Comments 450

Re: Marvel's Midnight Suns Has Been Hit With A Big Delay


This was honestly going to be one of my early purchases for next year, but i'm cool with the delay. More polish always works out better in the end and I have plenty to keep me busy in the meantime.

I just really want this to be good, and have its own identity separate from the MCU.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Reportedly Run Better On Xbox Series S Than PS5


@uptownsoul Yeah, Ryse, Detroit and Quantum Break were not games I cared for nor do I think they’re worth 60 bucks. New God of War was though. Maybe I’m coming across as harsh, but we probably just disagree on what should be worth what price and why, so sorry if I was a bit intense in my previous comments.

I’m also not disparaging JRPGs at all, but I will say I think even ones made on a smaller budget are worth full MSRP price, same way I feel about Psychonauts 2.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Reportedly Run Better On Xbox Series S Than PS5


@uptownsoul keep in mind that while initially crowdfunded, it got a large budget boost under MS, making it a far better and more complete game than it would’ve been otherwise. Fair enough if you and I have a different stance on pricing though. I certainly don’t think AAA ‘cinematic experiences’ that clock 6-10 hours are worth 60-70 dollars but some people do.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Reportedly Run Better On Xbox Series S Than PS5


@UltimateOtaku91 Psychonauts 2 was initially crowd funded and made over 4 mill on it. Physical versions are reserved for backers in that regard, and the initial publisher was Starbreeze. The game had a version ready to ship that was definitely a stripped down ‘indie’ version of the original before Microsoft picked them up. Don’t know what cash injection they got from that but I do know all the cut content, including levels and all bosses got added back in while Double Fine also got access to clinical Psychologists for consulting on writing and some re-writes. The game isn’t a big AAA blowout but I wouldn’t call it indie at this point either. I’ve never minded paying full price for some AA games and yeah, I have a bias for Psychonauts, so I guess that’s part of it, but questioning $60 for what looks to be a unique follow up to a unique title makes more sense to me than the guy saying it doesn’t seem worth it compared to yet another standard Ratchet game, but prettier for a full $70.

Re: Talking Point: Are Next-Gen Upgrades Worth Getting An Xbox Series X|S For?


It and Gamepass already having won me over during the Xbone era were definitely factors that pushed me to get a Series X, as well as backwards compatibility. I know it isn’t a huge factor for everyone, but being able to just play versions of Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden Black and most of Rare’s catalog with a load time decrease and bump in resolution is just…nice.

Re: How To Claim 2500 Bonus Microsoft Points On Xbox In July


I never engaged with this program really until this year but this was after over a decade of just playing and buying games in the Xbox ecosystem and having an account that accrued points.

I got over 300 bucks of credit when I realized what I was able to do with this. Yeah, I engage with it and the quest system a bit now but still mostly passively, still a great program.