Comments 162

Re: Poll: Did You Buy An Xbox In 2020?


Xbox One X in june, robot white, love the thing. Game Pass loaded up until the middle of 2022. My games backlog on this thing just keeps growing.
May get a Series X end of next year. Don't think I'll bother getting a PS5 for a long time, happy with the PS4.

Re: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays From The Pure Xbox Team


I'm extremely late to say merry christmas to you at team Purexbox (I'm blaming that on many night shifts) so I'll say happy holidays and all the best for the New Year to you lot! Honestly your return this year was such a welcome one for me and many others and I love the community that has since taken root. You came back as Xbox finally started to get its mojo back, perhaps it was an omen all along! I wish the team here all the continued success you deserve.

Re: Poll: Which Xbox Series X Launch Game Is Your Favourite So Far?


I'm very much an Xbox fan, and want to see the new Xbox consoles sell bucket loads, but got to admit It's that launch line up that made me say 'eh, I can wait'. I do think the Series X is a fantastic machine and will defo get one in a year or so (if 2021 isn't a complete disaster). But for now my One X + game backlog + gamepass is plenty!

Also give me more detail's on the new Fable dammit.

Re: Marvel's Avengers Has Failed To Recoup Its Development Costs So Far



Respect to you my friend, as gamers we should never support such actions. By all means, have true exclusives if 1st party has invested time, effort and money into them, I've never seen anything wrong with that. But for a third party game to have a chunk of content permanently withheld from other platforms yet all platforms expected to pay the same? for shame.

I'm also now going to presume any new live service game that utters the phrase '10 year plan' has just jinxed itself to failure.

Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite Mass Effect Game?


Mass Effect 1, no question for me, although I admit it's game mechanics are quite dated in places now. Not very often a new game hits me with such atmosphere and storytelling that I'm sucked into its world so deep. That ability to go anywhere in my ship and land on alien worlds and explore on foot if I wanted to, all the strange lore for certain planets in the codex, being made a spectre, the reveal of the 'reaper', the showdown with wrex and so many other awesome character moments and interactions.

I for one always get Anderson to punch Udina.

I loved ME2 almost as much, it's even better on the character interactions and world building, but just felt it lost too much of its rpg mechanics and the overall story vs collectors was not as good as hunting down and stopping saren and sovereign. That said, the suicide mission may be one of, if not the greatest mission and gaming moments ever. (imho)

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Oct 31st)


Some Civ6 on my One X, currently in a medieval dark age ready to hit a heroic era in about 40 turns and earn myself a new achievement.

@KelticDevil I agree with you, Andromeda had many moments I actually enjoyed and gameplay is great (I also played it after they fixed the wonky animations, so never really experienced those). Yes, overall there is much to be desired with big parts of the story and dialogue and I believe this was the cardinal sin - it just wasn't up to the trilogy's standard. Perhaps a really good dlc expansion might have helped improve upon that? But alas, EA.

tldr: Andromeda is not a 0 out of 10, more 7ish imho.

Re: Talking Point: What Is The Worst Xbox Game You've Ever Played?


Rocket Knight (2010). As one of the 10 people on the planet that ever gave a stuff about more sparkster games, this was just a nasty let down. No heart or soul, no awesome music of old (save one redone track), lazy level design, stupid character redesigns ugh! Then again it was made by the Konami that was soon to abandon most game development as opposed to the 90's Konami that loved making hit games, so in hindsight it explains a lot.

Re: Poll: How Important Are Achievements To You In Xbox Games?


If I really love a game and feel it's given me a great experience then I try to reward it by collection all achievements. Other games I'm happy to scoop up what I can but won't bust a gut for 100% (unless it's stupidly easy ones). Either way its just nice to see the gamerscore rise over the years with whatever achievements I manage to pick up.

