And I notice that once again they're all EA games... how does the company who's just an add-on to the main's service understand how it should work better?
@shirguis Sounds like two problems feeding each other - Xbox isn't as popular, so it gets less physical games, which makes it even less popular, which means it gets even less physical games - etc.
Doesn't really matter if they plan on it or not, it depends on how many Third-Parties deem it worth doing when sales are higher digitally as the years come. If most devs eventually deem physical Xbox games a waste of resources, Microsoft isn't gonna keep making a disc drive just for their games and the handful of stragglers.
@P3nguinprisM Oh sorry, should've made that clearer. It's identical to Deals with Gold, just the name changed to fit Gold becoming Core, and being made know you just need any GP Sub for the deals. My bad.
Heard quite a few times Soul Hackers 2 was underwhelming from the people who played the first game's remaster(?) on 3DS. The combat is solid as expected, but been told everything else is meh. Not bad, just meh. But yeah - better RPGs both on Game Pass and off it for just as cheap.
@P3nguinprisM If you do the Rewards Points stuff you can get Core or Ultimate every month for free. Alternative depending on how many games under Game Pass Deals you need, a year of Core might save you more or at least even out how much you spent-saved.
Tales of Arise seems like it nosedives around halfway through both story and gameplay-wise. Saw someone streaming the later bits of it and every enemy was stupidly tanky and gave trash EXP, with Visual Novel levels of dialogue every other room. I wouldn't go as far to say don't try it, but just keep that in mind before you start since RPGs usually have a massive time commitment.
Saints Row 1 & 2 for $1.49 each is great, would recommend both. I'm holding on the CoD games hoping Microsoft will make them go on sale a liiittle more, even if it's just a few bucks each.
Love the Comments about games as a service by people who clearly just read the article name and not even the games losing their servers. Every time there's an article like this. Yes, my favorite live service game Dark Souls 2 on the 360.
The problem with Ubisoft Plus, aside from that long term it's just cheaper buying the games on sale, is that the past 10 years they've almost exclusively focused on Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, & Just Dance. So they don't really have the catalog of old games to take up space regardless of new ones coming out, and they can't possibly output enough games to get people to use it for anything more than an occasional rental of something new.
Does it matter when devs can't even take advantage of the current hardware, ever? Whatever we're told by Sony & Microsoft will be the 'standard' for X Gen, it's a lie, and it becomes the standard of Y Gen, and Y Gen's promised standards become that of X Gen's, etc.
@CaptainCluck I could understand if they were working to get as many of the games left behind as possible on Series, but they're not, and have no intention to. The fact that people eat up the 'Xbox cares so much about game preservation' PR ignoring stuff like this and Microsoft delisting their own games is crazy.
@FarmDog08 Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon both would be awesome. If they do want a few more Xbox games on other consoles, I think those would fit in easily with the other ecosystems.
I had to factory reset my Series X today because the home menu wouldn't load. I'll assume that was, somehow, a pre-existing issue and not related to this.
@Kaloudz No, but those people don't buy games, which is why it's so crazy devs bend a knee to them. If anything it'd be a great time to bring Duke back because there'd be so much satire and commentary to be made.
@TheLastHarbinger It's really not though. Oblivion's not some obscure title or limited edition thing - it's a game that was printed more than modern Xbox games, three separate times, making them dirt cheap and always in circulation. And yeah, you don't need a 'dinosaur ecosystem' to play a handful of games. You need it to plays thousands more that aren't on Series or XBO and never will be.
"Microsoft hasn't delisted anything for many years". Wrong. They delisted all the 360 Halo games to make you buy the MCC and the Remasters for ones like Halo Wars and Spartan Assault, and delisted the DOOM games which had features not in the Remasters and won't be added to them. Recently. They also refuse to relist The Cave or Iron Brigade despite owning them, because they want you to rent them for eternity via Game Pass. Until GP doesn't exist, I guess. Then they're gone. That's not even getting into them shutting down the 360 store, which is still the only way to get some BC titles and a ton of DLCs.
