corner"
@GamingFan4Lyf Microsoft and Kojima announced their partnership a year and two months ago. If they have nothing to share or show yet, then OOF
"Starfield and Motorsports are right around the corner. I don't see the benefit teasing a 3rd game that's still several years away,"
@Moonglow You act like Microsoft haven't done this before. But the thing is also not everyone care about Starfield or Forza Motorsports. Out of my 200-person discord group, I'm the only one that care about Starfield and especially Motorsports. So there no issue going ahead an showing off the next big game from Microsoft.
The purpose of Xbox isn’t to push consoles. But to push windows gaming and direct X. This has always been the main point of the brand. It was just that during the OG Xbox and 360 era, a successful console was need to achieve this goal.
That isn’t the case anymore with the PC renaissance and the rise of mobile and cloud gaming. Offering better support for these ultra niche hyper expensive third party portable mini-PCs is apart of their windows gaming push. If Xbox and Window don’t provide better support. We could see these manufacturers start dropping windows in favor of SteamOS which at that point xbox failed at what they were created to do.
Xbox as a console will always take back sit to their main directive. If you want a console brand that main focus is to be console. Buy a Switch or a PlayStation.
@AlwaysPlaying That is incorrect. This will not be the second game for Unreal 5 for X/S. Fortnite and Layers Of Fear are UE5. Immortals Of Aveum will also be releasing next month.
@Sol4ris Sega would have been great. Ubisoft has vastly too much bloat and fat that need to be trimmed after the purchase. What would they do with the crew when they already have Horizon?
@sixrings @Krysus MS would be losing to much money getting rid of paid online. Their entire business model is subscription services, and paid online is the only thing bring in constant income cause their console and actual software sales are terrible.
@BrilliantBill "But they have resources enough to release cut-content from 20 something year old games on PC of all places."
"We announced that an intrepid team of modders, in partnership with us here at 343 Industries, have been working to restore some of this old content so that you can experience it for yourself in Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC."
Read the blog post and you'll see that 343 isn't actually using in house resources for this. It being handed off to Modders with 343 giving the legal "We allowed this". This is also why it not release on Xbox, but only PC.
@Kienda "Steam numbers are down a lot. It’s true. But the game is mostly played on Xbox consoles and the Xbox PC app, so it doesn’t tell the full story"
Yeah. I don't know why people keep using Steam number as the definitive player count for game when there are multiple ways to play the game. Plus, PC gamers don't tend to stick to one particular game unless it insanely popular. Right now, the new big game is Battlebit Remastered. Or if the game has a heavy modding community which probably why MCC still has a player base on PC.
Comments 284
Re: During Development, Bethesda 'Nerfed' How Much Damage Planets Could Cause In Starfield
@JayJ Star Citizen is just a massive money scam at this point.
Re: Random: Xbox's Phil Spencer Autographed A PS5 Cover At Tokyo Game Show 2023
It sad that Phil has to question if it ok to sign a plastic shell. Fan boys are so revenge that you have to tip toe around everything incase to not offend them.
Re: During Development, Bethesda 'Nerfed' How Much Damage Planets Could Cause In Starfield
@Titntin “ Wandering around on these soulless empty planets is not much fun imo, and would have been worse if it were punishing too.”
The more I hear about the game… The more is sounds like these planets wasn’t going to be as empty as they were in the final game. This game sounds like another CP2077 situation where they had to cut so much content or else the game would be in development hell.
If they been able to ship the game with everything they wanted. The environment suits would have been a pretty cool addition.,
Re: Ubisoft CEO Explains Decision To Buy ActiBlizz Cloud Rights From Xbox
@BacklogBrad Phones had the ability to run new AAA games natively for years. The issue had nothing to do with hardware, but the cost of port said game to an entirely new environment. No developer is going to port games to phone cause mobile gamers have been conditioned for years to only expect freemium.
Most likely the only reason we’re seeing all these AAA ports being announced is cause Apple is footing the bill. But once that money runs out, you’ll be back to relying on cloud gaming.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Reacts To Suggestion That Xbox 'Misjudged' The Game's Potential
@InterceptorAlpha @InfamousOrange More like 5.2 million… The game had already sold 2.5 million before it ever left early access.
Re: Xbox Enters The World Of Formula 1 With New BWT Alpine Partnership
@Kaloudz @themightyant I wouldn’t count ad of starfield and stuff on YouTube. That ad content is personalized. It based on the video your viewing, search history, age… and a ton of factors that Google are taking from us. So of course y’all are going to see a ton of Xbox ads… I haven’t seen one Xbox ad cause gaming has taken a back seat to other hobby which is cars particularly Mustangs, so I get a lot of personalized ad content based off that.