Re: Phil Spencer Praises PS5 Design, Talks 'Quietness' Of The Xbox Series X


Strange some people had loud xbox 360's, I mean I do believe you but guess I was lucky with my 360 Slim, it was almost whisper quiet whenever I played it. then again I installed every game to hard drive so that may have factored in.
When I jumped to PS4 pro, that was a real shock! Played the Nier: Automata demo and it sounded like it was ready to take off from a runway, then the boss fight began and that engine noise changed to 'in flight and on its way'. I actually worried the system was over heating and quit the game and shut the system down. Never owned such a loud console before. This thing was just out the box! That said I've had some good times with it, but gosh that fan noise on some games can be a bit much at times.

PS5 certainly needs to do better on that front.

Re: Rumour: The Xbox Series S Reveal Might Have Been Moved To September


@NEStalgia I agree totally with you. With no big tent pole title, bad blood over Infinite's graphics and delay, two over hyped showcases that gave no real game play examples but plenty of cgi trailers while also failing to give rough dates for release, yeah Xbox really needs to up its game for launch.
They have the financial power to do stupidly low prices for the X/S (considering the tech in them), and right now I'd say that is their best weapon. Maybe also use that all that cash they have to secure a big new 3rd party release for gamepass in time for Christmas. If they really want many more people on the pass (ie converts from other systems or non gamepass xbox gamers), gotta lure them in with a real attention grabber of a game that's coming out -NOW- not 2022 or whatever.

If the X/S flop badly due to poor pricing and recent blunders vs PS5 then I think it is clear they will be microsoft's last xbox machines. Xbox will turn purely into a game service for other systems. Sadly part of me believes microsoft would be fine with that,

Re: Marvel's Avengers Dev Responds To Xbox Players Amid Spider-Man Controversy


'Oh please Xbox and PC gamers, please buy our big new game with less content for the same price as the Playstation version. You don't really need access to one of the worlds most popular marvel superheros in a Marvel Universe game anyway, (along with other goodies). No, please just be grateful for what we do give you... OR BUY A PS4 !' - Love C.dymamics

Just awful PR. Sometimes silence can be golden.

Re: Project xCloud Will Officially Support The PlayStation 4 Controller


@KelticDevil sadly I think they should now change their slogan from 'For the Players' to 'For the Sony Ponies'. I say that as a Playstation fan since 1998, and one who also enjoys Xbox. it's clear they are appealing only to their cultists now, not true gamers. What ever way you swing it thanks to sony, PC and Xbox get a slightly diminished lesser version of a third party marvel universe game for the exact same price. Just envision you only getting to see an edited Avengers film with all tom holland parts removed because you don't use the right streaming service.

Re: Platinum Tells Fans To Send Phil Spencer A Letter If They Want To See Microsoft's Scalebound IP Revived


As far as I'm concerned Scalebound should be left as a forgotten cancelled relic from the worst days of the Xbox One era, one bad press story after another came from it. Series X and the Xbox brand needs to look forward and on to better experiences. In case platinum didn't notice Xbox will not be starving for first party stuff going forward and Xbox Games Studios now have far more talented developers under their wing. Studios that I'm sure also won't be abusing funds.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Thoughts On Xbox Game Pass After July's Show?


Game Pass is becoming a stupidly good deal, and while I still enjoying picking up physical copies, I think going forward I'll reserve that only for the games most special to me. Hell, if the new Fable has a nice collectors edition I'm there already!

Game Pass also allows a shot at all sorts of stuff I would have never paid for (only to discover I enjoy). A real gaming paradise will be on the way once all those reveal games start hitting day one on the Pass.

So yes Fraser, you could say I am Enthused.

Re: Rumour Says Fable Is An MMO, But It's Reportedly Not True


@BlueOcean the Series X era is going to be such welcome change from the ONE's, plenty of first party stuff, and I believe the plan is to ensure a first party release no longer than every 4-5 months, if what I read in an article is true. Game Pass will be busy.

Also, I would have had a hissy fit if this MMO rumor had been true. So thank goodness it's not!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 25th)


Well thanks for asking Pure Xbox! I will be playing Halo REACH tonight, I have finally obtained the perfect look for my Noble 6, and shall undertake the defence of the planet in bright tangerine.