'Such a massive characteristic'? It's discontinued. They're not adding any more and they're not doing anything to preserve the catalog they have with games getting delisted every other week. That 'massive characteristic' will be nonexistent for most before the end of the Series' life cycle - and there's a lot of games that are a lot harder to find than Oblivion or don't have a physical release at all.
@TheLastHarbinger Yeah Oblivion's not the best choice for an example considering it had multiple cheap physical releases, Xbox 360s and PS3s are still widely available and affordable, and per the Bethesda leaks via the FTC case it's getting a Remaster soon, and I would almost guarantee Microsoft will delist the 360 original after that releases.
If anything it proves the opposite to some degree - if Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, & Fallout NV can be BC, why not Skyrim too? Oh... because they made a port of it and wanted you to buy that instead. And you can't argue 'they're the same game' because they're not - you can't experience Anniversary w/o the DLCs to see what vanilla is like, and there's more glitches & bugs than the original with none of the old ones being fixed. And the BC Program was after Bethesda was bought, so its not like they could say no.
BC is cool, but it wasn't for game preservation - it was to try and salvage the Xbox One. The fact that it was game preservation was just the coincidental PR cherry on top. That's why they completely stopped talking about 'how much they care about preserving games' after ditching the program when Game Pass succeeded.
Let's be real - Ubisoft Plus is both the reason this game exists and why it's a full priced live service game. They needed something to potentially keep subs instead of people paying just to turbo through the newest AC or Far Cry game.
@InterceptorAlpha Still surprised they didn't do what EA did for EA Play on Xbox and include Backwards Compatible titles. It wouldn't sell much better, but it's still weird.
Well regardless of what titles do or don't get ported, I still think I'm gonna get a PS5 and move to that. I got to thinking about it and the way I use my Series X personally is more or less just for the backwards compatible stuff... when I still have a perfectly functional 360, with tons of games that didn't and will never be brought over. Game Pass is neat but I'd rather just buy games to own rather then rent them forever, and for every exclusive Halo or Gears, there's 20 other games that interest me that exclusively skip Xbox and only Xbox. It's still a good console but, I just don't think it's the best console for me anymore.
Now, maybe it's just me... but 'Updates On The Xbox Business' sounds a liiittle more serious than just announcing Sea of Thieves & Hi-Fi Rush going Multiplat.
@Banjo- Well considering I explained why in the same short Comment and you don't understand, there's clearly no point to continue conversating with you. Have a nice day.
@Banjo- "the Nintendo hardware since Wii has been designed to play Nintendo's games with motion controls". This right here invalidates any point you attempted to make, because it's factually wrong. The Wii is literally the only Nintendo console you can't use a normal controller with the majority of games. With the Wii U most games didn't need the Wii U pad, and for Switch very few games use the Joycons in weird ways. People wouldn't buy Pro Controllers if they couldn't be used with the majority of their games.
Yeah, them not making consoles wasn't most peoples' concern - it's that Xbox-exclusives becoming just timed-exclusives would make owning an Xbox irrelevant, and long term potentially end it. You think people would buy Nintendo's weak hardware if they announced all their exclusives will come to everything else after 6-12 months? No, most people are gonna wait a year, and pay for the versions with all the DLC, bug patches, & other stuff they added post-launch.
Yeah, I'm sure Insider Gaming's owner has a direct line with all the higher ups at Microsoft real time. They just happen to be scrambling about to get a statement together when more damning leaks dropped, when they could've very easily just denied or ignored such baseless rumors day-of like they've done in the past, including when they were true like the 360 store closing.
Does no one at Microsoft know that if you say nothing, people just have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst? And they've said yes or no to other big changes in the past, so the fact they need time to announce this is means it's a big BIG change, so of course it's going to make people assume the worst, especially from what it's based on.