Re: New Starfield Test Suggests It Could Run At 40-60FPS On Xbox Series X
@InterceptorAlpha 4K TVs is only a minority to the amount of 1080P set already on the market. But they have controlled over half of sales over the last 4 years. The increase in sales is due to the massive price cut 4K TV have seen... aka you can buy a 4k TCL TV for less than $200 in walmart.
$600 even for a sale price is still extreme amount of money to spend on a TV. VRR TV would have to be sub $400 before most normal people to even start considering one to buy.
About as you say, 4k is a minority, so why support a feature that a minority of a minority is going to be able to use.
Re: New Starfield Test Suggests It Could Run At 40-60FPS On Xbox Series X
@InterceptorAlpha "By that logic, why push 4K when the majority of screens are 1080p?"
Cause you can buy a 4k TV for $5 and a stick of bubble gum down at the local Walmart. It makes more sense to push something vastly more obtainable. VRR TVs are not as obtainable.
Re: Oh Look, Starfield Is Getting Review Bombed On Metacritic
@Titntin I’ve been reading your comments about how the game been making you ill the last couple of days. I don’t know what you have tried so far… But you can just play the game in 3rd person if it the 1st person mode is making you ill.
Re: Todd Howard Explains Why There Aren't Any Land Vehicles In Starfield
@trev666 I feel like we will be seeing elder scrolls and Fallout 5 far earlier than the dates you put. They probably don't have to ramp down their production teams due to Microsoft funding, and they only have to focus on a few platforms.
Re: Todd Howard Explains Why There Aren't Any Land Vehicles In Starfield
@Kienda More like just think about how great The Outer Worlds 2 is going to be
Re: Starfield Fan's Potato-Filled Spaceship Shows Off Impressive Physics System
I see that Bethesda is putting that Microsoft money to go use.
Re: Video: Digital Foundry Review Dives Deep Into The Tech Behind Starfield
@InterceptorAlpha Even on my PC with a 4090 and an i7 11700k it sees dips easily into the low 60s. The Xbox Series X could hit 60FPS, but it definitely won't run consistently at 60FPS, and will have massive drops. So, it was definitely a good choice to just lock the game to 30FPS and call it a day. Unfortunately, which would suck for people who have VRR displays and wouldn't mind the inconsistent 60FPS, but you can't design a game around a TV/Montior feature that 10% of console players have.
Re: Open-World Racer 'The Crew Motorfest' Looks Surprisingly Good On Xbox One
@Kaloudz That probably won’t happen unless Xbox brings on another studio entirely to do that… As I don’t see playground games dropping their bread and butter to attempt something new.
Re: Starfield's Game Pass Upgrade Is Currently The Best-Selling Item On Xbox
@BrilliantBill ES6 is already stated to be using creation engine 2 the same as Starfield.
Re: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 Coming To Xbox Series X|S Next Year
@Cherip-the-Ripper From the sound of it The Chinese room is rebooting the entire development. So it going to have an entirely new code base with 'different gameplay mechanics and RPG systems' then what was originally announced and was promised. They are just tacking on the name Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 for marketing purposes and to wash their hands of the IP.
Re: All 20 Launch Day Tracks Have Been Revealed For Forza Motorsport
@InterceptorAlpha I can easily give Forza a pass on limited maps. Given the massive engine overhaul we are seeing with this game… and the painstaking amount of work that goes laser scanning tracks to capture every detail down to a rock. Halo maps aren’t created same way, and they could have easily put up more maps for launch.
But there was no they was going to get a “large” amount of tracks into the game. We literally go through this at the start of every generation with Forza. The first true Forza of the generation is basically a clean slate scraping everything done from the previous generation.
Re: Early Access Players, What Are Your First Impressions Of Starfield?
@RedShirtRod “ it seems like everything they tried to do has been done better somewhere else”
Yeah… At this point in gaming, there nothing you can really come up with that innovative that hasn’t already been done in another game, and probably better. Being able to build and fly your own ship, space engineers. Space exploration, space combat, mining… etc; No Man Sky/Elite Dangerous/Star Citizen/CoD: Infinite Warfare.
What this game really does is it taking all of those aspects and add them on top of an engaging universe that BGS can only make.