Tomorrow I'm hopping on my jet engine to play Wildlands with a mate in co-op. I hear Narco Road is crap but hey we want the 100% completion after getting the platinum trophy. Will be having my One X install Mass Effect 3 while that's going on. (BC is awesome).

Re: Gears Tactics Officially Arrives On Xbox Series X This Holiday


Hope they find a way to get Age of Empires going on Series X / ONE, they have to know how how many people would flood them with love for that one.
Also Grot, I think this is one of those things they were holding back for the August event but after seeing some of the grumbles from fans are trying to do some reassurance that other games are still coming.

That said, I'm glad to hear this, really wanted this game to scratch that tactical itch.

Re: Poll: Has July's Xbox Showcase Changed Your Mind On Xbox Series X?


Certainly I see no need - at present - to get a PS5 or XSX day one. My One X (barely 2 months old) will continue to get stuff on gamepass for then next year or so, and while I'd like to give Spiderman miles morales a spin, I'm not paying for a new console for just one (glorified dlc) game. Will make that jump when the proper next gen stuff starts to build up / be released. That said I'll be getting Series X first when I do.

Re: Roundup: Here's Everything That Was Revealed During July's Xbox Games Showcase


@graysoncharles given the supposed power of the new machines I think they are both capable of much more than either side has shown. I agree with your other points, MS finally killing the 'XBOX HAS NO GAMES' thing dead for sure. It's also the nice thing about Game Pass - I many not have gone crazy over every game shown yesterday as I'm not sure about certain aspects of them, but with game pass I'll be able to try them all out without putting down £40-50 for each title, and may just end up enjoying a few titles I never expected to.

Re: It's Official, A New Fable Is Coming To Xbox Series X


@BlueOcean agreed, and how long have people waited for FF7 remake or Cyberpunk for example? I'm more than happy to see time given to polish and perfect games. By the time PS5 and XSX hit with some launch stuff it will be weeks away from 2021, 2022 won't seem as far off. That's the way I'm looking at it anyway.

Re: It's Official, A New Fable Is Coming To Xbox Series X


@GunValkyrie indeed, the moment she met her demise via a big fat frog with a posh English narrator going on about not all endings being happy, I knew playground wasn't going grim dark and keeping fables humor and soul a bit daft. Overall delighted by that reveal! My first ever xbox 360 game was Fable 2, and it gave me escapism and laughs during a very depressing part of my life, it means a lot to see it come back

Re: Xbox Content & Services Revenue Up 65% In Microsoft Q4 Results


@BlueOcean Hah, you have fine taste my friend, Sonic 3 + Knuckles is perhaps the finest moment of the megadrives existance (imho) and Sonic & Knuckles is the best birthday present I ever got as a kid, well maybe that and Pirate Lego! But likewise when SNES came out with Starfox and Donkey Kong Country oh how I wanted one. Maybe I'll pick up a SNES mini one day and fulfill that dream

Re: Xbox Content & Services Revenue Up 65% In Microsoft Q4 Results


@BlueOcean I don't read aggro in your comment, just frustration, and I don't blame you. It would really be nice if all fans could wish each other well and just simply enjoy gaming on their platform of choice (or try more than one like some of us do!). Hardcore Fanbois (and girls) always bring gaming down a few pegs from what it could be.

Makes me wonder what Sega vs Nintendo wars would have looked like in the 90's if the internet had been around. I mean debates at school could get pretty spicy... (MEGADRIVE FTW!)

Re: Xbox Content & Services Revenue Up 65% In Microsoft Q4 Results


@Dezzy70 indeed mate, I actually got my Robot White Xbox One X for just £240 at the start of June, could not believe the price. Just as well I did given the discontinue. So glad to be back with Xbox - the One X is a fantastic machine and glad to see the brand thrive considering all the pro consumer moves its made in the last few years.

Re: Poll: What Are Your Plans For Tomorrow's Xbox Games Showcase?


@TimG13 Same here, actually started an 8 day holiday from work today, so woo, go us!

This will also be the first time I've watched a live Xbox Event as it happens since the 2013 xbox one reveal. Ugh what a dark day that was. Hope this one smashes it! In Phil we trust? Bring on the Event!