Poll: Xbox Live Gold Members, Are You Excited For Game Pass Core?

This week has been dominated by the news that Xbox Live Gold will be ending this September in favour of a new tier of Xbox Game Pass called "Game Pass Core", and all Gold subscribers will transition to the new tier on September 14th.

A lot of things will stay the same following the transition — Game Pass Core will still cost the same as Xbox Live Gold and include online multiplayer access — but there are a couple of major changes you need to be aware of.

Firstly, Xbox Games With Gold is officially ending on September 1st, meaning you'll no longer be able to claim your two (or more) free titles per-month. Instead, Xbox Game Pass Core will feature a list of games that subscribers can play at no extra charge, with more to be unveiled around 2-3 times per-year.

So, the question is, are you excited for Game Pass Core or do you wish Xbox Live Gold was sticking around? Would you prefer to have those Games with Gold titles every month, or is the new library of Game Pass titles more preferable?

There definitely seem to be some mixed opinions about this amongst the community, so we're interested to hear your thoughts. You can tell us down in the poll below, and feel free to elaborate in the comments as well.

Xbox Live Gold members, are you excited for Xbox Game Pass Core? Let us know!

Are You Excited For Xbox Game Pass Core? (1,689 votes)

  1. Yes, it seems a better deal than Xbox Live Gold%
  2. I'm fine with it, but not exactly "excited"%
  3. Not really, I liked Xbox Live Gold%

Was It Right To End Games With Gold? (1,436 votes)

  1. Yes, it was time to finish it%
  2. No, it should have stayed%