Comments 162

Re: Kylian Mbappe Revealed As FIFA 21 Cover Star


At least stick the Optimised Rupee in a corner if you must insist on it microsoft! Looks so weird floating around just off the center of these box arts. Cover's also a bit of a riot with or without. Maybe this is a ploy to make everyone go digital for Fifa - have the physical copy be an eyesore.

Re: Talking Point: Which Free Demos Are You Enjoying This Week On Xbox?


My experience so far:

9 Monkeys of Shaolin (not my thing)
Telsa Force (fun at first, but didn't hold my attention long)
Cris Tales (surprised by how much I liked it)
Sail Forth (It's arlight)
Destroy All Humans (looking wonderful, feels like old school gameplay, for better or worse)

Intend to try:

Darkestville Castle and Haven.

Must say Cris Tales was a real surprise for me - first scene I saw the little girl and talking frog and thought 'this ain't my cup of tea, chief'. Then it ended and I was annoyed because I wanted MORE! Beautiful art, music, fun time jump mechanic. So yeah. getting that one for sure thanks to trying the demo.

Wish more games had demos like this, I'd most likely end up trying a more diverse library of games and genres.

Re: Rumour: Free Xbox Live Multiplayer 'Close To Being A Sure Thing'


It's not Push Square that's putting me off sony (they certainly don't help), it is Sony themselves. Increasing censorship, a lacking PS Now, questioning journalists when they don't give their exclusives 10/10, some arrogant remarks from sony and 1st parties over the last few years especially towards backwards compatibility. Selling an overpriced DLC for Spiderman as a next gen exclusive.

And this brings me on topic - in comparison I feel Xbox, as many here do, have done much to repair their shattered '2013 Mattrick TVTVTV' image of late, and are being pro consumer in a way I still find hard to believe - because, you know... its micro$oft lol. But I appreciate it, and I appreciate that microsoft seems to listen to critical response with some maturity and I would hope they are listening now to concerns about what Free Multiplayer will mean for our old benefits on gold. Overall I would welcome free multiplayer, and I trust they won't screw it up with some bad pr pricing move in same announcement. I doubt they wish any repeat of ill feeling that surrounded the 360 > Xbox One transition. I feel if it happens it's going to be the jam.

I'm also really looking forward to the 23rd July Event. Hyped you might say.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 18th)


@WesEds You and me are in exactly the same boat then! I played Halo 3 back in 2009 without knowing much about the series and the story confused the snot out of me. I was one of those 'MASS EFFECT BEATS HALO!!!' fanboys. Then last year picked up Reach on 360 after hearing it was the 'first' in terms of story. Enjoyed the game enough to start binging on the lore on various sites, and now consider myself a 'late to the party' Halo fan. Even picked up a Xbox One X recently mainly for MCC (and whoever said xbox has no games lied to me). Anyway I'd say jump in when you're ready, it really is an awesome collection (after much fixing).