I'd like to see more of the niche stuff in addition to the Halos, Gears, & Fables. Remakes of Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey would fit in amazingly on a console known for RPGs (and maybe the scrapped sequel to Blue Dragon if it does well enough), and collections of XBLA-exclusives like the Twisted Pixel games would be really cool too.
Having Fallout on the Poll was weird though. Right now 3 & NV are only on Xbox from BC, but we know from the leaks Bethesda wants to Remaster Oblivion and Fallout 3, and since New Vegas is on the same everything as 3 it only make sense NV gets one too. And Fallout 4 is already on PS so.
You don't need a week of prep time unless there's deep truth to the rumors. Guess I'll starting buying stuff I would've bought on Xbox on PS & Switch after I finish the finite Backwards catalog.
Consoles ride or die depending on exclusivity despite what people wanna believe. If most or even half Xbox-exclusives come to a PS or Nintendo console after a year or so, why would I buy an Xbox? Why would I not buy any other Platform when Xbox offers the least games, both because the exclusives are timed and less game devs bother with them than anyone else? For Game Pass, which is an occasional new release and a bunch of cheap Indies and old as dirt games, that also is better and cheaper for PC?
Just gonna skip this because I hate games that put you on a timer, especially RPGs where I wanna grind a lot. Can't and never will get into Persona because of it.
This might be the first Sonic game I buy for full price in a hot minute. Generations itself is an amazing game, but despite the concept and being a bit wonkier than the Adventure games, Shadow the Hedgehog had some great Stages and Boss Fights that I'm glad will get some attention in addition to more from the other games already featured.
@Scummbuddy @Beetlebum91 It's always weird to me when companies lose a license deal, buy it back, but don't relist everything to get the most out of it. Like how Lego The Hobbit & Lego LotR were delisted, they got the license back, and only The Hobbit was relisted on console while LotR was only relisted on Steam.
Only things I'm missing from this list are Brütal Legend and Costume Quest, which I would've bought but for some reason they're not at the usual or lowest sale price so, guess it'll stay that way for now.
I prefer digital when I can, but there's a ton of delisted 360 stuff I plan to get physical. A lot of licensed stuff like LOTR War in the North, and a lot and I mean A LOT of very specific Kinect games.
My first Series Controller started drifting after less than a year, even faster than any of my Joycons. So I guess it'd depend on if it was bad luck or bad design.
They don't have much of a leg to stand on with the whole AI argument being debunked. It originates with someone reacting to a Buzzfeed article, of all things. That and Steam requires devs to list whether or not devs use AI for game development. Capcom U.S.A. Inc. v. Data East Corp. proved you need more than similarities for a case, and Fighter's History was way closer to SF2 than Palworld is to Pokemon. They'll likely lose, and those court fees could've gone to TPC actually making a better product.
Between Microsoft, Sony, & other companies cracking down on 'toxic players', and more importantly what toxic can be described as being as broad and vague as it is, I don't really feel the need to use a mic or buy a new one should mine fail. I've gotten warnings for complaining about AFK players on my team - why even plug the mic in at that point, let alone buy one?
Why would I want a spacesuit? The devs said physically landing on the Moon IRL would be boring, which is why they made space boring in Starfield. Waste of time and resources.
Comments 995
Re: Microsoft Adds Amazing 'Just For You' Deals To This Week's Xbox Sales
And I notice that once again they're all EA games... how does the company who's just an add-on to the main's service understand how it should work better?
Re: Microsoft Adds Amazing 'Just For You' Deals To This Week's Xbox Sales
Think I'll pick up Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY Edition for 6 bucks.
Re: Xbox Reiterates It's Bringing Activision Blizzard's 'Full Portfolio' To Game Pass
Don't care since the only Activision Blizzard games I care about are licensed games they don't have access to without spending more money.