Re: All 20 Launch Day Tracks Have Been Revealed For Forza Motorsport
@InterceptorAlpha It will probably get added after release
Re: Starfield Is Hitting Impressive Concurrent Player Numbers On Steam Already
I wouldn’t exactly say $100… This is PC gaming after all, you would be stupid to pay day 1 Steam prices. I got my premium edition for $70 with $5 cash back. 🤣
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Confirmed For Xbox In 2023, Series S Version Ditching Local Co-Op
@BrilliantBill It seems everyone has forgotten that Halo Infinite was on Xbox One.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Confirmed For Xbox In 2023, Series S Version Ditching Local Co-Op
@BrilliantBill “ For what it's worth, Halo Infinite, the revered first-party title, also didn't make split-screen work at all on either console, but there it is also easy to imagine that S had a part in it and they canned the whole thing”
Xbox One was mostly likely the main cause of Halo not split screen, not the S.
Re: Phil Spencer Gives His Thoughts On Baldur's Gate 3's Xbox Series S Issues
@abe_hikura Halo Infinite dropping split screen is more so to do with the Xbox One rather than the Series S.
Re: Call Of Duty Game Page Update Confirms Modern Warfare 3 For Xbox One
@rustyduck Activition had refused to have their content on any subscription service PERIOD. That why this purchase is so important. It forces Activition to bring their game to subscriptions services and Cloud platforms that they didn’t allow.
Re: South Park: Snow Day! Brings Its 3D Co-Op Battles To Xbox In 2024
@Decoy_Snake Yeah… This is the one moment I wish Ubisoft still had rights to license.
Re: Video: Red Dead Redemption Comparison Pits Nintendo Switch Against Xbox Series X
@Dan1283 Unfortunately, there will be a lot of people picking this up as there a whole generation of gamers that wasn’t born when this release. One of my friends is 19, and he was 6 when this released originally.
Re: Hogwarts Legacy Developer Seemingly Working On New Project
@endlessleep Not the same Avalanche. This Avalanche Software, not Avalanche studios
Re: Killer Instinct 10th Anniversary Update Coming To Xbox Series X|S
@BeerIsAwesome I wouldn’t count Nixxes ports as absolutely solid they’ve been ok. Spider-man(s) has plenty of game breaking performance, glitches, and issues, and ratchet and clank are missing key effects and some graphical elements look worse than the PS5. But it help that insomniac engine is more platform agnostic than Naughty dog.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox Version Seemingly Pushed To 2024 Due To Series S 'Technical Hurdle'
@themightyant I wasn't going to compare it with Halo as there been other instances. Where are we still getting this idea that Larian Studios is a small studio? They have over 400 employees across 6 studio locations.
Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox Version Seemingly Pushed To 2024 Due To Series S 'Technical Hurdle'
@themightyant Have you seen the reaction to any time a developer release now, and patch later?
Re: Kojima Productions Seems Busy Hosting Team Xbox This Week
@Moonglow Nothing Steam releases data wise is reliable data. Even Steam states that the information they have isn't 100% reliable. It just like people who keep using steam chart to gage player count and total game sales of Microsoft and Sony games.
But I also never said that the option of my discord is factual data. I used it as point that people have vastly different taste. Them teasing kojima game isn't going to ruin marketing. The game that Kojima make isn't going to necessarily be interesting to the people who like Starfield and vice-versa. There was a reason Phil was up on stage for FFXIV fan fest. Everyone wants different things from Xbox. There are people who care more about that game release than Starfield release.
Micrsoft shouldn't just withhold game information about a game that will have a different fanbase just to not ruin marketing.
Re: Kojima Productions Seems Busy Hosting Team Xbox This Week
@GamingFan4Lyf There is a link to the initial announcement in the article
Re: Kojima Productions Seems Busy Hosting Team Xbox This Week
@Moonglow I wouldn't use Steam Wishlist as a more accurate tool. People just like to add games to their wishlist with rarely any actual intention of going through with an actual purchase.
Baldur's Gate 3 isn't on that list but is actually number 2 on the TOP SELLERS list.
Re: Kojima Productions Seems Busy Hosting Team Xbox This Week
Y'all do know that Geoff Keighley is hosting Gamescom Opening Night Live again this year? He doesn't just do the Game Awards. So, if Geoff and Kojima relationship is that big and important. Gamescoms would also be a good place to show.
"something probably isn't ready for "right around the corner"
@GamingFan4Lyf Microsoft and Kojima announced their partnership a year and two months ago. If they have nothing to share or show yet, then OOF
"Starfield and Motorsports are right around the corner. I don't see the benefit teasing a 3rd game that's still several years away,"
@Moonglow You act like Microsoft haven't done this before. But the thing is also not everyone care about Starfield or Forza Motorsports. Out of my 200-person discord group, I'm the only one that care about Starfield and especially Motorsports. So there no issue going ahead an showing off the next big game from Microsoft.
