Welcome to the weekend! This past week saw the release of a handful of new Xbox One games, two new additions to the Xbox Game Pass library, and a massive Xbox sale including discounts on over 300 games, bundles and add-ons. Here's what we're playing over the next couple of days:
Fraser Gilbert, News Editor
I've been keeping a keen eye on this week's Xbox Shocktober in Summer sale, and I might just bite on some purchases over the weekend. The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series is a collection I own in many forms but not in its definitive state, and I'm also interested in picking up Ghostbusters: The Video Game: Remastered.
The two most recent additions to Xbox Game Pass are both on my radar as well - I've never played Soul Calibur VI but I've enjoyed the series in the past, and while I've heard great things about Out of the Park Baseball 21, I've also never had a chance to try it until now. Looks like a busy weekend ahead! Have a good one, folks.
Liam Doolan, News Reporter
This weekend I'm diving back into Minecraft Dungeons to try out the first DLC pack. I really enjoyed what the base game included but was admittedly left wanting more - so this and new free content (featuring pandas) should be enough to satisfy my dungeon-crawling cravings.
SoulCailbur VI is another game I'll be spending some quality time with over the next few days (thanks, Xbox Game Pass). I was a big fan of the second game back in the day, but haven't played much of the series since then so I'm interested to see how it has evolved over the years. The fact Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher series appears as a guest fighter makes it even better. Happy gaming, everyone!
Which Xbox games will you be playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 14
I've bought the Namco Museum Archives and am enjoying giving those a good play, good emulation there from M2. I've also started God of War on PS4 (sorry for the blasphemy).
Finally got myself mentally ready to get stuck into Red Dead 2. Completed a couple of missions, still in the snow. Enjoying it so far but also very aware it’s likely to be a huge time sink if I’m going to fully commit
Minecraft: Story Mode (Windows 10) - Finally starting on Episode 3.
Fallout 3 (Games For Windows) - Still doing DLC missions.
Uno & Friends (Windows Phone) - Pretty much time filler for whenever.
I am still playing Forza Horizon 2.
Working my way through Assassins Creed Origins. Got both it and Odyssey in the recent sale. I probably won’t get Valhalla at launch but will eventually.
Also, Sea of Thieves is my summer adventure game. I’m always down to pick it up with friends on a weekend.
I'm giving Soul Calibur VI a go, and I'm also still working my way through Red Dead Redemption 2.
Playing alot of Animal Crossing lately that's about it for me. I might start Crash 3 on the N'sane trilogy soon before Crash 4 comes out..
Still playing Dead Space 3 right now!
Soulcalibur VI on Xbox One...
Not really playing anything right now. After playing the last of us part 2 everything else feels a bit off. Like going from a meal personally cooked and prepared by Gordon Ramsay to cafeteria food.
Still playing The Outer World 😁
I'm playing Resident Evil 2 remake. What a game, ladies and gentlemen!!!
I got all the Achievements for Darksiders Genisis on PC yesterday, loved it. And I today I got to try Mortal Shell, very disappointing.
Radiant Historia on 3ds.
Unfortunately nothing on the Xbox one X. Big lightning storm last night. Pretty sure lightning hit my radio antenna. Now my Xbox won't turn on. Very sad.
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