Re: Xbox Insists It's Not Ditching Physical Games: 'That's Not A Strategic Thing For Us'
@shirguis Sounds like two problems feeding each other - Xbox isn't as popular, so it gets less physical games, which makes it even less popular, which means it gets even less physical games - etc.
Re: Xbox Insists It's Not Ditching Physical Games: 'That's Not A Strategic Thing For Us'
Doesn't really matter if they plan on it or not, it depends on how many Third-Parties deem it worth doing when sales are higher digitally as the years come. If most devs eventually deem physical Xbox games a waste of resources, Microsoft isn't gonna keep making a disc drive just for their games and the handful of stragglers.
Re: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 20-27)
@P3nguinprisM Oh sorry, should've made that clearer. It's identical to Deals with Gold, just the name changed to fit Gold becoming Core, and being made know you just need any GP Sub for the deals. My bad.
Re: Two Games Are Leaving Xbox Game Pass In Late February 2024
Heard quite a few times Soul Hackers 2 was underwhelming from the people who played the first game's remaster(?) on 3DS. The combat is solid as expected, but been told everything else is meh. Not bad, just meh. But yeah - better RPGs both on Game Pass and off it for just as cheap.
Re: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 20-27)
@P3nguinprisM If you do the Rewards Points stuff you can get Core or Ultimate every month for free. Alternative depending on how many games under Game Pass Deals you need, a year of Core might save you more or at least even out how much you spent-saved.
Re: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 20-27)
@P3nguinprisM The Deals with Game Pass is just what the Gold Deals were renamed to - same games and rotation, just a different name.
Re: Two Games Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (February 20)
Tales of Arise seems like it nosedives around halfway through both story and gameplay-wise. Saw someone streaming the later bits of it and every enemy was stupidly tanky and gave trash EXP, with Visual Novel levels of dialogue every other room. I wouldn't go as far to say don't try it, but just keep that in mind before you start since RPGs usually have a massive time commitment.
Re: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 20-27)
Saints Row 1 & 2 for $1.49 each is great, would recommend both. I'm holding on the CoD games hoping Microsoft will make them go on sale a liiittle more, even if it's just a few bucks each.
Re: 10 Xbox Games Are Shutting Down Their Servers In March 2024
Love the Comments about games as a service by people who clearly just read the article name and not even the games losing their servers. Every time there's an article like this. Yes, my favorite live service game Dark Souls 2 on the 360.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Be Interested In A New 'Multi-Subscription' Tier On Xbox?
The problem with Ubisoft Plus, aside from that long term it's just cheaper buying the games on sale, is that the past 10 years they've almost exclusively focused on Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, & Just Dance. So they don't really have the catalog of old games to take up space regardless of new ones coming out, and they can't possibly output enough games to get people to use it for anything more than an occasional rental of something new.
Re: 10 Free-To-Play Games To Look Forward To On Xbox In 2024
MultiVersus also (allegedly) coming back early this year.
Re: Poll: When Do You Think Xbox Will Release Its Next-Generation Console?
Does it matter when devs can't even take advantage of the current hardware, ever? Whatever we're told by Sony & Microsoft will be the 'standard' for X Gen, it's a lie, and it becomes the standard of Y Gen, and Y Gen's promised standards become that of X Gen's, etc.
Re: Xbox Talks Game Preservation, Says Players Should Be 'Confident' Building Digital Libraries
@CaptainCluck I could understand if they were working to get as many of the games left behind as possible on Series, but they're not, and have no intention to. The fact that people eat up the 'Xbox cares so much about game preservation' PR ignoring stuff like this and Microsoft delisting their own games is crazy.
Re: Talking Point: Are There Any OG Xbox Remasters You're Dying To See On Series X|S?
@FarmDog08 Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon both would be awesome. If they do want a few more Xbox games on other consoles, I think those would fit in easily with the other ecosystems.