Re: Kojima Productions Seems Busy Hosting Team Xbox This Week
@GamingFan4Lyf @Moonglow Why does it have to be the Game Awards? Games Com and Tokyo Game show is right around the corner.
Re: Phil Spencer Says Xbox Is 'Focused' On Improving Handheld PC Gaming Experience
The purpose of Xbox isn’t to push consoles. But to push windows gaming and direct X. This has always been the main point of the brand. It was just that during the OG Xbox and 360 era, a successful console was need to achieve this goal.
That isn’t the case anymore with the PC renaissance and the rise of mobile and cloud gaming. Offering better support for these ultra niche hyper expensive third party portable mini-PCs is apart of their windows gaming push. If Xbox and Window don’t provide better support. We could see these manufacturers start dropping windows in favor of SteamOS which at that point xbox failed at what they were created to do.
Xbox as a console will always take back sit to their main directive. If you want a console brand that main focus is to be console. Buy a Switch or a PlayStation.
Re: Xbox Games With Gold For August 2023 Announced
@rockodoodle PlayStation was giving away stuff like Stray for $10 a month so… Yeah they could do better.
Re: Lords Of The Fallen Looks Remarkable In New Extended Gameplay Presentation
@AlwaysPlaying That is incorrect. This will not be the second game for Unreal 5 for X/S. Fortnite and Layers Of Fear are UE5. Immortals Of Aveum will also be releasing next month.
Re: 'Sea Of Stars' To Become Rare PS Plus & Xbox Game Pass Day One Launch
@BeerIsAwesome And Steam gamers.
Re: Microsoft CEO: Xbox Remains 'Confident' About Activision Blizzard Acquisition
@Sol4ris Sega would have been great. Ubisoft has vastly too much bloat and fat that need to be trimmed after the purchase. What would they do with the crew when they already have Horizon?
Re: Xbox Gaming Revenue Up 1% YoY In Latest Earnings Report
@Tharsman They did release HiFi Rush and Minecraft Legends.
Re: Ubisoft Reportedly Cancelled 'Immortals Fenyx Rising' Sequel Earlier This Month
@NEStalgia Outlaws, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, Heartland, A new settlers released earlier this year, Motorfest, XDefiant,
Re: Poll: Xbox Live Gold Members, Are You Excited For Game Pass Core?
@sixrings @Krysus MS would be losing to much money getting rid of paid online. Their entire business model is subscription services, and paid online is the only thing bring in constant income cause their console and actual software sales are terrible.
Re: Blizzard Games Announced For Steam Ahead Of Xbox Acquisition
@Kaloudz I know they have probably made of good a million off me. I own over 1k+ games and DLC, and purchased a steam deck and 2 Index. 🤣
Re: Blizzard Games Announced For Steam Ahead Of Xbox Acquisition
@Kaloudz Nope. But nothing is as popular as steam tho.
Re: Blizzard Games Announced For Steam Ahead Of Xbox Acquisition
@Kaloudz Yes. is a launcher like steam.
Re: Blizzard Games Announced For Steam Ahead Of Xbox Acquisition
@Kaloudz Nope. Blizzard has never released a pc game outside of
Re: Blizzard President: We Have So Much Coming, We're Just Getting Started
@IOI He probably regrets leaving his position at Xbox, and probably happy to be back apart of that team.
Re: 343 Is Bringing Loads Of Never-Before-Seen Halo 1 & 2 Content To Master Chief Collection On PC
@BrilliantBill "But they have resources enough to release cut-content from 20 something year old games on PC of all places."
"We announced that an intrepid team of modders, in partnership with us here at 343 Industries, have been working to restore some of this old content so that you can experience it for yourself in Halo: The Master Chief Collection on PC."
Read the blog post and you'll see that 343 isn't actually using in house resources for this. It being handed off to Modders with 343 giving the legal "We allowed this". This is also why it not release on Xbox, but only PC.
Re: 'Red Vs. Blue' Halo Web Series Announces The Final Season, Airing This Fall
@Kienda "Steam numbers are down a lot. It’s true. But the game is mostly played on Xbox consoles and the Xbox PC app, so it doesn’t tell the full story"
Yeah. I don't know why people keep using Steam number as the definitive player count for game when there are multiple ways to play the game. Plus, PC gamers don't tend to stick to one particular game unless it insanely popular. Right now, the new big game is Battlebit Remastered. Or if the game has a heavy modding community which probably why MCC still has a player base on PC.