We all know that Xbox has a very strong Twitter game, and this latest effort has gone viral over the past 24 hours, showing someone passing a controller to a player who very clearly has a hand covered in cheese dust. Ew.
At the time of writing, the photo has amassed well over 25k likes, and we've seen all sorts of influencers, developers and other companies commenting on it, from Microsoft to the Fall Guys team. Here are some highlights:
Needless to say, the internet is definitely disgusted with the idea of passing the elegant Robot White Xbox Series S controller to someone with grubby fingers, and we'd hate to see what the 'after' photo looks like! *shudder*
What do you think of this? Are you as disgusted as we are? Tell us in the comments!
Comments 19
Just. No.
Wash yo’ $&@!% hands!
Nothing about that is ok
This is pretty much all you see if you search for a second hand controller on Facebook Marketplace.
There’s no way I would be passing my controller to anyone’s hand like that.
Spotless clean hands only.
People just don’t look after there gear nowadays 😂
Clean hands policy for controllers only, in fact not just for controllers! No excuse for being gross!
Clever tweet though, drove engagement.
This is a very weird Tweet from Xbox..
I miss Bobby's cheese curls crisps. Why did they stop them? Cheap and better than wotsits. I always lick my fingers clean then wash my hands before touching my controller after eating.
@JON22 Bobby’s are where it’s at, although I prefer their prawn cocktail spirals. Delicious and still available. Not much residue left on the fingers to wash off after eating also.
I buy two, in case one fails, but mainly so guests have their own. Like the other seats in my truck, "y'all keep as clean as y'all want. I don't sit there/use that controller."
Also, I'm weird, when it comes to cheetos I use chopsticks
I don't thing anyone would pass a controller to someone with those hands...
Unless she's hot
This is why I don't have kids. They're dirty and sticky and gross and if they were to touch my expensive things with their dirty and sticky and gross hands, they'd end up with one of my size 14's up the backside.
@VenomousAlbino Yeah dude... if that's your thoughts about children, please don't make one lol
@KAET trust me, I won't. Both my wife and I have too low a tolerance for bullsh*t to have kids 😂
@VenomousAlbino Maybe you should consider having a dog, or a cat?! I can say (write) that it was one of the best decisions I had ever made (with my partner).
@KAET oh, don't get me wrong, I'm sure having kids is highly rewarding and fulfilling for most people. I'm just not most people. I'll happily look after my many nieces and nephews and love them all to bits, but my patience and general mental well-being are too fragile to do it full time.
@VenomousAlbino I got you buddy. Don't worry. Actually, I would love to have nieces and/or nephews to love them as my own child. Too bad I don't have any... (yet, I hope...), but yeah...I got you!
Who cares what Alanah Pearce says about Xbox? She is employed by Sony Interactive Studios now so is hardly unbiased.
Personally I don’t get the ad, Chinese dust? Or is it an example to show you to wash your hands?
I'm shocked Cheetos hasn't already sponsored a branded controller in that lovely shade of orange.
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