Re: Here's What's Included In The Xbox February 2024 Update
I had to factory reset my Series X today because the home menu wouldn't load. I'll assume that was, somehow, a pre-existing issue and not related to this.
Re: Deals: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 13-20)
@Kaloudz No, but those people don't buy games, which is why it's so crazy devs bend a knee to them. If anything it'd be a great time to bring Duke back because there'd be so much satire and commentary to be made.
Re: First Two Xbox Exclusives Coming To 'Rival Consoles' Reportedly Revealed
@TheLastHarbinger It's really not though. Oblivion's not some obscure title or limited edition thing - it's a game that was printed more than modern Xbox games, three separate times, making them dirt cheap and always in circulation. And yeah, you don't need a 'dinosaur ecosystem' to play a handful of games. You need it to plays thousands more that aren't on Series or XBO and never will be.
"Microsoft hasn't delisted anything for many years". Wrong. They delisted all the 360 Halo games to make you buy the MCC and the Remasters for ones like Halo Wars and Spartan Assault, and delisted the DOOM games which had features not in the Remasters and won't be added to them. Recently. They also refuse to relist The Cave or Iron Brigade despite owning them, because they want you to rent them for eternity via Game Pass. Until GP doesn't exist, I guess. Then they're gone. That's not even getting into them shutting down the 360 store, which is still the only way to get some BC titles and a ton of DLCs.
'Such a massive characteristic'? It's discontinued. They're not adding any more and they're not doing anything to preserve the catalog they have with games getting delisted every other week. That 'massive characteristic' will be nonexistent for most before the end of the Series' life cycle - and there's a lot of games that are a lot harder to find than Oblivion or don't have a physical release at all.
Re: First Two Xbox Exclusives Coming To 'Rival Consoles' Reportedly Revealed
@TheLastHarbinger Yeah Oblivion's not the best choice for an example considering it had multiple cheap physical releases, Xbox 360s and PS3s are still widely available and affordable, and per the Bethesda leaks via the FTC case it's getting a Remaster soon, and I would almost guarantee Microsoft will delist the 360 original after that releases.
If anything it proves the opposite to some degree - if Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, & Fallout NV can be BC, why not Skyrim too? Oh... because they made a port of it and wanted you to buy that instead. And you can't argue 'they're the same game' because they're not - you can't experience Anniversary w/o the DLCs to see what vanilla is like, and there's more glitches & bugs than the original with none of the old ones being fixed. And the BC Program was after Bethesda was bought, so its not like they could say no.
BC is cool, but it wasn't for game preservation - it was to try and salvage the Xbox One. The fact that it was game preservation was just the coincidental PR cherry on top. That's why they completely stopped talking about 'how much they care about preserving games' after ditching the program when Game Pass succeeded.
Re: Deals: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 13-20)
@Kaloudz It's weird because I've heard the DLC for DNF is actually really good, but it never goes on sale sadly.
Re: Deals: All 30+ Backwards Compatible Games In This Week's Xbox Sales (February 13-20)
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect is 110% worth it for 2 bucks.
Re: First Two Xbox Exclusives Coming To 'Rival Consoles' Reportedly Revealed
@TheLastHarbinger If you cared that much about games preservation Xbox was just as bad a choice as any.
Re: Skull & Bones Is Playable Early Thanks To Ubisoft Plus On Xbox
Let's be real - Ubisoft Plus is both the reason this game exists and why it's a full priced live service game. They needed something to potentially keep subs instead of people paying just to turbo through the newest AC or Far Cry game.
Re: Skull & Bones Is Playable Early Thanks To Ubisoft Plus On Xbox
@InterceptorAlpha Still surprised they didn't do what EA did for EA Play on Xbox and include Backwards Compatible titles. It wouldn't sell much better, but it's still weird.
Re: First Two Xbox Exclusives Coming To 'Rival Consoles' Reportedly Revealed
Well regardless of what titles do or don't get ported, I still think I'm gonna get a PS5 and move to that. I got to thinking about it and the way I use my Series X personally is more or less just for the backwards compatible stuff... when I still have a perfectly functional 360, with tons of games that didn't and will never be brought over. Game Pass is neat but I'd rather just buy games to own rather then rent them forever, and for every exclusive Halo or Gears, there's 20 other games that interest me that exclusively skip Xbox and only Xbox. It's still a good console but, I just don't think it's the best console for me anymore.
Re: Microsoft Announces Official Date & Time For 'Updates On The Xbox Business'
Now, maybe it's just me... but 'Updates On The Xbox Business' sounds a liiittle more serious than just announcing Sea of Thieves & Hi-Fi Rush going Multiplat.
Re: Xbox Reportedly Has 'No Plans' To Stop Making Consoles
@Banjo- Well considering I explained why in the same short Comment and you don't understand, there's clearly no point to continue conversating with you. Have a nice day.
Re: Xbox Reportedly Has 'No Plans' To Stop Making Consoles
@Banjo- "the Nintendo hardware since Wii has been designed to play Nintendo's games with motion controls". This right here invalidates any point you attempted to make, because it's factually wrong. The Wii is literally the only Nintendo console you can't use a normal controller with the majority of games. With the Wii U most games didn't need the Wii U pad, and for Switch very few games use the Joycons in weird ways. People wouldn't buy Pro Controllers if they couldn't be used with the majority of their games.
Re: Xbox Reportedly Has 'No Plans' To Stop Making Consoles
Yeah, them not making consoles wasn't most peoples' concern - it's that Xbox-exclusives becoming just timed-exclusives would make owning an Xbox irrelevant, and long term potentially end it. You think people would buy Nintendo's weak hardware if they announced all their exclusives will come to everything else after 6-12 months? No, most people are gonna wait a year, and pay for the versions with all the DLC, bug patches, & other stuff they added post-launch.
Re: Talking Point: What Did You Think Of The Xbox Kinect?
@pepsilover2008 I'd love for the Switch successor to get a sensor bar so we can get more Railshooters and motion control games.
Re: Talking Point: What Did You Think Of The Xbox Kinect?
The biggest problems with the Kinect were how much space it needed and how easily it uncalibrated. But when it worked, it was fun.
Re: Xbox Supposedly 'Very Surprised' At The Extent Of The Latest Rumours
Yeah, I'm sure Insider Gaming's owner has a direct line with all the higher ups at Microsoft real time. They just happen to be scrambling about to get a statement together when more damning leaks dropped, when they could've very easily just denied or ignored such baseless rumors day-of like they've done in the past, including when they were true like the 360 store closing.
Re: Xbox Supposedly 'Very Surprised' At The Extent Of The Latest Rumours
Does no one at Microsoft know that if you say nothing, people just have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst? And they've said yes or no to other big changes in the past, so the fact they need time to announce this is means it's a big BIG change, so of course it's going to make people assume the worst, especially from what it's based on.
Re: PS5 Survey Lists Top 10 'Most Wanted' Xbox Franchises On PlayStation
I'd like to see more of the niche stuff in addition to the Halos, Gears, & Fables. Remakes of Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey would fit in amazingly on a console known for RPGs (and maybe the scrapped sequel to Blue Dragon if it does well enough), and collections of XBLA-exclusives like the Twisted Pixel games would be really cool too.
Having Fallout on the Poll was weird though. Right now 3 & NV are only on Xbox from BC, but we know from the leaks Bethesda wants to Remaster Oblivion and Fallout 3, and since New Vegas is on the same everything as 3 it only make sense NV gets one too. And Fallout 4 is already on PS so.
Re: Phil Spencer Addresses Xbox Speculation Ahead Of 'Business Update Event'
You don't need a week of prep time unless there's deep truth to the rumors. Guess I'll starting buying stuff I would've bought on Xbox on PS & Switch after I finish the finite Backwards catalog.
Re: Reaction: We're Conflicted About Xbox Exclusives Potentially Going To PS5
Consoles ride or die depending on exclusivity despite what people wanna believe. If most or even half Xbox-exclusives come to a PS or Nintendo console after a year or so, why would I buy an Xbox? Why would I not buy any other Platform when Xbox offers the least games, both because the exclusives are timed and less game devs bother with them than anyone else? For Game Pass, which is an occasional new release and a bunch of cheap Indies and old as dirt games, that also is better and cheaper for PC?
Re: Talking Point: How Important Is EA Play To You On Xbox Game Pass?
Not a factor for me since EA usually has good sales.
Re: Xbox Adds Another Seven New Dynamic Backgrounds For Series X|S
Still sticking with the Fallout one.
Re: Review: Persona 3 Reload - A Fantastic Remake Of The RPG Classic Vorpal Blades Its Way Onto Xbox Game Pass
Just gonna skip this because I hate games that put you on a timer, especially RPGs where I wanna grind a lot. Can't and never will get into Persona because of it.
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Brings Its 'All-New Collection' To Xbox In Autumn 2024
This might be the first Sonic game I buy for full price in a hot minute. Generations itself is an amazing game, but despite the concept and being a bit wonkier than the Adventure games, Shadow the Hedgehog had some great Stages and Boss Fights that I'm glad will get some attention in addition to more from the other games already featured.
Re: Spec Ops: The Line Has Been Removed From Xbox's Storefront
@Scummbuddy @Beetlebum91 It's always weird to me when companies lose a license deal, buy it back, but don't relist everything to get the most out of it. Like how Lego The Hobbit & Lego LotR were delisted, they got the license back, and only The Hobbit was relisted on console while LotR was only relisted on Steam.
Re: Deals: All 50+ Backwards Compatible Games In Xbox's Lunar New Year Sale 2024
Only things I'm missing from this list are Brütal Legend and Costume Quest, which I would've bought but for some reason they're not at the usual or lowest sale price so, guess it'll stay that way for now.
Re: Poll: How Many Physical Xbox Games Do You Have In Your Collection?
I prefer digital when I can, but there's a ton of delisted 360 stuff I plan to get physical. A lot of licensed stuff like LOTR War in the North, and a lot and I mean A LOT of very specific Kinect games.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy A 'Revised' Xbox Series X|S Controller In 2024?
My first Series Controller started drifting after less than a year, even faster than any of my Joycons. So I guess it'd depend on if it was bad luck or bad design.
Re: Palworld Under 'Investigation' As Pokémon Company Issues Statement
They don't have much of a leg to stand on with the whole AI argument being debunked. It originates with someone reacting to a Buzzfeed article, of all things. That and Steam requires devs to list whether or not devs use AI for game development. Capcom U.S.A. Inc. v. Data East Corp. proved you need more than similarities for a case, and Fighter's History was way closer to SF2 than Palworld is to Pokemon. They'll likely lose, and those court fees could've gone to TPC actually making a better product.
Re: Call Of Duty: MW3's Online Multiplayer Is Now Apparently 50% Less Toxic
Between Microsoft, Sony, & other companies cracking down on 'toxic players', and more importantly what toxic can be described as being as broad and vague as it is, I don't really feel the need to use a mic or buy a new one should mine fail. I've gotten warnings for complaining about AFK players on my team - why even plug the mic in at that point, let alone buy one?
Re: Random: Starfield Invites You To Become An Actual Explorer With Custom, Real-Life Spacesuits
Why would I want a spacesuit? The devs said physically landing on the Moon IRL would be boring, which is why they made space boring in Starfield. Waste of time and resources.
Re: This Week's Xbox BC Sales Include Multiple Rockstar Games Classics
Gonna pick up the remaining THQ games since the last sale was when my intestine ruptured in the middle of the night and I lost a week.